The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac Circle on Saturday, 12th September, 1925.

  1. "OUR Blessed Redeemer, Thou Who only art able to purify, to strengthen, and to release that which is of Thyself within us; to Thee we come to-night with grateful hearts, and we ask that Thou wilt bless us, that Thou wilt aid us, that Thou wilt guide us into the right path; and that Thou wilt forever block out those thoughts of indecision, those many wonderings which the 'shadows' instil into the physical mind; that each and every one may go forward in perfect confidence, with the assurance that whatever occurs in their lives it is by Thy direction, and it is their part to fit themselves for that which lies in front.

  2. "O most gracious, understanding Friend, we commend ourselves once more to Thy care, and we know that as the days go on so we shall feel Thy Presence ever closer and closer, and so we shall attune our hearts and minds to the things which are of the Spirit.

  3. "Strengthen us and give us Thy peace; grant that Love may ever be in our midst, and that by loyalty and co-operation each one may lend themselves, and blend themselves into one united whole, which shall represent power - the power lent to them by Thee.

  4. "Preparing our hearts and minds, we follow that which Thou hast laid down - the bringing of light to those who, as yet, live in twilight, the banishing of misunderstanding so that those who know Thee not may come under the comfort and the everlasting glory of Thy Love.

  5. "Help us to-night, O Father, to do our work, to put aside distractions, and to concentrate on the things which are of Thee. Amen.

  6. "MY LITTLE CHILDREN, again we meet together in this sweet way, and I want you to-night, as always, to throw out those thoughts of sympathy which are essential if that which you name the 'conditions' are to be complete. The things of the world, and the many noises connected thereto, play rather distressingly upon the mind of the body, but you are asked to set your will on banishing those distractions, and to lose yourself in the wondrous peace and power which is here.

  7. "While I am referring to this, once more I bring in that extensive subject which comes under the heading of 'Sensitiveness'. All who follow the higher path have this to contend with - I say 'contend' but you should know that because effort and, sometimes, suffering are exacted, that contending is a privilege indeed!

  8. "Yes! this is the spiritual view - that even that sensitiveness which makes life far more difficult than to the ordinary - this sensitiveness is a privilege because it is an indication that you are that span nearer to the finer things of Spirit. Over and over again such as these exclaim with impatience, because it seems to them that they are affected by every change of temperature, both so far as climate is concerned, and also the atmosphere built up by the thoughts of others.

  9. "True it is that the children of the Light find that they suffer when the thoughts of those with whom their lives are spent are unkind; and, again, when the winds blow cold, when the sun of your little world is hidden from sight, these - who are the instruments of the Most High - suffer in a measure totally inexplicable to those who, as yet, are protected by a thicker physical cloak.

  10. "You see, dear children, it is but commonsense. How can you contact with those finer vibrations of Spirit and remain untouched by that which is rough and crude in the material world? You respond to the 'still, small Voice', you feel the gossamer touch of your friends and loved ones who have left the tabernacle of the flesh, you are conscious of movement which is not of the physical world at all; you are in touch with that which is 'mystery' to many, but which to those who have followed the instructions of our Saviour Christ, are as natural or, indeed, far more natural than the disharmonious conditions which constitute physical life.

  11. "I ask you in future to try and look at things in this way: that when you flinch under either the storms of the earth or under those blows which come from the thoughts of others - I want you to argue it out thus: to say to yourself that it is your contribution, or one of your contributions, towards the unveiling of the great Truth which Christ Himself came to teach.

  12. "Later on I shall go into this matter of 'Sensitiveness', and shall try and teach you something of what underlies that which appears now as a disadvantage and, more than that, will show you how, by the working of those spiritual laws, you are indeed protected in a way you little think.

  13. "But to-night there is another subject I would discuss with you on which opinion, in the main, is divided into two camps - the objectors, because, instinctively, they 'know'; and the partisans who, because they are unconscious of God's mighty laws, allow themselves to be used, not only to wreak evil on others, but to retard their own advancement on the path of progress and refinement.

  14. "Children, I speak of that most controversial subject which you call VIVISECTION, and I want to-night to show you just a little how these things are and how those who are free regard that which is indeed of the earth. I have touched before on the part which animals play in your lives and in the scheme of things. I have told you that the pursuit of animals for sport is indeed unspiritual in every sense there could be. Yet have I not shown you that those who suffer find their recompense in a sphere where cruelty is unknown.

  15. "It is quite obvious to the thinker that those who are at the mercy of man must have been created for some purpose other than the amusement or the distraction of the minds of the careless majority. True it is that much affection is lavished on some of our four-footed friends but, even in this, those of the earth make a great mistake.

  16. "I ask you to regard it in a commonsense way. Sweet it may be to some to pet and make much of the little creatures in their care, and love such as this remains for ever more. Yet, have you ever thought of the animal's point of view, and I am speaking now of the evolutionary stages through which each must go?

  17. "Those creatures of luxury, surrounded by such lavish comfort, who neither work by their body nor contribute anything of service to those to whom they belong - pity such as these, yes! pity them indeed for they have fallen among thieves. Unconsciously though it may be, those who caress are stealing from them that which they came into the animal-body to make their own.

  18. "Think of the responsibility which lies here. Each one, whether they be animal or whether they be man, enters on a stage of existence in order that it may contribute something not only to its sphere, but something to itself as well: only work can do that. Yet mistake me not. It is not only the horse that drags, it is not only those who are straining at the leash; work is of a myriad different kinds, and each pet should contribute something - however small that something may be - something to the world in which it lives, else, when it passes hence, it is excluded from that progress which rightly should be its own.

  19. "That is on the one hand and, again, you come back to the responsibility of man in regard to those committed to his care.

  20. "Have I not told you that you cannot think one thought of harm towards another without having to retrace that fraction of the right path from which you have strayed? Compassion and understanding for those more helpless than yourself - this should be part of the religion of all, and I make no exceptions in the case of so-called Science, or in the help which is expected to accrue from experiments which are diametrically opposed to the Divine law of Spirit life.

  21. "Children, I want you to look at this matter in a balanced way. You know that each one is judged by motive and by motive alone. There are some who have joined the ranks of investigators who are inspired by truly altruistic feelings, even though that altruism is confined to one section of life. Again, there are those dominated by intellectual pride, who spare neither human nor animal in order to tear out hidden secrets which shall give them power and fame.

  22. "I make this statement fully conscious of its implication. I say that there have been those so blinded to God's view, who have deliberately and with intent, caused untold suffering, both to the animal and to the human body, in their search to discover that which has not been revealed.

  23. "For such as these there is much sorrow in store, and hard and terrible though it may sound, every pang which they have inflicted on others will have to be borne again by themselves.

  24. "That is the law of the Spirit, that is Divine justice, worked out in a way that only the Mind of God could have conceived. Yet think not that in this, vengeance lies. Vengeance and the Father have nothing in common at all; yet the Spirit within, which is of God, sees for itself that progress is impossible until wrong has been righted, until suffering has been requited by suffering; and so it goes back over the path and freely and willingly takes on that measure of pain which it inflicted, so that it may wipe out and work out what was done either in ignorance or by careless disregard of the One Who controls all life.

  25. "It is a sad subject from every point of view, yet I would not leave on your minds a sense of darkness or of distress. Those who suffer - those who have been at the mercy of others, these enter into conditions absolutely unthinkable by you. Nay, I care not what it may be - the pangs of the tiniest insect are registered by the Heart of Love. To the Creator there are not those many differences which make such barriers in the mind of man. Each and every one is His, and this responsibility is never interfered with, and never will be during the aeons of time which lie in front.

  26. "I want you, as it were, to try and place yourself in the position of one who not only thought out the form, the attributes and the tools of every living thing, but also as the one who gave life and feeling, even though that 'feeling' may come under the heading of sensation alone. There is not one of my children who would not willingly and definitely forfeit all they have so that that which was brought into being by them might have its chance.

  27. "Many changes of opinion take place regarding this or that subject which rings through the world, and those in the Spirit have been working and influencing the minds of all who are responsive in order to prevent that which is retrograde in every sense there could be.

  28. "Those 'secrets' of medical science - ah! they could have been available long since if only man had sought his God, if only those patient investigators had turned their attention to the investigation of the spiritual laws which control physical life. There, dear children, you get the weakness in the chain; yet think you not that I underrate all the service, all the thought and all the labours which so many, imbued with the spirit of Christ, have shown in regard to healing others. But the fact remains, the vast majority have ruled out the Spirit, in the sense that they do not consider it, they do not work in harmony with those finer laws of the Spirit which not only operate during physical life, but which dominate it as well.

  29. "It is hardly necessary for me to say that most of the ills which assail the human frame could have been averted and avoided if man, through the generations, had been obedient to the Voice of the Spirit within. Yet God has not forsaken him and, to the afflicted, many have come who have not only brought relief, but who - drawing unconsciously or consciously from the Great Fount of Spirit - have cured that which sought to destroy.

  30. "One thing more. In the physical world there is to-day, there was in the beginning and there will be until the end, those alleviations of suffering which have been provided by Mother Nature, that which those out of touch with Nature in its God-sense have either overlooked or forgotten.

  31. "To those who are free from physical restrictions this devastating work of inflicting agony upon those who are literally at their mercy - this presents to us a problem which nothing but the revelation of God's laws and His mighty purpose can ever put a stop to. In the individual the work goes on - the work of influence. In time to come, that influence will be spread and, as man grows nearer to the Christ-ideal, so he will spurn with horror that which to-day is considered not only excusable, but praiseworthy in the eyes of the world.

  32. "There are those present to-night who, in the past, have suffered much - I speak of your brothers and sisters, those among the helpless classes who, directly or indirectly, have been used in the cause of so-called Science. These, by their sufferings, have been gifted with a power of healing absolutely unimaginable by those on earth; and I want to tell you to-night that when you speak of the healing power of the Spirit, of necessity - by a spiritual law - that power comes to you through the channel of one who has endured grievous pain during the physical existence.

  33. "So God uses those of His children who have suffered for Him - indirectly and unwillingly though it may have been, and to-night I speak with a vast understanding to all those many who have been in the throes of physical pain. I tell them that, when they pass hence, great will be their joy and great will be their amazement as well, for by their suffering and through their suffering they are the healers of God, gifted with the power of the Spirit to soothe and to relieve those still sojourning in a body of flesh.

  34. "Do not lose sight of the chief points of my little instruction to-night. On all sides you see those who labour not, and whether it be in the animal kingdom or whether it be among mankind, they who labour not are hindering their own spiritual progress in a way which cannot be made up except in the far by-and-by.

  35. "I have told you that everything created, animate or inanimate, is charged with Spirit, and, in its own circle of activity, each and every one must continue the cycle of involution and evolution until it returns to that Perfection from which it started forth.

  36. "In relation to this you will see quite easily that the animals who work - those who labour in the service of men -these, by their labours, are forcing on those evolutionary stages, and these are the ones who are to be envied - envy in its spiritual sense - by all who understand.

  37. "So remember this: that which you call the horse is nearer to man than any other animal could be, for it labours much and receives, in the main, little in return, and its end is very often shrouded in a tragedy, which tears your heart.

  38. "Yet take the broad view, take the spiritual view. Because life on earth proved both a burden and a sacrifice - that sacrifice of comfort, that sacrifice of sympathetic companionship which is so essential to all in the animal kingdom - by this and much more, those poor, tired, weary warriors enter into a peace, a contentment and an understanding untouched upon in imagination even by their greatest lovers.

  39. "From this, dear children, you can think things out for yourselves. And I would not close the subject without referring to those semi-tortured ones who are cut off from their own free life and kept for the amusement and instruction of the children of the earth. These, again, by their sufferings, by their loneliness, by that thwarting of instinct, pass on into conditions which demonstrate the love God has for every living thing.

  40. "In reviewing this subject in your minds I do not want you to condemn, but I do urge upon all to try and educate those they meet as to the spiritual view, as to the damage done so freely by ignoring the rights of the individual, whether it be man or whether it be those created for man's use. It is God's Will that all and everyone should contribute to the spiritual progress of others; yet it is not God's Will that suffering should be inflicted, because even though the progress of the one concerned is furthered, those who inflict are thrown back in a way most terrible to behold; and so, in the main, the spiritualising of His children is delayed.

  41. "In time to come I shall return to these different points, and I shall try and show you that underlying those laws of the Spirit is a commonsense, is a justice, is a practical working which must appeal even to the man or woman who has not yet crossed the border into spiritual understanding. True it is that the practical is the spiritual when the practical is used in its finest sense; and on every side knowledge lies open for all those who wish to explore, but the way to real knowledge is not the earth way. The way to the knowledge which will remain for evermore is through the gateway of Christ, and until man recognises that purity, that love, that holiness of thought are the necessary equipment to gain that greater knowledge, so it remains - not hidden from him, but overlooked. Through the portal of Christ all must enter if they would learn that which is Truth itself; if blunders and mistakes are to be avoided, then there must be dedication and re-dedication to the things which are of God.

  42. "Yes! it is a grave thought - grave in this sense, because of the unconsciousness of the attitude of man today, because of that disregard of the gift which is within, because of that total ignorance of the vast history which lies behind him and the still vaster future which is in front.

  43. "These thoughts would bring us sadness if it were not for this one stupendous fact - that God never gives in. I am speaking of the God within us all. The God within you and the God within me never gives in. The physical may war against it, ages may pass, experience after experience may be taken on and the lessons remain unlearnt, but the God within never gives way. It waits and waits and waits, and because of this patience, which is Divine, so, before the eyes of all, Hope - in its greatest and in its grandest sense - Hope illumines the way.

  44. "And now, my children, I am going to leave you, but I must ask for much help from you to-night and, in future, let not the time go on (asked to wait half-an-hour for Mr...) because that which is built up is damaged thereby. Keep to the time arranged, and those who are excluded - if they are conscious of loss - these will be recompensed in God's own way. But you are dealing with that which is sensitive indeed; you are using those finer vibrations of Spirit, and not only does it add to our work but the one I use is conscious of a strain which should not be there.

  45. "The things of God come first. I have told you from the beginning that quietness and stillness are essential. One day, my little ones, you in turn will come back to the children of the earth, and you will marvel how we did so much, how God poured down upon us - with a generosity which no words can express - that power which enabled us to work through, that faith without which neither we nor you could traverse one inch into spiritual knowledge, that wish to serve which hallows all things, which draws to you those who have conquered much, which has indeed built a bridge over which those whom you call the Brightest Ones can come and join with you in this most sacred work for God.

  46. "Now, my children, I bid you Goodnight. Think not of me as anything but your loved companion. In the Father's sight all His children are equal, and His love is bestowed always in that perfect equality which is Divine. Goodnight."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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