
An address given through the trance mediumship of Miss
Winifred Moyes at the Christian Spiritualist Church,
Academy of Dancing, Beach Street, Herne Bay, Kent,
on Sunday, July 11th, 1943.
"...Today, beloved, I have been asked to discuss with
you a simple question, yet one so deep in its import
that over the ages there have been those to argue and
few to convince. So I take you back to olden days,
to that one
who at a time of crisis asked the Holy One - What is
"You have to take into consideration the various
religions of these times and of the past, and those
who are wise do not condemn; they realise that all
religion started with a pure motive, formulated with
the idea of helping, must have in its folds something
of truth; that in all religions there are fundamentals
which are similar. Therefore, it is not wise to rule
out any form of religion which helps those in the body
to live a better life, to understand a little more
clearly the Divine Law that should govern life - the
law of love, the law of service.
"So in thinking of other religions which perchance
seem alien to your own, I take you back to the time
of so-called idolatry. I have said before that when
the instinct within the individual was a pure one,
when there was deep distress and a desire for protection
and guidance, then the prayers made to wood or to stone
images passed as it were above those images straight
to the Heart of God! For always remember that each
and every one, whatever their upbringing or tendencies
or religion, they are His!
"In all those religions - and many of those who
accepted them paid their penalties, made their sacrifices
- surely you can see that certain fundamentals were
there? For the only way for any man to gain emancipation
is by willingness to suffer so that the real self within
may break free from its chains! And who should say
that the so-called heathen did not suffer grievously,
and those of old - the slaves to tradition, so ignorant,
so full of fear, their lives representing a purgatory
from their early years until kindly death released
them - who shall say that such as these did not put
in, as it were, stepping stones over which they trod
out of ignorance into understanding, out of blind belief
into a living, proved faith?
"I ask you to come to grips with this important
point, according to your own mind and upbringing: WHAT
"Some there are who answer straight away: 'I turn
to the Light of the World!'. And in the degree that
they seek to follow the Example of the Light of the
World, they are approaching the outer courts of the
great vast City of Truth. But, beloved, merely to accept
a leader is not enough. You may say: 'Christ is my
Master and my Lord, I will seek to follow in His footsteps!'.
But again I remind you that to believe in the Master
is no sign, beyond a willingness to climb, that you
have climbed.
"And the climb can be tested in this same wise:
are you conscious of the strain of life; do you weary
in your service to others; is your mind employed in
seeking to grapple with the mental difficulties of
those who are alien to religion? There have been those
in the past who have sat down with blind faith, depending
upon God for protection and guidance, but individually
they have made no effort, they have not sought, for
they think they have found!
"Can you not grasp the difference between the
seeker who has wearied and suffered over the seeking,
and the one who is content merely with a faith passed
on from forebears, who does not seek to reason, who
does not put faith to the test?
"And remember this: it is only possible for faith
to be tested when something assails faith, and to those
with comfortable lives the test has not yet come. So
it seemed in the yesterday of time! Thus I bring in
war and the scourge it represents, the torn hearts,
the maimed bodies, the torture of anxiety! You see,
beloved, there were many sleepers, sleepers to the
woes of others who were rudely awakened, for lo, before
they hardly realised what was taking place savages
knocked upon their door and took away their own, the
ones so dear! Then came the test of faith, and faith
was tested in severe manner by silence, by the not
knowing, by those strange fears that seize the mind
in the darkness and quietness of the night! Yes, the
acid test was put to those who for so long had easy
lives, enough of this world's goods, their family around
them, no worries over the future.
"But I ask you to try to believe that the Spirit
within them rejoiced, rejoiced because the physical
mind at last was brought up against: 'What is truth?'.
You who have lost, so it seems to you, the light of
your life, you who have buried joy and you scarce can
bear to think how deeply joy has been buried, I ask
you to try to come to grips with reality.
"You may say: 'Then are you advocating war?'.
And I answer: I am advocating war upon the lesser self!
The war that seems so terrible to you cannot be presented
to those who are free from the flesh in that same guise.
The war that is so terrible to us is waged by the unseen
enemies among idle, careless people, those who think
that physical life means pleasure and having; not caring
or thinking of the woes of others.
"When you are free, beloved, and you pass into
conditions of reality, you will see that there was
war before this present war
(World War on the physical plane)
and that it was far more dangerous to the soul of man,
far more dangerous in regard to his safety and his
future welfare. Many forget this.
"There are those why cry: '0h, for the war to
be over, to get back to the same old happy times!'.
But the boys who have passed on know better; they know
that by the self-denial, by the exercise of discipline
perchance the first discipline they ever had in their
young lives - they know that by making the full surrender
they have ensured their future, they have stepped out
of bondage into something of freedom, and because of
this they can answer in part the question: 'What is
"Truth, beloved, is that wonderful gift of God
that can make men free! It is not a question of creed,
or of doctrine or of practices in the churches and
the temples! Truth is something that can turn the key
of the prison-house of the real self within you; and
the only way to find the key is by searching, and the
only place where the key can be found is among real
life, not that seeming life so dear to the heart of
the careless and selfish.
"You will find truth in some of your great institutions,
among the sick, the afflicted, the blind and the lame;
you will find it among the patient - those who are
enduring and those who are ministering. There, beloved,
the key of the prison-house of self can be not only
found but put to use.
"There are doctors and nurses who are doing a
wonderful work; there are some who have grown weary,
some who seek for distraction from duty in an unwise
way - there are always the right distractions and the
body has its dues - but you know that my words are
true! You cannot have the golden key unless you search
amongst those who are suffering, those who are broken-hearted
those who are shamed before their fellows through no
fault of their own; and then, in ministering, in tearing
out of your physical minds words of comfort, words
of cheer, words of promise, you will find that, exhausting
though it may be, through the giving out of intensified
effort, something has been released within - your Divinity
- and that holy Spark is allowed to cast its light
upon those in darkened places. But you must not rest
"What is truth? - this cry goes out from those
tortured by their fellow-beings, from the women and
children who are desecrated - 'What is the truth? I
believed in the past in the saving Grace of God, but
here and now I seem to be betrayed!'. Yes, these moods
come, but they pass. You find that after the deepest
despair something arises within the human heart and
mind - the key of truth has been brought to them through
their defencelessness, through their dreadful trial
and dire position. Indeed, the bright ones are close
at hand, and though the eyes are blind while the body
still holds them, soon the clutch of the flesh is released,
and then such as these, finding before them all gates
open, they pass into God's Land, and they shall see
that the words of the Master are true - that they have
sown in darkness to reap in the light, they have given
of their very best and it is not loss, it is unexplainable
"I ask you to think on my words for if you face
that question as the Master intended, you will find
that the barriers between the religions no longer will
trouble you; you will find also that social distinctions
and racial distinctions become meaningless, for each
and everyone will be found in God's Eternal Home.
"I ask you to pause on this fact: there are rays
of Divinity within you, and in the degree that by sacrifice
and suffering those rays are released from their imprisonment,
so you are able to contact with a ray of a higher order
in those Worlds of Spirit; and through those rays you
can perceive and see and hear those other conditions,
which will represent to you miracles of grace.
"I ask you all to try to pursue this avenue of
thought, to forget not that the sole obstruction is
this: that you are unable to contact with those higher
forms of life in the World of Spirit if those same
rays within you have not been released. And the only
way, beloved, to release those rays which are housed
in your own Divinity, is by taking the road of service,
by scorning its pains, by enduring unto the very end!
"Therefore you can understand that with some of
the young folk who have faced danger unafraid, or have
governed their fears, unconsciously guided by duty,
they have opened for themselves a range of consciousness
far transcending anything that the human mind can imagine.
"You see where I am leading your thoughts? WHAT
IS TRUTH? It depends entirely upon yourselves the measure
of truth that is opened unto you. Those who think they
know sufficient are hemmed in in so narrow a place
that it will seem to them when they are free that they
were literally in a cell; and that cell was built up
by their own free-will, or by their own attitude towards
life. Those who by love and sympathy try to vibrate
to others, although they do not understand what they
are doing, they are releasing those rays of Divinity
within, and it will mean all in all to them when they
are in God's Land.
"So over your attitude towards other religions,
towards the view-point of some who seem so separated
from you by the traditions of the past, remember my
words. If those concerned suffered and sacrificed they
also, in the same degree as yourselves, have the privilege
of releasing those rays from their real selves which
harmonise with the rays of the Spirit spheres, because
the God within indeed vibrates to the God without:
and so when this short earthly span is run they pass
into revelation, and earthly desires and thoughts fall
back on to the rubbish heap, and seem but as the ashes
of the past.
"As I take my leave, I ask you to think of the
Master and His silence. How can one pass on a definition
of truth to another when the mind is lame, when self
rules? But the time passed and the one who asked
suffered himself through the pains of the body and
from the fierce pains of a tortured conscience. And
when he was free from the flesh, tremblingly he walked
into reality, and through the anguish brought about
by the abuse of free-will, at last he was able to understand
a tiny portion of truth; and long ere this he has been
a servant of the Truth-Bringer, struggling with the
unruly minds of man, counting everything well lost
for Christ - the Light-Bringer Who was slain by the
ignorance of man!
"So in His Name I bless you with a measure of
understanding, and I ask those who can read my words
to do so, and then turn to God and to ask Him for the
strength to endure, for the power to come that complaints
may die away, for the determination to be born within
that, however steep the hill, however great the weariness,
they will go on! And always remember that once you
have determined not to be put off by weariness, or
the scorn of others, or the pains of the body or the
doubts of the mind, once you have faced that condition
with resolution, something of the truth can be made
your own and you will find that the next stage allows
you to rise superior to those physical tests, for you
have proved, in degree, that the promises of Christ
are kept!
"Thus I bless you with a firmer faith, bless you
with a hardened will to wage war, remembering always
that war, as we regard it, is against evil things and
not against physical personalities, but those personalities
cannot be allowed to torture their own; and not until
they have paid the penalty for ignoring the laws of
Christ, can understanding be made their own.
"I bless you all with greater power to demonstrate
in your own lives truth in the inward parts, to be
better servants, always remembering that however hard
we struggle, we must always strive to be better servants
still. And as the will rises to meet the many challenges,
so that there will come a sense of spiritual exhilaration;
at last you have found your real self, no longer are
you held back by fear, you are going to see the battle
through with your unseen enemies, with your baser self.
And if your eyes could be opened you would see a mighty
warfare - the bright and glorious ones struggling with
you and for you for your freedom.
"So I bless you all with peace, and peace alone
can come as the wages of struggle! The workers indeed
bear upon them the Crusaders' cloak. Much yet remains
to be done, but the will is there, and the strength
and opportunity will be provided. In the Name of the
great Truth-Bringer I bless you; and when sleep holds
you this night you shall understand a little more about
Truth in conditions of reality."

"O send out thy light and thy truth: let them
lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and
to thy tabernacles. Why art thou cast down, O my soul,
and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope in God:
for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my
countenance, and my God."
(Psalm 43, verses 3 and 5)

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