The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.



(Taken from an address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac Circle on Saturday, 1st October, 1927).

"...Again I take you back to the One who loves you best, even the Tender Saviour, the Missionary of mankind. I ask you to try and visualise the agony of His daily life, how His tears fell, out of the anguish which was within! Yet, my little ones, remember this: that though He was hated by many, He hated none, but loved them all. And while I am upon this point I wish to reconstruct that which is so freely quoted by the spiritually ignorant - the driving of the money-takers out of the Temple, and the whip which the Master held in His hand.

"Children, to some who are in bondage a great satisfaction comes in the thought that Jesus the Christ was guilty of lack of self-control. There are those in the world today who are glad that the whip was taken up by the Holy One and that He was sufficiently human, so they say, to be charged with anger. Children, I was there when that incident took place, but I was bound, as many were bound, yet I saw the facts and I narrate them here.

"Think you to yourselves, those of you who have the gift of greater sight. You are able to see around the careless child, the unthinking friend, the companions who have gathered near and who seek to destroy harmony and trust. You who have clear vision can remain calm when one, maddened by strong drink, forgets his manhood and is even as a brute, for you see the tempters (disembodied souls either earthbound or from the darker regions), those who are using the weakness, the frailty of the will. And when you stand to attack, you attack those who are unseen, unknown by the one concerned, and you wrestle with them, until, through the grace of God, you have separated the influence from the one so blind.

"The Master stood amongst those He loved and He saw what was going on. He saw the great army who had gathered bent upon the destruction of those so unconscious on the earth plane; and because such as these thought of self alone, so the connection was complete, and out of the anguish which was His own, the agony over wasted opportunity, of all that must be retrieved, so the Holy One took up the whip. My children, the Beloved stood before the many with the little whip in His hand. The one who was nearest could have felled Him to the ground even as He advanced; but Christ, using the very weapon of the physical mind and the cowardice of the heart, held up the whip and drove them out.

"Oh, think you, dear children, what was it that sent them scattering in all directions! The little whip and the power of the physical hand? Or the great outrush of spiritual power, which, like a dynamic force was irresistible? For evil cannot stand before good, hate must give place to love.

"And one other point in regard to this. All who have the greater vision are conscious that where many are gathered together so, by their concentration, they provide that which is as a magnet, either for the good or for those you name evil; and, in a measure, the only way to release this bondage is to scatter them, for as they divide so the power is dissipated, in part. Anger of the physical mind was impossible to Love! You have the instinct within that where love is, anger can find no place. The anguish was for them, for they in their blindness and their ignorance, literally were mediums of those from the dark planes..."...




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Zodiac Messages on this site, it is possible to have them on your computer. A setup file installs the Messages in a folder of your choice, and can be given as a gift simply by clicking HERE. Then a message can be read at anytime giving immense inspiration, guidance, reassurance and spiritual renewal.

Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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