
An address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac',
(the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the
Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through
the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier
part of the twentieth century
..."CHILDREN, I come into your presence sent by
the Master, by the One Who walked the earth plane in
time long past. I come into your presence with a message
from the One Who loves you best, and the message of
the Christ is this: Little children, prepare!
"Think not that I would cast dismay upon anyone,
yet my vision is open; I see and I know what lies in
the little to-morrow, and I see what lies in that which
you call the years ahead. I say now, because I love
you and because I seek to protect you from the enemies
that are around, I say to you in the name of Christ:
Prepare, for great things are coming to pass.
"Little ones, this is a great and glorious opportunity
never before afforded to man in the same stupendous
way. When trouble comes upon the earth plane, there
will be many camps. There will be those who turn with
faith to Christ and who banish fear from out their
vibrations. There will be those who will say: 'I knew
that this would come to pass!' Yet their very words
deny that which they utter, for indeed they show no
preparation at all and such as these, alas and alas,
must pay the penalty, heavy and long!
"There will be others who will defy that which
they call the fates. Oh, pray for such as these, for
when the body is no more they must wander for years
and years, and each lesson shirked when upon the earth
plane must be taken up, pursued, learnt and made their
own. These are the ones who to-day are named the clever
ones, the ones who are so sure of their mental equipment
that they can learn from no one else. They say unto
you: 'What is this that you would teach? Give me proof,
give me evidence!' And when proof and evidence are
forthcoming still they evade the point. Such as these
are mental cowards, but one day they must face the
truth and then they will stand shamed before the exhibition
of vanity which they showed to others.
"Aye, there will be many camps, but thank God
there will be a few who have sought strength from the
great Source of Strength; there will be a few who will
be able to forget self and to minister to those who
are like lost and frightened children. Thank God there
will be some prepared souls.
"Thus it is I come into your presence and seek
to pass on words of warning, and I entreat you all,
for I see what lies in front, to make ready, to be
on your guard.
"Having called in your thoughts I am directed
by the Master to speak on that which I name 'The Tools
of Man'. Now think you as to this. Each one of you
present, man or woman, has certain tools. You have
tools which are purely material, and you have the tool
of the physical body, which responds or fails to respond
according to the command you have over it. Again, you
have the tools of the mind, and then those most precious
tools of all, the tools connected with your spiritual
"You have read in the sacred record about the
man of talents. You have pondered as to your own talents;
you have looked upon others who possess certain talents
and you have said to yourselves: 'If I had those I
would be at the top of the tree.' And perhaps regret
or envy has seized your mind.
"Far away from this little country are those,
children of the Most High, who possess tools superior
to your own. Again, there are many who seem to have
no tools at all, and because of this they are even
as slaves, controlled by those with the power; and
the onlooker without discernment fails to grasp that
such as these may be great although they have no earthly
"But think you, does not this viewpoint indicate
at once the tools possessed by the onlooker? There
are many with the treasures of the world who are destitute
of spiritual consciousness, for the Divine within -
all-wisdom - has been buried under the mountain of
self. Over the years the man or the woman has sought
for the things of the earth, and these things cleave
to them even as some horrible slime, while the Divine
within pants for release and gains it not.
"Yet there are those in high places who have put
God first in their lives. Blessed are such as these!
The possessions they hold are a trust and they give
to those in need, they fail not in following the Divine
command. Then there are those who have naught of the
earth and, perchance, the body represents a burden
as well. Such as these eke out a bare existence; despair
draws close, and from the rebellion within they cry:
'There is no God or else He would take pity on my plight.'
But God, as Christ, bears three parts of his suffering
even as the words are spoken.
"Oh gather in this thought. With those who have
to contend with the ills of the body or the troubles
of material life, Christ bears three parts of the burden
and they but carry one.
"The tools of man! Day by day the tools which
represent the provision of your daily bread are under
your hands, but how oft do you think of the spiritual
significance of those tools? What is it that you hold?
If something breaks beneath your hands or becomes blunt,
it is cast aside as useless, and you seek for that
which will do what you have in mind. Is not this an
indication of your position in the great mass of humanity
to-day? Are you a tool that can be used by the grand
and glorious ones, or are you a tool used by those
in a bondage greater than your own?
"Oh, face this fact, for upon it hangs your bondage
or your freedom in time to come. During the hours of
the day, who is it that controls you? Talk not to me
of independence - such a word is unknown in Spirit
realms. You are dependent for life itself upon your
Father and Mother God, dependent upon Him for thousands
of gifts which in the past, out of your ignorance,
you cast aside. Independence is unknown when truth
is faced. Go back upon your daily life. Who is it that
controls you - the angels of Christ or those arraigned
against Christ? How much of self comes into your thoughts?
How much of yourselves do you give out in service to
"To those who have not faced this fact, to those
who have been betrayed by the lesser self, by the enemies
around, I say: From this night change your guides.
Free-will is your own and there is no one, free from
the body, who can guide you or control you against
your will, for God's laws forbid. So think within yourselves:
'What does my day produce?' And then you can answer
as to the nature of your guides. For you are indeed
controlled in a way you little understand, controlled
by great and glorious forces or by those out to wreck.
And forget not this: In the wrecking, in the hindering,
so the one who seeks to influence has that much more
to work out.
"Cannot you see that you can do God's work amongst
your guides? If they fail the highest, you, by remaining
firm, by challenging those who seek to mislead, you
can raise them from the twilight and set them into
the light which never fades, aye, the light of God's
love and the illumination which follows.
"The tools of man! Think you and turn not from
the thought: One day, not far ahead, you will have
to face the record of the past. Therefore remember
this: That those who cannot be classed amongst the
intellectuals, those who go along day by day doing
their little best, feeling perhaps that they fail because
of the ability which is absent, to these comes opportunity
in a priceless, God-like way. Forget not that when
the physical body is laid aside, that which man calls
ability - the powers of the mind - that will be laid
aside as well; and because of this some of the so-called
clever ones find after physical death that their ignorance
is gigantic.
"God judges by other methods. The little child,
the tired mother, the harassed father who has many
responsibilities and no time to probe into the theories
and the doctrines put forth by man, these - by doing
the next thing and the next, by hoping, by keeping
a brave heart, by sending forth a word of cheer - these
when the body is no more stand as the clever ones,
and it is their part to go to those who were honoured
for their minds when upon earth, and to teach them
the simple truths which open the gates of wisdom and
reveal something of the marvels of the Mind of God.
"The tools of man! Many crave the tools that they
have not in their possession. Many call out from the
despair in their heart: 'Why am I a failure?' And the
answer comes: 'God's successes are those who try; God's
successes are those who seek to hold on, to hope when
the stars of hope are hidden by the clouds of physical
and material trouble.'
"My children, I speak in tones that are stern
for I see so much. You are well known to me; long before
the earth life was taken by you, in other states, other
conditions, you were known to me, and I was shown the
very hour that we should meet in this same way.
"When I lived upon the earth plane many studies
were my part. I had to teach those with minds nimble
and discerning. The so-called sciences of my day had
to be made my own in every detail. I could speak to
you of the constellations, of the planets of which
this little earth is one, I could minister to the mind
of the body, I could tell you facts and truths hitherto
unknown by man; but I am under the ray of my Master,
and the Master's teaching to-day is the same as in
time of yore - simplicity! - lifting the hearts and
minds of those who listen above the knowledge of the
earth and seeking to impart something of the wisdom
of the Spirit.
"Mark you this: The knowledge of the earth has
its roots in the earth alone but wisdom remains for
aye; and the man or the woman who seeks to raise another
in sore distress, the little child who turns to her
parents in love and desires to comfort, these have
the wisdom, and that wisdom shall remain for ever.
Cannot you see the marvellous provision made by God
for His children upon the earth plane? Inequality from
the earth point of view, perchance, but perfect equality
from God's point of view.
"Free-will cannot be interfered with, as you know
full well, and so it is when the children of the Most
High have finished the earthly span many pass into
greater consciousness; but a still greater number find
themselves in a bondage which is terrible to behold.
The rich man and the poor man who turn to God, who
realise that their own strength is of little worth,
these as brothers pass into revelation together; but
out of that purchased by suffering and poverty so the
one who was poor gives of his gifts to the one who
was rich.
"Cannot you see how the scales of justice are
held by God in spite of man? The tools of the Spirit,
the tools of the mind and the tools of the earth, these
things are evenly balanced; and it rests with the individual
to pass out as a freed man or a freed woman endowed
with gifts that are Divine, and with a power which
is stupendous in comparison with the powers of the
earth plane.
"There are many here who are far-seeing according
to earth standards. They look ahead; they acclaim themselves
as business men; they provide for the future upon the
earth plane. To them I speak: I challenge you by that
very gift you prize so much, I say unto you: Be still
more far-seeing in regard to the future, the great
and glorious Hereafter, otherwise you may find yourselves
stripped of your tools, bankrupt, because you forgot
your God.
"In the sacred record, there you find the teaching
of Christ: Feed my lambs; seek for the lost sheep and
seek until it is found; little children, love one another!
All these things, so simple, transcend in wisdom the
greatest knowledge given out by the scientists of the
day, for many of the so-called scientists reckon only
with life upon the earth plane. But again and again
their boundaries have to be altered, they reconsider
and reconsider; again and again their hypotheses and
theories prove false in their essentials, for they
endeavour to tear the secrets of Life from the earth
and not from God. If those men gave up one half of
their time to studying the things of God, the mystery
underlying that which you name radium and electricity
would be as an open book to them. Many are wasting
a life which should be dedicated to God, and when the
body is cast aside before them lies a great humiliation,
for even that which they 'discovered' will be found
faulty in all its essentials; and once more the scientist
will revise, but this time he will revise by truth,
the truth which is of God.
"So, my little ones, I entreat you - the great
and glorious self within - to prepare, to make ready
for that which must come to pass. Go over your equipment
- the tools of the earth, the tools of the mind and
the tools of the Spirit; and as practical men and women,
practical in the God-sense, put in the foundation of
faith and trust and service, the foundation which shall
be found immovable in time of need. Cast not my words
from you, for I have been sent to you to give that
which is the truth, and I can speak not if the power
of Christ is withheld. The Master gives unto His servants
the message that the servant shall deliver, and the
message of the Christ is: Prepare, prepare, for great
things are coming to pass.
"Hour by hour, day by day, keep ever in your mind
the tools that you use, and then go back on the thought,
'Am I a tool of those with the wisdom, or am I a tool
of those who know not God?' For forget not the time
must come when you must face your controls and, little
children, it is far easier for you to free yourselves
from your lesser companions at this stage than when
the body is no more. By free-will you have riveted
the link, and anguish must take place before you can
free yourselves from those chains. At this stage you
can, by your attitude of mind, call to you those who
followed Christ in time long past. There is no barrier
between man and Christ and there is no barrier between
you and those servants of the Master but the barrier
which you erect yourselves by flinching from the hard
road, by turning from the steep path. That is the only
barrier between you and those who are as the angels
of the Most High.
"Think of your privilege, aye, and once more I
remind you that in time to come so the test must be
faced, and without your holy companions you must fail,
you must fall. But with the bright ones, the ones who
are charged with the power of Christ, so you, as warriors,
flinch not from the battle, and by your strength and
calmness you shall strengthen those who are weaker,
those who are as children in understanding in comparison
with yourselves.
"So I pass from you, yet once again I impress
upon you the message of the Christ: Children of the
earth, prepare, for great things are coming to pass.
"In the name of the Most High I bless you with
understanding, and I entreat you out of the love for
you which fills my heart - although I seem as a stranger
- I entreat you to cleave ever more closely to Christ,
for in time of danger, in time of suffering, one thing
only can bring you through with peace in heart and
mind - the Cross of Christ.

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