
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship
of Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier part of the twentieth
"FATHER and Mother God, we ask Thee in Thy great
Love to lead Thy children out of the twilight into
the light - the light of understanding, the happiness
and the joy which comes from following Thy will - from
keeping to the straight, hard road, from giving up
self and all it represents, and laying their lives
in Thy Hands, certain and sure that what is is best.
"Father, there are so many things which seem to
escape the physical consciousness; there are so many
avenues of thought which lead not into the Light which
shines from Thee, but rather into the half-light which
indeed obstructs that free view of the Divine purpose
which Thou hast ordained shall be their own. Yet tonight
once more, relying on Thy Love, we know we shall pass
out of this twilight into joy and peace and security.
"Then, O Father, we pray for all who are gathered
together at this moment to praise Thy Name; to listen
to the words of those who seek to show others how to
find Thee - how to make their own the consciousness
of Thy unfailing Love and care. Bless each one and
minister unto their needs; comfort the heart-broken,
strengthen the weary, and grant that those who teach
Thy Word may indeed reveal something of the precious
Truth which has been entrusted to them.
"And, O Christ, we ask Thee in faith to bind together
those many forms of worship - all those who are seeking
to hold on to Truth. Grant that the divisions, that
the differences of opinion may be laid aside, and that
all Thy children, as children of the Father, may be
knit together in love and understanding.
"Thanking Thee for all Thy good gifts, we ask
tonight that the power may be given; and that we may
do our little part in the unfoldment of the Truth,
and Thy mighty Love. Amen.
"MY children, tonight, as always, we have much to talk
over and I want you - again as always - to do your
part, to send out into this little room thoughts of
love - yes! and of true desire that you may be used
by the Father in making -the conditions perfect in
every sense there could be.
"You know, dear children, that every day brings
its tasks, and every day seems to bring its burden
too; but there are some who forget this simple fact:
that because of the work and the burden, so every day
brings the protecting care of the Father.
"You see, dear children, that in taking one side
only you have got a story which is incomplete. There
are many who on rising in the morning feel a shrinking
- yes, it is akin to pain itself - a shrinking from
what lies in front during the hours which are associated
with work. Nay, dear children, I am speaking not of
those who turn instinctively from labour; I am speaking
of the vast majority, for, sad to say, the vast majority
are engaged on those tasks which, as they think, are
the least congenial to them. But doesn't this fact
explain itself? Cannot you see beneath the surface?
Is it not possible to grasp that there must be something
of God which lies hidden under the ugly aspect which
is presented to you?
"Oh! my children, though I have tried to teach
you much yet still you have much to learn - not as
you think of the unpleasant side of physical life but,
thank God, of the beauty, of the brightness, of the
steady now of the Spirit-life which ever daily is growing
stronger, more dominant until, in a little time to
come, it will entirely overrule that which still remains
allied to the world and to physical things.
"My children, these few words in commencement
are entirely of sympathy and not of censure. It is
impossible to go out into the streets of any large
city and not be appalled by the sadness, by the disappointments
which earthly life seem to hold for all; and the chill
comes. Yes, perhaps over one's own condition, but still
more so does the chill come on looking at what represents
greyness, hopelessness and that deep despair - despair
over tomorrow and all the tomorrows to come.
"I wish, dear children, that it were possible
to take from your eyes the physical bandage and to
allow you to see with that sight which is God's free
gift to all, which would have been in the possession
of humanity long since had not the children of the
earth turned from the things of God and all they represent.
Yes, dear children, the eyes of the Spirit see far
indeed, and what to you represents sadness, literally
is worked out in definite form as beauty - and believe
me I do not use language which is figurative merely
when I tell you that that beauty lies all around the
sufferers in concrete, tangible form.
"A little while the earthly experience goes on.
To those so bound by 'time' it seems long indeed; yet
one day, thank God! you will see with me and you will
realise with amazement how little was asked and how
much was given in return.
"And now, dear children, I want to speak to you
about a very large and important subject. I use the
word 'important' in its spiritual sense, because what
I am about to say is of first importance in regard
to the progress of the soul - to the getting free from
those things which are as chains, fettering and torturing
while they are borne.
"Children, I have told you before or I have indicated
it in outline, that the spiritual history of your little
world has been divided - I use the word in the earth
sense - has been divided into three periods or eras.
I have given you to understand that in the first God
was represented as a mighty King, full of power; one
who gave many injunctions and who expected to be obeyed.
Then, dear children, as the mind of man grew a little
more tutored - a little more prepared for a further
expansion of the Truth, God came as Christ, and as
'Christ' the whole aspect of the Fatherhood of God
was changed for evermore.
"Children, there are few, in reading the old Records,
who do not at once see that although God was regarded
as King and Ruler, yet again and again His Love and
care was shown towards His children, in spite of many
failings, many treacheries, much forgetfulness of the
past and the protection vouchsafed to them.
"I put that in because I want to underline tonight
what I told you before: that Christ as Christ - tender,
understanding, everything that represents Perfect Love
- that Christ and God the Ruler were the same.
"And then, dear children, I want to speak to you
a little about the third era, about this time of revelation,
this period which already we have entered upon, when
the Spirit - that which some of you designate as the
'Holy Ghost' - is being, and will be demonstrated again
and again on earth amongst those children who are wishful
to find the Light.
"Children, as I speak thus, it seems to me that
perhaps in spite of my warning words I have, as it
were, separated one period from the other; but, as
you must know, each and all form one perfect whole,
and when Christ came God the Father, or the Ruler,
was not lost but was shown by example as representing
Love Itself. So, dear children, I would remind you
that the power of the Holy Spirit has been in operation
right from the beginning of time, right from the beginning
of creation. Through the ages here and there, sometimes
in noticeable numbers, there have been those who have
allied themselves to God, and these have manifested
and demonstrated that the power of the Holy Spirit
was the gift of all, and not reserved for any portion
of the history of mankind; that it was there, waiting
to be taken up when there were those who were willing
to accept the responsibility.
"Children, I want you to go back on your sacred
Records again and again. I want you to re-read some
of those older portions of the Scriptures because therein
is prophecy, there - involved in strange language it
is true - but there is the Truth preserved and handed
down from generation to generation, notwithstanding
the fact that that same Truth has suffered from the
conceptions, or the misconceptions, of those who were
the custodians of the Holy Word. God said that in the
days to come He would make a new covenant; that His
words should be written on the hearts and minds of
those who loved Him, and there should be none who would
teach the other but all would get the Truth direct
from Him.
"Now, dear children, I have put the statement
in somewhat different words from those which were used,
but the meaning is perfectly clear to all who read
with a wish to understand. And here I must ask you
to try and allow yourselves a little more latitude
in regard to quotations from those Records which were
prepared by man in the days of long ago. Some of my
children are really distressed when I, or those who
speak to you in this way, swerve a hair's breadth from
what you call the 'correct text'. Well, dear children,
as I think you will understand, that attitude is entirely
physical and associated only with the limitations of
the physical mind. In reading the Holy Word get down
to the meaning; once that meaning is enshrined in your
heart and mind then you are at liberty to clothe it
in any language you think most adequate to express
that which God wishes to teach.
"Now, dear children, when Christ came that new
covenant was given; and I want you in thinking over
this to try and remember the gigantic change which
came over religious thought. Slowly, it is true, but
even as a mighty ocean covering that which was dry
and barren land, so the teachings of Christ, so the
interpretation of the Truth imparted by those who followed,
swept over engulfing all.
"And then, dear children, I remind you of those
who were closest to the Master during His earthly life.
The majority, as you know full well, were as little
children in regard to spiritual things; and yet, so
marvellously, so astoundingly to all who listened,
the power came which enabled them to speak without
preparation - to speak the Truth which God had implanted
in their hearts and minds.
"You see, dear children, to what I am trying to
lead you. Over and over again there have been those
who love God who have been able to use this same gift,
who have been able to demonstrate in a definite form
that He had written the Truth on their hearts and minds.
The prophecy has been fulfilled in a way impossible
to exaggerate; yet there is one terrific obstacle to
be overcome - the obstacle of the physical mind, which
by reason of its very limitations relies upon itself
alone. You see, dear children, that although it may
seem to you rather a cruel fact that the physical mind,
itself so limited, should be punished by its limitations,
yet does it not show you that God, being God, has provided
something which is greater and stronger and better?...(interrupted by faintness of medium).
"In regard to those trained by The Master, you
will remember with what faith they followed the instruction
given and how each time they waited - as God promised
in the days of old - for His Word to be written on
their heart and mind before speaking His Truth.
"Then we come to the phrase: 'They shall not teach
each other.' Children, it is hardly necessary for me
to point out that for a long time to come man will
not be sufficiently in touch with his God to be able
to get the Word direct. And so I bring you round -
after taking a very circuitous course - to those who
are the missioners of God, whatever their particular
creed, however they represent their Master - to all
those who have God in their heart - and tonight I wish
to say to them just a word which will be interpreted,
I hope, as understanding a little of the disappointments
and discouragements connected with a life devoted to
the spiritual education of others...(unable to proceed owing to faintness of medium).
"My children, I am going to close this evening
and I ask you if you will meet together tomorrow night
so that we may continue. There are conditions tonight
against which it is hard to work; and although I seem
to leave you with sadness, yet I would ask you to have
faith in the thought that we shall meet together again
in happiness, and that all will be as God intends.
"Rest in peace and commend yourselves to the great
Father Heart, who understands all things and how it
is that sometimes it is difficult to disentangle yourselves
from the physical when it is a little troublesome.
Just leave everything definitely and personally in
the Hands of the Father, not forgetting what has been,
but saying to yourselves, in faith and trust, that
God will provide.
"We are indeed bound together by such close ties
that when the body is laid aside it will be found by
all that, in reality, the physical was powerless to
come in between.
"Oh! I thank God ever and ever for my little children;
I thank God that He has permitted me to guard and guide
and care for them! And here and now I say to you all
that my love for you and your love for me, by God's
grace, passes all expression in words, because through
the long years we have worked and we have suffered
together, and because where love is only perfect understanding
has a place...Yes! I thank God for His over-seeing
care; and in His Hands everything is safe, and all,
all is well!...Goodnight! my children.
* * * * * * * * * * *
"MY children, I thank you all for obeying my request,
and I thank you too for many thoughts of help, all
of which have been used to their utmost; and these
prayers shall be shown to you in the happy days to
come as producing power of so great a character that
indeed you will marvel at God's Love.
"Children, it seems to you somewhat strange that
more help is not forthcoming when there are those among
you who are willing to submit themselves to the guidance
of the Spirit.
"Well, dear children, these thoughts arise merely
because you are still bound by the physical aspect
of things. Tonight I will tell you that had it not
been for this work for God - which my child had taken
on in the Spirit - had it not been that the severity
of the experiences she has gone through were for work
for God, then I tell you quite frankly it would have
been impossible to keep the enemies of the physical
at bay in the way we have done.
" - 'But' - you exclaim, - 'see how pressing they
are!' - Yes, but again I repeat that had it not been
for this work my child, and your child, would not be
in the physical body at this stage.
"You see, dear children, how wonderful are God's
laws? Some there are, swayed by the world and its conceptions,
who have urged and entreated - nay, who have commanded
that this precious communion should be abandoned because
of the strain entailed on the one so used. Yes! they
knew it not, but they were being used by those destroyers
who have not allowed one avenue of attack to be overlooked.
"In this there is a lesson for all. Thousands
who are working for God are also harassed by the enemies
of the flesh, yet they work on - not in spite of these
enemies but because the work they do comes under the
heading of Service, and so in a gigantic way they are
protected from that which would strike them to the
earth itself.
"On all sides there is suffering yet again and
again it is noticed that the weakest survive when the
strong of body pass out. This is experienced in a way
so revealing that I gladly bring it in this evening.
"You know dear children that among your own friends
there are those who strive and strive, who again and
again return to face the enemy and prevail in a way
which cannot be rightly estimated until spiritual sight
is your own. These, dear children, because of the strength
of the Spirit within call to their side those who fight
for them, those who are indeed of God, and these bring
His protection with them.
"It was necessary to give this little explanation
and now I pass on to the subject we were discussing
last night.
"Children, in regard to the custodians of the
Truth I have something to say and I hope those who
read these records will try and realise that I am seeking
to portray a little of the Father-Mind towards these
who have voluntarily sought to represent Him during
their daily life.
"You see, dear children, that in many cases -
nay in all cases - the Spirit is far and away more
ambitious, more spiritually ambitious than the most
ambitious physical mind could be; and so right through
the ages there have been those who, anyhow, have set
out to do their Masters Will. Some, perhaps, have found
that the enemy was too strong, that the world drew
so close that it could not be fenced off as effectively
as they hoped...Children, God understands all hearts,
and as God judges not so I entreat those who will listen
to judge not these themselves.
"And then, dear children, I turn your attention
to all those earnest ones whom you have met and whom
in many cases you have loved as well. These indeed
represent the Truth not only to the best of their ability
but in a way which has brought God's blessing upon
them. To such as these I speak - and there are many
in this room tonight. I speak also to those still bound
by physical restrictions, still hampered a little by
the body which - against their will perhaps - sometimes
makes barriers between them and all they wish to be.
"When they come here all will be so clear and
they will find that because the wish held good to be
true to God, so indeed God has worked out that wish
in fact, to remain for ever more.
"In regard to those who listen to them: well,
dear children, teaching spiritual things is not an
easy task. Unconsciously or consciously the physical
mind has built up certain conceptions of the Truth,
and if anyone seeks to interfere with or to broaden
the boundaries of their thought, they are met at once
with a veiled or definite hostility which so often
does its destructive work. I mean, dear children, that
the one who would teach, that the one who has vision
of something of the magnitude of God's Love, that he
is checked and he retreats back into his shell, keeping
his gift to himself.
"Then, dear children, that other aspect has to
be met and faced. Some there are who cannot portray
either the story of Christ's life on earth, or the
wonderful teaching He gave so simply, so beautifully
for use in all ages, for all times. They have not the
faculty; and there are countless numbers today who,
because the shepherd is inarticulate, so they stray.
"Children, I am fully aware of the responsibility
of this remark, yet even in your little experience
you know that this is so; and tonight I must say that
those who gather together to worship God, to hear His
Word - that these have a right to expect that the interpretation
of the Word should be given in a way which will reach
their hearts and minds.
"Now, dear children, we have got to keep our balance
of thought. Most of those whom you have loved so much
have possessed that gift - the gift of portraying Christ,
the gift of opening the door of revelation - perhaps
in varying degrees, but believe me it is something
when anyone has the perception and the strength to
open that door, even if it be but an inch.
"Children, the gift of speech is a weapon - it
is a tool which cannot be overestimated because of
its influence on the minds and characters of others;
and when you are free you will see that the foundation
of that gift was solely and entirely the power of the
"Now mark you, dear children, I am fully conscious
that there are many who possess eloquence - who indeed
are rich in expression, whose words throb with life
and meaning - and some of these use it not for God's
work. Yet remember 'service' has many branches and
channels, and the one who uses his gift of speech towards
the betterment of the world, towards the righting of
a wrong, he indeed is using that gift as God intended.
But those who desecrate the gift - ah! these are building
up for themselves much sorrow and much suffering when
they come here and see the purpose of the bestowal.
They sought not to uplift but rather to drag down that
which was truth and holiness and purity and faith.
"Yet, dear children, forget not my previous words
- that all the various attributes and abilities of
the mind are indeed but manifestations of the Holy
Spirit, and as such should be treated as sacred indeed.
"I come back to the sheep who have a shepherd
to guide them and yet that shepherd finds it almost
impossible to put into words the way they should go.
To those shepherds I speak with so much love and understanding,
and I tell them that if they would put even half the
reliance on the spiritual mind which they place so
readily on the physical, indeed they would find that
the Holy Spirit - the gift of language - could be used
by them with the liberty of an unlimited Source.
"And then, dear children, I want to speak to you
about those edifices which are held in such high estimation
by all, not only you who love your churches but even
by the spectator who has no personal interest in the
Faith they represent.
"Well, dear children, I have something to say
to you which perhaps will come as a surprise, and yet
being your most loving teacher - not your schoolmaster,
remember that - but being your most loving teacher
I am anxious that you should get the spiritual view
of as many things as is possible.
"There are in your little country buildings and
ruins which in your eyes are regarded as sacred trusts;
and while I can enter fully into your attitude towards
that which stands for so much in religious life, yet,
dear children, it is my duty to tell you that sometimes
you err a little in regard to this.
"Yes! there are those, on passing through precincts
which are hallowed by memories, who have felt that
indeed they were on sacred ground - and so they were,
but not for the reason that they think.
"Children, has it ever occurred to you to pause
and think - when examining the old and lofty walls,
when in mind measuring the girth of the great columns
which support those roofs of workmanship both beautiful
and rare - has it ever occurred to you to think of
those who put the stones together? Yes! I know that
he - or they - who designed that edifice which brings
such joy to the senses, I know that he gets full measure
of rightful recognition, but tonight I want you to
think a little about the workers: about the humble
workers who put it together with so much labour, so
much weariness, so much heartbreak and despair. For,
dear children, in the days when those magnificent edifices
were built labour was not as it is today. In those
times of long ago the life of a man who was a toiler
was reckoned but lightly indeed. I do not speak without
due consideration when I say that many of those buildings
which you revere so much contain in the very stones
themselves stories of hardship entirely beyond your
"So, dear children, you will see to what I am
leading your thoughts. Those buildings are indeed hallowed
by time, hallowed by the prayers which have risen from
them, hallowed by the sacrifices, by the devotional
thoughts, the aims and the aspirations of those who
worshipped therein, but most of all - yes, most of
all by the labour, by the suffering exacted from those
humble, forgotten, unnoticed workers who indeed have
enshrined, not their names but their lives in the stones
which remain.
"Oh, dear children, try ever and ever again to
get Christ's view of human life. I do not say turn
from your admiration of that which is old and rare,
but I ask you to give your attention to what is far
older and far more precious than anything the material
world can produce. Yes, on all sides you have examples:
in the cradle where the baby lies, in the man, in the
woman, in the child who plays so carelessly by the
wayside - ah! these, dear children, are old and precious
indeed. Physical standards have no place, but the spirit
within each one has toiled and worked and suffered
right down through the swelling waves of time, long,
long before the oldest erection ever found a place.
"Keep your vision clear; but before you can have
a clear vision there must be that readjustment of values
so that you may understand how God regards things,
so that you may understand the spiritual aspect of
life - that which God has sought to reveal since creation
"You see, dear children, I am taking nothing away
but I am turning your attention to what is infinitely
greater in value, infinitely older in history, that
which cannot pass away: the journey of the individual
soul, the quest of the Spirit - that which is within
you, which is within me, which is within the beggar
in the gutter, that which is in the tiny babe who has
experienced but one hour of physical life.
"My children, as we go on we have much to talk
over together, and I am instructed by our Master to
tell you tonight that in His sight the things of the
earth are indeed as dust, which as time goes on, inevitably,
must be blown away; and that His jewels - that which
He holds most precious of all - are His children, and
it is these which He watches ever and ever to guard
and to protect.
"I think there are some of my children who will
be able to take from these few words just the little
hint I am anxious to convey. Yes, love the house of
God but remember that your greater love belongs to
humanity; that those who passed with you up the long
aisles were infinitely greater in importance than the
treasures which you admired so much. And because of
this I led my children away from the big and the grand
(Canterbury Cathedral)
- I took them into the humble village church, and there
from the lips of one who had simple faith they heard
God's message direct. Cannot you see the beauty of
simplicity more and more? There in the little church,
free from all that adornment which forms an essential
part of worship to some - there in his poverty of attire
he showed the richness of his mind and the power of
the Spirit at work.
"Children, search how you may you cannot find
a grander or a greater subject than the Love the Father
has for His little children, who understand Him not.
Right from the heart he spoke, striving with might
and main to get his message home; and there are those
of you who can witness to the fact that the message
went home in very truth.
"Yes! keep your vision clear, but remember that
before this clear vision can be your own there must
be a mighty readjustment of values, there must be that
inner conception of things spiritual and things physical
without which indeed Christ's view is veiled.
"Children, there is one other little point in
connection with this. I want you to realise that the
things of the world are so dependent upon man; I want
you to see for yourselves that however ancient an erection
may be that it is within the power of those who possess
it to destroy it or to entirely alter its character.
"Yes! and in this there lies a lesson which shows
you that the things of the earth are impermanent while
the things of the Spirit remain for ever more. In your
own brief experience you have seen what was once an
old ruin restored; yet the word 'restored' is incorrect
for many reasons, because that which is of the earth,
which has crumbled away, is not brought together again
but something which bears a resemblance to it is put
in its place - nothing more.
"When you are building character, when you are
training the thought of the young, you are indeed putting
together something which can never pass away. 'Oh',
but you say, 'people forget so soon!' Again you are
thinking only with the physical mind, while I am speaking
of the mind of the Spirit; and I say that not one thought
planted in the mind of another, not one pure thought
created shall ever pass away.
"In the hands of each one of you there lies a
power greater than possessed by any Pharaoh in the
days of old; in your hands lie also the capacity to
leave your mark, not in the confines of the earth,
but indeed in the Realms of the Spirit - to leave that
which will be remembered long after this little earth
has passed away.
"Little children, keep yourselves from idols,
but read not into this anything but the Hand of protection.
So easily the physical mind fastens on this and clings
to that while all the time the real treasure - that
which is of infinite value - is overlooked. God understands
the human heart and mind; but the next stage, dear
children, is this, and it is of so gigantic a character
that I am evermore anxious to prepare you evening by
evening as we meet together in this sweet way...God
understands the human heart and mind and He waits -
yes, with unending patience, He waits for His little
children to understand a little more of what is in
the Father Heart and Mind.
"Oh! keep this thought ever before you - that
because you are His children you have a right to understand
what is in the Mind of God. Then you will be able to
do, dear children, what has never been excelled by
anyone: you will be able to instinctively, whatever
subject comes under your consideration - you will be
able to see it in its spiritual sense, you will be
able to see beneath the physical aspect the Mind of
God at work.
"Yes! keep your vision clear...(words missed)...but remember that until your conception of values
is brought into harmony with the Christ view then indeed
you travel on a circle, returning to the point from
which you started without having explored any of those
beauties which lie above and beyond you, as well as
around you everywhere in the physical world.
"My children, I am pleased with you all tonight,
and tell my little secretary
that I counted her here as well.
"My child (Margaret), I want to say a word to you which will comfort and
reassure you as to your part.
"The thought has come to you that you are not
being used to supply the missing vitality in the one
you love so well, and that thought I intend to answer
once and for all time.
"God knows how to use His own, and again and again
from you has been taken for her that which only you
could give; and you have been told that when it is
a question of service a hundred-fold is given in return.
Thank God, dear child, that He can use you so easily
and so effectively, thank God that you belong to Him
in every sense there could be.
"And now I speak to my other child (Mrs. Moyes).
"Annie, sometimes it seems to you that your place
is a little on the outside because neither the writing
nor the speech is through you; but God looks at things
in a way so entirely different from the physical. I
put it thus because you argue within yourself that
'facts are facts.'
"Well, dear child, when you come here you will
find that physical 'facts' are not facts at all; and
that is a little point which I pass on to all my children
hoping it will help them in their upward climb. You
see, the only things which are real, which are permanent,
which will remain are those connected with the Spirit
- those which are engraved in the Spirit World itself.
Fear not, and have courage over everything. Is it not
feasible, Annie, to you that after so long a journey,
after so many encounters the victory must be great
"And now, dear children, I leave you for a little
while, but I do not intend to tax the strength of my
child for too long a period tonight, and yet it is
essential that those appointed to speak at this stage
should not be held back.
"Ask God to help and strengthen you so that you
may help and strengthen the one who is used..."

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