
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at Bilston, Staffordshire,
on Sunday, 18th July, 1948
"MY CHILDREN, with great happiness I come amongst you,
and I know that there are some here who are in need
of comfort, in need of explanation, for they find that
as the months go by the burden of life seems to rest
still more heavily upon them.
"And now you have had another kind of test, you
looked forward to the bright sunshine but so little
of it has been your own, and it has had a depressing
effect upon your spirits. But I remind you that even
though the clouds of the physical have shut off the
sunshine from you, the sun has been shining beyond
those clouds, and in this little illustration there
is something of a parable in regard to the darkness
and the worry and the sadness of the earth life.
"So let us get away from the subject of the sad
side and let us think of something which will bring
us a sense of cheer; and I have been instructed to
speak to you on that which is a question: WHERE IS
millions who have asked this question to receive no
logical reply; only some vague statement is made as
to a Celestial City, but where it is located is another
matter; and because it is all so vague, there are many
who have lost faith in the thought of that bright Home
which they have inherited.
"First of all, my children, let us think of what
is meant by the SPIRIT WORLD; and it cannot be confined
to one star or one planet or one condition. God is
SPIRIT, therefore because God is the Author of all
things good, and the Promoter of Life, there must be
something of Spirit and the Spirit World, in every
"You may ask: 'Where is it upon the earth plane?'
And I answer that you have illustrations of it in the
beauty of Nature, in the kindness of individuals, in
the love of little children. You have examples of the
Spirit World and Spirit Power perhaps in your own homes.
"When overcome by sorrow, when sickness has fallen
upon an individual, very often it brings out the best
in others. They forget for a time their own desires,
they are touched by the fact that one linked to them
is going through an ordeal, and in the measure that
unselfishness is shown, so also is the power of Spirit
demonstrated in that home.
"The trouble is that through the materialism built
up in the conditions over the centuries - just the
same as those physical clouds cut off the sunshine
you long to have - so the materialism on earth makes
it impossible for the majority to see the real life
in their own conditions; they are witnessing only a
travesty of Life. The real form of life, in many cases,
is absent because it is something that must be brought
into being by the will of men and women upon the earth
"If you go into a humble home and find there is
trouble on either side, I ask you to exercise spiritual
vision, which is not the same as clairvoyance; spiritual
vision is something which is born from character. As
you stand there, surrounded by trouble in many forms,
I ask you, by an act of faith, a positive act, to try
to visualise that poor home turned into a bower of
beauty. The bleakness is no more, the lack of material
things has been provided for by supplanting those things
of the Spirit which never fade, which never become
tawdry or shabby and which never pass away.
" - 'Yes,' - you may say unto me - 'that is all
very comforting, but we want to know more about the
Spirit World; that condition into which our dear ones
pass after the transition!' -
"It is a very natural question, but it is not
too easy to answer in the language of the earth plane;
and because there has been no effort made, because
so often the teachers are altogether too vague about
God's Home, many people have been conscious of an utter
sense of loss when the one so dear has passed through
the change called death.
"But, my children, I will attempt to describe
to you, as far as I am able in earthly language, the
Spirit World.
"Again I direct you to the sky. On a clear night
you see many stars and planets, but you see only as
it were the outer edge of that great constellation
set into being by God and given unto man as his inheritance.
"There are light and dark stars, as you name them,
and there are those planets which the scientists think
may be inhabited; but the point is this: the scientists
are thinking of life in physical terms, they are trying
to build up some idea of conditions in a planet where
it would be possible for physical life, life as demonstrated
upon the earth plane, to have its being. But that is
all nonsense.
"There are, as you have been told in the Holy
Book, bodies terrestrial and bodies celestial (I Cor. 15,40), and in those different worlds or conditions there
are different kinds of bodies and different 'climates,'
as you would name it, suitable for the carrying on
of the evolution of man.
"Here today you find yourselves encased in flesh,
but the flesh is suitable for this one state only.
The next body that you will don will be different.
I hope it will be a spiritual body; it will be if you
have tried to do your little best.
"But some, the wilful ones, they pass out of the
physical world and find themselves in a body that is
far denser, far more material than the physical. They
have done it themselves, they have built up that body
by their own evil thoughts and desires.
"I ask you to hold that thought in mind, and to
try to extend your consciousness in regard to the Spirit
World - that great wide area which surpasses any human
language even to indicate in miniature. Think of God,
the great Creator. You have the theory of man about
the 'worlds' being cast off from the sun, and you have
theories about the sun itself; but man in this stage
has a very limited intelligence. He is wise to exercise
it, and as he seeks to understand, so there should
come inspiration. But as you know, beloved, the majority
of the mentalists do not believe in inspiration; they
believe only in that which they can see and touch and
experiment with.
"So I ask you to dismiss the thought of the many
suns and moons and stars and planets being thrown off
from any other 'body,' whatever that 'body' might represent
in scientific terms, and to visualise something of
the far, far past - God, the Great Creator of all Life,
in illimitable space - 'space' only in man's terms
- in illimitable vast areas, throwing off as it were
tiny seeds, each seed being so small that it has much
to do to grow.
"You may ask: 'How can it grow?' And here I bring
in Divine Law, God's wonderful plan, where He shares
creation with those He has created. There are millions
and millions of souls, God's children, in many conditions
and worlds - you upon the earth plane representing
but a handful. You have been taught that man goes to
'his own place' when the body is laid aside. Therefore
man has built up by his own thoughts and efforts and
deeds that 'place' which is his own. Now carry on this
thought a little further, and you will find how it
is that those other worlds - which represent part of
the great Spirit World, the World of Spirit - how they
grow by the contributions made by God's own creation,
His children the sons and daughters of the Most High,
inheritors with God of Eternity and the Eternal Kingdom.
"So you see, dear children, you have to take into
consideration something which is far beyond your imagination
at this stage, yet you are partakers of it, you are
workers now upon a world set into being as a tiny seed
by God, to be brought into beauty and power through
the efforts of His countless children living in one
condition or another. It is perhaps too hard a thought
to be grasped as I am giving it out, but the opportunity
will come when I will give further explanation; but
I ask you, my children, never to separate one world
from the other, and certainly not to separate the earth
plane from the World of Spirit.
"All Life is God's. There have been many forms
of life marred by the will of man - travesties of life
which you see in those things which are dangerous or
repulsive; but as created by God, they were meant to
have full utility, full beauty, and full power; they
were part of the Great Plan for the bringing of man
out of ignorance into that wisdom, to which the Divinity
within him entitles him in time to come.
"Therefore, it is not wise to say: 'My dear ones
are in the Spirit World,' and to relegate yourselves
to this dark plane. When sleep holds the body, you
are in that part of the Spirit World to which you are
entitled by your thoughts and your desires. You are
with your dear ones who have given up the vehicle of
flesh; indeed they wait impatiently for the hour to
come when you shall join them, for you have much to
discuss together, many plans to make, many hopes to
exchange. So never again say 'My loved one has gone.'
There is no separation; the links of Life, held by
God, cannot be severed, not even by the disbelief and
the wickedness in the heart and mind of those who spurn
their Father.
"So again we come to what the Spirit World is
like, and you can see, my children, where your thoughts
have been led. In those countless conditions there
are wonderful forms of Spirit Life, and also upon the
earth plane, which cannot be seen except by the few,
and these are an indication of what the Spirit World
is like.
"You may be tired of work and the drudgery of
the day may still be before you. You are blind to the
fact that there are bright and glorious ones in your
own conditions seeking to cheer you, and not with words
alone - they bring the sweet flowers of the Spirit
and those celestial herbs which can restore some of
the vitality of the body. And there are many men and
women who have said, and will say: 'When I started
out I thought I should never get through the day, but,
somehow as the hours went on I became stronger and
at the end of the day I felt better than when I began
"What is the explanation of this? The answer is
plain, the unseen healers were in the conditions of
the one concerned. The sick, the old, the weary, the
broken-hearted and the disappointed, they are never
alone! Those in the body may grow impatient over their
murmurings, those in the body may not feel in sympathy
with them, but with the servants of the Most High things
are very different.
"So I say to you who suffer, to you who are struggling
against the ills of the flesh, remember the Spirit
World - that you are contacting with it moment by moment
during your physical consciousness. And when sleep
holds the body, then you can see and feel and contact
with that finer form of Life shut off from you - even
as the clouds shut off the light of the sun - shut
off from you by the materialism of this age.
"As we look back over the past we are saddened
because so few have sought, when they would have found,
so many have said that this, that and the other is
a Divine mystery, that we are not meant to probe, and
because they have no answers to give to anxious, yearning
men, the religion of the day in great measure has lost
its influence. Would to God that all your churches
were full, that men and women, beset by many cares,
could go into them and question the teachers and the
preachers and receive from them a reply that appealed
to their commonsense, and closed the wounds in their
hearts and minds.
"It is a terrible thing that those who work in
the Name of Christ have not more courage to put into
practice that which the Master has laid down that His
own followers should do - to heal the sick, to demonstrate
the gifts of the Spirit, to prove to man in the body
that the Spirit World is not some far-off region, cut
off from him until death severs the chains. The Spirit
World, it should have been explained over the centuries,
is around you here and now, and in the degree that
you seek to do your best, so that world of your own
is far more beautiful than earthly terms can express.
"And by your life of hardship, by the hoping to
be brave, by stemming the word of complaint, you are
contributing to those other worlds, to those tiny 'seeds';
and according to that to which man is acclimatised,
so he will be able to go; for like attracts like.
"Yes! The Heavens are not closed to the sinner;
but the sinner, knowing nothing of holiness, is terrified
when he contacts purity and holiness, and he flies
away in fear, seeking his own kind in the dark spheres.
You know that this is true with life to-day. Men and
women migrate to those with whom they feel most at
home. The worldly ones want the worldly ones; the spiritual
ones want those who understand something of life, who
love their Master and their Lord.
"Those with the missionary spirit are searching
for others with the missionary spirit; and are not
those sent back from the World of Spirit searching
among you upon the earth plane for men and women, boys
and girls, who have the missionary spirit, for those
who will repudiate the materialistic teaching of the
day, for those who regard Jesus as the Christ, the
Good Shepherd Who shall lead the flock out of the valley
on to the high hills of attainment? Aye, the Master
of all wisdom, as we approach Him in prayer and in
honest desire shall, through the Power of the Holy
Spirit, lead us eventually into all truth and set us
"My children, how I yearn over each and everyone,
how I yearn over those who have strayed and repudiated
religion because it did not satisfy their questioning
minds, how I long to go amongst such as these and argue
with the mind of the body, and to prove to them logically
and on the lines of commonsense, that they have lost
their way. For peace cannot be their own until they
come back into the Way laid down by Christ for man
to follow - the way of love, the way of health, the
way of sanity and the way of turning the earth plane
into a little paradise where men shall live as brothers,
where women shall greet each other as friends, and
the family spirit shall be manifested in very truth.
"Now I would come amongst you for I know that
there are many - and their auras are bright to behold
- there are many who have tried to do their best; they
have tried to leave upon the conditions strength and
sweetness and purity and unselfishness for the benefit
of others. And I say unto such as these: whatever your
environment, whatever your lot, you are blessed by
God, and you shall see in a short time to come when
the body is no more, that the World of Spirit was all
around you and that you were ministered to direct by
the angelic host.
"The time has come for the challenge to go out
to man! What is the challenge? To get back to the teaching
of the Christ, to push aside the tangled thought of
this same age, all the hypnotism exercised by materialism,
and to get back to truth, truth in the inward parts.
Thus man can be saved, and thus only can man be saved.
"So I plead with you to do your part to give out
the good news, to lift man's thoughts from the troubles
of this same time and induce him to focus his mind
on what is true - the World of Spirit; and try to learn
a little more about the World of Spirit because it
is his inheritance, because in God's good time he will
see that he has been a creator, for good or for ill,
in those countless worlds where 'Life' continues its
experiences until the children of God can learn their
lessons; and when they are not afraid of sacrifice,
of suffering, their emancipation shall take place.
"There are glorious conditions everywhere, conditions
surpassing human imagination, and they have been built
up by humble workers, by faithful men and women who
did not scorn to value religion, who turned to the
Holy Book for comfort and for guidance, who tried to
believe when the clouds of earthly life were almost
suffocating them, that God lived, God ruled and that
God's ways are best. They triumphed over trouble by
faith and love and simple trust.
"With joy I come amongst you, and indeed it is
my privilege, as I go up and down the countryside,
to bless the workers. There are countless unseen with
me and they are seeking to link those who are hesitating,
to the great Christ Army, for times are urgent and
unless man can take the way of service and of sacrifice,
can lay aside ambition and the desire for power further
trouble indeed must fall upon the earth plane, and
those who are innocent, once again will suffer equally
with those who are the culprits.
"So I bless the workers and I say to all who have
tried, that as their efforts so shall their strength
be! If you have made great strides in the past, tomorrow
you can climb still more quickly; and as you remember
your goal - the Master Christ, all He suffered for
us and His mighty understanding - I know that each
and everyone will try to do a little more to make this
world a better place to live in. Then when you pass
out and see the loveliness of your spiritual home,
how you will thank God, thank God that you were a contributor
and not a destroyer.
"In the Name of the radiant Christ I bless you
all with a higher courage, with a firmer determination
to work for Him. Peace and again peace! When sleep
holds the body this night we shall meet again. Farewell!"

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