

Received by the Rev. G. Vale Owen


The first four volumes are called:

''The Lowlands of Heaven''

''The Highlands of Heaven''

''The Ministry of Heaven''

''The Battalions of Heaven''

A fifth volume is called:

''The Outlands of Heaven'' *

*(a combined continuous narrative of 'The Children of Heaven' and 'The Outlands of Heaven')


The following was written by the Rev. G. Vale Owen concerning the Scripts that he received from the Realms of Spirit which make up The Life Beyond The Veil series...

"This Script - transmitted by automatic or, more correctly, by inspirational writing - falls into four distinct sections, all, however, forming one progressive whole. It was all, quite evidently, planned out in advance by those who had its transmission in hand.

"The link between mother and son was, no doubt, considered the most likely avenue through which to open up communication in the first instance. It was my mother, therefore, and a band of friends who transmitted to me the first part.

"The experiment proving successful, another teacher was introduced named Astriel, one of higher rank and of more philosophic mind and diction. The messages given by my mother's band and Astriel form the first book of the Script, the Lowlands of Heaven.

"Having passed this test I was handed over to Zabdiel, whose messages are on a higher level than the simple narrative of my mother. These form the Highlands of Heaven.

"The next phase was the Ministry of Heaven, given by one who called himself "Leader", and his band. Subsequently he seems to have assumed, more or less, sole control of communication. Then he speaks of himself as "Arnel". Under this name his narrative, which forms the fourth book, The Battalions of Heaven, is the climax of the whole. His messages are of a more intense nature than any of the foregoing, which were evidently preparatory.

"It will be obvious that, in order to obtain the true perspective, the books should be read in the sequence given above. Otherwise some of the references in the later volumes to incidents narrated in the earlier may not be quite clear.

"As to the personages concerned in the transmission of the messages: my mother passed into the higher life in 1909, aged sixty-three. Astriel was the headmaster of a school in Warwick in mid-eighteenth century. Of Zabdiel's earth-life I know little or nothing certain. Arnel gives some account of himself in the text. Kathleen, who acted as amanuensis on the Spirit side, lived in Anfield, Liverpool. She was a seamstress and died, at the age of twenty-eight, about three years before my daughter Ruby who is mentioned in the text and who passed over in 1896 at the age of fifteen months.

(How the messages came)

"There is an opinion abroad that the clergy are very credulous beings. But our training in the exercise of the critical faculty places us among the most hard-to-convince when any new truth is in question. It took a quarter of a century to convince me - ten years that Spirit Communication was a fact, and fifteen that the fact was legitimate and good.

"From the moment I had taken this decision, the answers began to appear. First my wife developed the power of automatic writing. Then through her I received requests that I would sit quietly, pencil in hand, and take down any thoughts which seemed to come into my mind projected there by some eternal personality and not consequence on the exercise of my own mentality. Reluctance lasted a long time, but at last I felt that friends were at hand who wished very earnestly to speak with me. They did not overrule or compel my will in any way - that would have settled the matter at once, so far as I was concerned - but their wishes were made ever more plain.

"I felt at last that I ought to give them an opportunity, for I was impressed with the feeling that the influence was a good one, so, at last, very doubtfully, I decided to sit in my cassock in the Vestry after Evensong.

"The first four or five messages wandered aimlessly from one subject to another. But gradually the sentences began to take consecutive form, and at last I got some which were understandable. From that time, development kept pace with practice. When the whole series of messages was finished I reckoned up and found that the speed had been maintained at an average of twenty-four words per minute.

"On two occasions only had I any idea what subject was to be treated. That was when the message had obviously been left uncompleted. At other times I had fully expected a certain subject to be taken, but on taking up my pencil the stream of thought went off in an altogether different direction.

"The effect of what, perhaps, we might term the more mechanical operations, as these impinge upon the organism of the human brain, the transmitters themselves describe in some detail.

"Vibrations, initiated by them and projected through the Veil, find their target in the mentality of the human instrument and are reproduced, on this side, in what is, in effect, a kind of inner clairvoyance and clairaudience...That is, he sees these scenes in his imagination as he, by similar process, is able to visualize his garden or house or other well-known place, when at a distance.

"The words of the messages seem to travel on a celestial-mundane telephonic current. He can hear them interiorly in much the same manner as he is able to hum over a well-remembered tune, or to reproduce a speech he has heard with all its inflections and cadences, pathetic or uplifting - all this interiorly, and without himself uttering a sound.

"In addition, however, there is a deeper content in the operation. It is that effect upon the human instrument produced by the more or less intimate contact of spirit with spirit. This is actual 'Spiritual Communion', and is recognized in the Creed of Christendom in the article 'The Communion of Saints'.

"So intimate and so perfect must be the sympathy of aim and affection existing between transmitter and receiver, that whenever any thought comes through which seems to be at variance with what is true, immediately a shock is felt, and the instrument faces about, as it were, with a query in his mind, which on the part of the communicator is a immediately observed and noted. "

G. Vale Owen.

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Other recommended reading...

“Paul and Albert”

“Spiritual Realms”

“The Ministry of Angels”

All of these books should be obtainable from the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association Bookshop in London.

A beautiful book called “The Zodiac Messages” (Reference Edition) containing many Addresses can also be obtained from the G.W.C.S.A. Bookshop.

Also, The Zodiac Messages gift file for a PC (containing more Messages than the Reference Edition book) is available for free downloading from here.

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