The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes on Saturday, 13th November, 1926.

  1. "O God our Father, may we be able to leave self in its many deceptive forms, and clothed in the garments of Light which Thou hast provided, may mingle with those of the bright spheres, those who bring their love into this little room by Thy gracious understanding love.

  2. "Oh teach us how to learn of Thee; give us that patience, that inward peace which shall show us that the storms of life lead on to that calm which no one can wrest from us. Teach us that by giving of ourselves, so we give to Thee and thus receive again; teach us that a quiet heart, that a spirit which reaches out beyond the things physical into those realms which are spiritual - that a quiet heart and a freed spirit can take the journey of experience untroubled, conscious of the protection all around; bound to Thee and separated from earth, in the sense that the earth and what it holds no longer can grieve.

  3. "Father, we ask Thee tonight to give us of the gift of the Holy Spirit in such measure that we may go our way, having seen and felt with the real Self that we are companioned by our Saviour, uplifted by our Comforter, guided by the One who goes in front. Oh help us to make this understanding our own. Amen...

  4. "…The word 'valour' holds much within it which is hidden from the physical mind of mankind. It represents to us conditions and thoughts and aspirations with which as yet you are unacquainted. But as you continue the climb so that knowledge must be made your own. To the man and woman content with surface things that word 'valour' is associated with some great deed, which has been done for the most part, on the spur of the moment; once done, is finished with so far as the individual is concerned. In times of strife and danger the call goes out for the valiant of heart and as you full well know there have been those who have responded, who have shown a greater courage than they knew that they possessed. Why? Because the wish to do that which was necessary was within. Therefore, those in Spirit who understand the real meaning of valour, gathered to them and made good that which was missing.

  5. "Those stories of brave deeds passed on from father to child, country to country and nation to nation have done God's work. Because they have shown to those who live humdrum lives that there is something great within the heart of men and women. That there is something, less of the earth and more of the Spirit, something which has God in it. Each time a child is instructed as to the great deeds of others, to the one who performed that deed comes joy and power to work as Christ would have them work. Power, not only to conquer all foes, but to shed purity where only that which was against the Light had found a place, power to cast the Blossoms of Love so that they might hide the ashes of hate which were there before. Power to influence again a multitude of branches, like rays of Light, in directions not only unthought of, but impossible to be known while upon the physical earth.

  6. "Our Father and Mother God sends out to all His children who have recognised Him in their lives, a call to be valiant of heart. Be courageous, fear not either the enemies which can be seen or those who seem to press against you, undefined, illusive, but there in very truth. You are asked to show courage over the incidents of your daily life, over the trying of patience, over the uncongenial tasks, over the weariness of the body, over the sadness which creeps into your minds and seems so hard to dispel.

  7. "When you are free, you shall stand with sight and see for yourselves how throughout your life you showed a valiant heart; you showed that you trusted your Heavenly Father; you showed that the Holy Spirit has you sufficiently under His care so that the sorrows of life were thrown from you and the peace, the confidence which is of God, claimed all spaces in heart and mind.

  8. "Let me take you back to that time before physical birth, when you chose those experiences which would bring you not only knowledge but wisdom, not only strength but love. There in the past you see the root of that valour which is shown in this life, in part. In the sorrows and the losses, in the things that went wrong, in those many disappointments which chill and discourage because the bound mind in the tabernacle of flesh cannot remember the past and is unable to see the future. There in that time which has sped, you gathered from God that seed of valour which one day is going to represent a tree of beauty indeed.

  9. "So I ask you to consider those around you, who, perchance are hard beset by the troubles of the body, who toil and yet seem to produce nothing by their labour. Consider those who give out love and receive coldness in return, those who stand back and let others take the lead who appear to be passed over not only by their fellow creatures but by God Himself. There plainly to be seen is the growing tree of valour, that desire to be strong and not weak, that longing to be courageous and not fearful, to bear pain and not shrink from it. For they know, in Spirit, that the pains of this world are the powers of the next.

  10. "In regard to your own lives, when sorrow has touched you, think of those who have felt its pangs more keenly. Loss may have been yours but there are those who have never had anyone in their lives. Each person in the father's sight is equal, rich or poor, strong or weak. All are loved in the same way. Each one started from God, pure, strong, imbued with His good gifts. The time will come when once more they will belong to Him by choice, by desire, through work, effort and suffering. His love binds them to Him because they have purchased that right by all that which has gone before.

  11. "That valour, that courage, is a quality that can grow, can expand, by putting into action those great thoughts in your minds. Thought is a power, a power used by the Father in the furtherance of His plans. By putting into practice the beauty which is in the mind, that strength, courage and determination gives you and others the gift of creating for God that which the Father asks from us all.

  12. "I speak to a vast assembly of those who laid down their physical garment while material life still called with an insistent voice. I gather you all into my love and tell you that in the measure that you fought against the weakness of the body, against the weakness of the mind, that in the measure you fought for duty and for those ideals which some treat so lightly - or whether you were forced into the fighting line against your desire, against your inclination - I say that you have commenced to climb a span of the hill of aspiration which will take you into those conditions where sorrow finds no place.

  13. "You now see, because you are free from the body, that what the world calls valour and what valour really signifies are rather different things. Separated somewhat by the element of sacrifice which is within the act. Those called to fight for country were also called to 'die' for country and though that deed stands enshrined in glory, there was a greater glory still. That glory was in the training stages, the waiting, the petty tasks, the unutterable weariness of the body, stumbling against obstacles in every form, both from within and without. Waiting, waiting for that which would give them freedom of thought, of action, of aspiration impossible for you, bound by the physical body, to understand.

  14. "The attitude of those on earth is: 'What a waste of life; countless young swept out of life and only their graves remain!' That is far removed from the truth. You know that what represents your loss is the gain of those who are now in conditions where they are able to work out their hearts' and their spirits' desire. Those who were cut off so speedily rested not. Countless thousands fought on, unconscious that the body was no more, fought on and on until they fell asleep, yet awoke again to fight with their comrades and to be with them when they fell in turn. Death, in connection with those who wish to show a valiant heart, is impossible.

  15. "Could you have seen with the eyes of the spirit then you would know that the valiant heart cannot rest. At times it was a desperate heart, a frightened heart. But because the Divine within was in control, they fought on, helping, guiding and relieving those who still had to face the horrors of yet another day - and another - in those places which were once so sweet with life. In the woods which once held the song of birds and pleasant companionship. In those wide stretches of desolation the so-called 'dead' fought and fought again.

  16. "Once more I take you back to things as they are seen by God. When you pass hence and look back over your lives and over the lives of others, you will find that many a mother wore the medal of valour, many a young girl showed a courage which was not of the earth, many a father by his endurance created for others power to endure, which even now is being used again and again.

  17. "Keep your vision clear. Do not be distracted by that which appears so beautiful through your physical eyes, or by that which appeals to your imagination. Keeping your vision clear, remember those who had loved ones taken from them and still showed courage, though their hearts were breaking. They showed that courage which shall never be taken from them because it has been purchased at a terrible price.

  18. "Within your lives today I ask you to view things in general with a calmness that is built up by confidence in God. In these times we are building something which will be wanted in the days that are to come. Here and there a valiant soul takes on a burden that is perhaps too heavy to be borne by the physical body alone. But that burden, whatever it be, is shared by those who are free of the body. If the individual concerned would reach out to God, then the comforters could hold them fast in their love and give to them that quietness of Spirit, that patience which is understanding - and all would be well.

  19. "We must go on; resting stages are dangerous stages; those times that come to all who are hard beset - 'Can I endure?' That question so often asked. But those times point to one path only and that path is higher up still; the pace is not slackened but quickened; strength which seems to ebb is replenished; joy which seems to have been forsaken shall be as your very Self.

  20. "The valiant heart is needed for God. The valiant heart is needed for suffering humanity. The valiant heart is needed to build up conditions for the generations to come. Though the wars of the earth may pass, yet the great war between those who are for Christ and those who are against Christ not only goes on, but the conflict increases.

  21. "I have told you before that when mankind was content to sleep so also the opposers slept. But when there were signs and sounds of an advance so then the destroyers seize their tools and advance as well. That was demonstrated during the time when Christ was on the earth. When the Angels of the Lord, after untold effort, advanced a pace, bringing you with them, so then those who are out to strike at Christ advance too.

  22. "The call to retreat will never come; because sooner or later those enemies of the Light must be forced back. Their defeat shall be not only the victory of the soldiers of God, but that first flicker of consciousness that comes to show them who they truly are and to whom they belong. Fight with them, you are fighting for them. In overcoming those who are set against you, you are bringing nearer their redemption, their restoration as children of God and Inheritors of Eternal Life.

  23. "True valour can be expressed every minute of your daily life. A courage absolutely beyond your comprehension can be shown by you. Use your thoughts to bring about the overthrow of those who are out to destroy. When the shadows gather, your strength will be tried. Send out compassion and that compassion will lead to love. Pray for those who seek to assail you that they might become kinder, happier in the Christ way.

  24. "If you are for Christ, then you must be soldiers, fighters, workers. For Christ is the great Constructor, the greatest Worker of all. Christ never rests, never ceases in His efforts, never forgets the needs of His many creations. He works, thinks, plans, hopes and prays for His children. Therefore we must do our part. We are workers for God so in that concentration we forget things physical and fix our hearts and minds and our eyes on things spiritual which never pass away.

  25. "Every one who comes back to speak through an instrument has had to show a valiant heart. Before it is possible for them to give their message in person, preparation and self-discipline beyond your comprehension is undertaken, voluntarily. Joyfully they come in order to assure you that not only is their love poured down upon you, but God's love is shining down upon you, unhindered by your attitude of mind, your gift for ever and ever.

  26. "Valour belongs to the Spirit. Remember when God sent you off on this journey of experience you had courage. You had the will to fight. So you can say to yourself that it is just the unlatching of the gate, when in my hands those qualities will be found my own. What you are today, what you will be in the days to come, will depend upon your will to open that gate which lies between the physical and the spiritual minds. Within you there is knowledge. Within you there is the wisdom which is of God. Within there is purity and aspiration, compassion and love, which can admit you into those conditions of the Spirit where Love abounds. Admit you to your true Home which you have left awhile, yet is your Home and your place has never been filled.

  27. "Your Father waits for you to respond, waits for you to meet Him as His child. Not only as a gift, not only by the spirit's choice, but as His child because the love within you is so strong that nothing can keep you from Him.

  28. "Life upon the earth is but one short stage. According to your valour now so the next stage shall be charged with power. According to your valour now, when you are free you will be able to work for God in the Christ Way.

  29. "Christ, the Valiant One of all the valiant ones; Christ, that embodiment of courage who came into a nest of enemies and unafraid, taught and demonstrated God's love for humanity even though humanity recognised Him not; Christ, that embodiment of hope, that demonstration of faith - all He asks from us is that we have a little faith in Him.

  30. "Now, I bless you by the power of the Holy Spirit, with understanding from the Father. I pass on to you courage and endurance from the Beloved. I give you something of that pioneer spirit which He showed in perfection when He too, restricted by the physical, lived amongst His children on earth in order to bring them closer to Him. Rest in the assurance that what you strive to do yet fail to accomplish, will be worked in by the One who loves you best.

  31. "We shall meet again. The unity of the Spirit is never broken."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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