The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.

An extract from an address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ).



"...Dedication, concentration, retreating into the silence of the Spirit, shutting out the world and its many voices and trying - ah, yes, trying to reach that which is your own - the Spirit of God, within and without. That is the way to unravel the secrets of the Bright Spheres; that is the way to untie all those many knots in the rope of physical knowledge; that is the way to make Wisdom your own - the Wisdom of the Spirit which shall permit you not only to enter into revelation yourself, but to demonstrate that revelation to others.

"There is no other way. Many have tried, many have got through the first portal, and then, intoxicated by success, have forgotten the quest - the quest of holiness, the quest which demands consecration and devotion. Indeed they have gathered up gifts; but when they come here they will see that those gifts were but misrepresentations of the real, but travesties of the powers. In that day they will go back - yes, even to the portal gate - and by service, by prayer, by faith make that which God holds out to all their own. Without service, prayer and faith, the work that is done has no stamina, dear children; and that is the difference. Sometimes, from the outside, it would seem that the results are greater. But go back to nature - plodding nature, to the slowness of growth - and then you will see how only the Spirit can emerge; and until the Spirit is free, in some measure, from self, from the world's way of thinking, so the work done passes away and the power has been wasted.

"Children, I can't speak too seriously in regard to this. The power of the Holy Spirit is used extravagantly in order to demonstrate, not the Love of the Father, but rather the powers of the physical mind - those powers which walk hand in hand with popularity and success. This, dear children, has a harmful effect on that which is Divine within. Never think that Christ, the Great Understander, does not enter into the natural wishes of these, His little ones; but when they come here they will see, to their anguish, that the good gift, which is indeed of the Spirit, was not used to demonstrate the Divine but rather to catch the attention of the idle passer-by. Oh, think you not that I judge others; yet being a servant of the Most High I should be failing my mission if I did not seek to instil one little word of warning. When you come here, seeing things as they are, you will find it hard to forgive your lesser selves if that power was not used solely and only to bring the revelation of God's Love to suffering humanity.

"Yes, the ways of the earth and the ways of the Spirit often run in opposite directions; and yet those on the Other Side are concentrating their powers in order to bring the greater vision to all who know the Truth. Yes, they know the Truth, but they understand it not: they take, but they are scarcely willing yet to give; they use it not for the furtherance of God's work, but rather to comfort their own aching hearts

"Cannot you see the difference, and cannot you see the responsibility as well? Only Spirit can contact with Spirit; only the God within can reach out and find the Great God who made us all. Yet the things which stand for all time are passed over, and the pretty toy at hand - the poppy of consolation, striking in its brightness - satisfies, and they go no further.

"Yes! The patience of God is infinite, but the patience of the Divine within you is another matter. And there are many who, when they are free, will be anguished indeed to see that they had the jewel of price in their hands, but they used it for their own adornment instead of holding it high so that the Light of the Sun might shine upon it and others might see.

"My children, I hope I have not saddened you, because I know that in your hearts the wish to be used as God desires is foremost; and because of this a blessing - an unending blessing - rests upon you..."




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Zodiac Messages on this site, it is possible to have them on your computer. A setup file installs the Messages in a folder of your choice, and can be given as a gift simply by clicking HERE. Then a message can be read at anytime giving immense inspiration, guidance, reassurance and spiritual renewal.

Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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