
An address given by the Christ-messenger 'Zodiac',
(the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the
Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), given through
the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes in the first
half of the twentieth century
"MY little children, I come into your presence
with the message from the One Who loves you best.
"We have much to do. I have spoken to children
here and children there, and I have sought to warn
them as to that which must come to pass. I speak not
of tribulation or catastrophe to raise your fear, but
to give you confidence - confidence in your Leader.
I say that the trouble which must come upon this little
world is not to bring anguish or sorrow, but rejoicing;
for indeed there are some souls - the brave souls,
those with the warrior spirit - who are sufficiently
released from the earth and all it holds to stand that
which you name suffering for the sake of the great
gain hereafter. Remember the Holy One, the Master Who
was crucified after His life of service upon the earth
plane! I remind you that until a nation or a people
has reached that stage of release from the physical
and material so the crucifixion cannot come, for the
resurrection follows close upon the great surrender.
"My children, I gather you into my love and I
say unto you, because it is truth, that before you
entered the physical tabernacle you were known to me.
I say further that my presence amongst you in this
way to-night is by command of the Holy One Who has
instructed me to bring His message to you direct.
"Now, my little ones, bear with me for a while.
Soon will be that which you name the anniversary of
the catastrophe called the War. Your hearts and your
minds will be drawn towards those who have passed on
so far as the physical is concerned; yet these minister
to you direct and live your lives with you, seeking
to watch and guard and protect. Ah, in a few short
days, so you will seek to break asunder the veil between
you and those who love you well, and thus it is I come
to speak upon the soldiers of the King.
"I ask you not to allow your minds to rest too
long upon the earth soldiers, for the soldiers upon
the earth plane are, as it were, but a shadow, a pale
reflection of the warriors of the great King of kings.
Your boys, those you love so well, they - according
to the sacrifice made when in the physical body - they
are the tried warriors of the King of Love, and so
they come to you to-night, as they come to you so oft
when you forget, and their message is: 'Oh, be willing
to endure a little to-day for the sake of the power
and the peace and the joy which the suffering shall
bring to-morrow!'
"They say to you: 'That which I endured upon the
battlefield - the pains, the wounds, the weariness,
the hunger and the privations - all this has brought
unto me something which can never be taken away!' Indeed,
it has brought unto the individual the release, in
a measure, of the Divine within, and the Divine within
has all power for it is indeed of God, being a fragment
of the great and almighty Creator.
"So, although I understand so well how your love
seeks for this one and that who died for king and country,
yet I entreat you out of my greater knowledge, out
of my longer vision, to come to reality, to think of
those who are warriors of the King of kings. This applies
to each and every one. Children, what should be the
equipment of a soldier? You may say to me: 'He must
have that which shall deal destruction unto others'
- but I ask you to probe a little deeper than that.
I say to you that a man who has the equipment of war
and yet has not self-discipline, has not the will to
endure, then those implements instead of representing
a safeguard to him and his country, are indeed as a
disadvantage, a menace to himself and others. Oh, cannot
you see that the implements are dangerous or useless
when training, discipline, self-control and obedience
to the greater self are absent?
"So then, I come to you, whether old or young;
to the boys and the girls and even to the little children,
and I say - because God is God - that each one can
be as a warrior of the great King of kings. And mark
you this, that if you shrink from the training now,
if you hesitate over this and that, if fear seizes
the physical mind and takes the strength out of the
physical limbs, so then one time you will submit to
the necessary training and discipline, for each one
must be a warrior of the King of kings.
"Children, I feel that among you there are some
who at this same time are indeed warriors of the great
King of Peace. There are those in this little temple
of light who have suffered, who have given up, who
have had their loved ones taken away from them. There
are those who have had poverty and sickness and the
treachery of friends. To such as these I say: Rejoice!
According to your sufferings so you are as prepared
soldiers of the King; according to your sufferings.
"There may be others here who say within themselves:
'I have no wish to suffer. Life is sweet, surely God
does not mean that I should be unhappy or that I should
give up that which I prize so much!' Little children,
deceive not yourselves nor allow others to deceive
you. Think of the Christ, the One Who gave pure joy
to others yet bore the burdens of humanity!
"Oh, listen and learn, for time is fleeting and
great things are coming to pass. Only in the measure
that you are willing to grasp the Cross and to follow
in the footsteps of the Master can you give out joy
to others or can the sweet joy of the Spirit be made
your own. Look around you! The selfish, those who make
a god of their possessions, are they the happy ones?
Many such as these, out of self-indulgence, out of
pandering to the physical body are sore beset by pain
and disease. There are some who would change places
with the lowliest toiler who had health, but they cannot,
for 'the wages of sin is death' - death to their powers,
death to their strength, death to their happiness.
But the wages of effort are strength and joy and peace
and those gifts which make you like unto Christ Himself.
"Is it not plain? Cannot you see the writing on
the wall? Cannot you grasp that those who are bound
to the world are, literally, killing the joy for which
they long so much? They are the shirkers; they are
the ones when the battle call sounds who sleep; they
are the ones who are held by fear. But the warriors
of the King, soldiers under Christ, with happy hearts
they say within themselves: 'Oh, I know the road is
hard, that weariness must be my lot, that others will
cause me pain but I have the rest which is of the Spirit,
the balm which is of the Divine Love, and the courage
which is of Christ!'
"Oh, let not my words pass unheeded, lay them
upon your heart; for there are those who, living under
the false glare of the earthly sun, are allowing true
happiness to pass them by. These, indeed, must be sifted,
and no strength, nothing that lasts will be found within.
"Who is the happy warrior; who is he that every
man in arms should wish to be? The man or the woman
who, as a little child, turns to the Christ and says
to the Master: 'Use me for Thy Holy purpose; take of
my will - I make the full surrender!'
"Children, these things may sound hard to you
but I say that this night, gathered close to you, are
the Holy Ones of old, men and women like yourselves;
those who knew sorrow, those who knew poverty and anguish;
those who knew weakness of the physical garment. These
walk amongst the children on the earth plane, scattering
their blessing, bestowing of their strength. They say
to you: 'Look up! The road that seemed so hard to us
led into revelation!' - and they to-day are as the
angels of God.
"Yes, Peter and Paul, James and John, the women
from the humble homes, Martha and Mary, and many others
unknown to you by name - they come into your presence
bestowing upon you their gifts; and the time is coming
when you will have to make a great and serious decision.
"Little ones, when trouble draws nigh, when the
tempests rage, when the waters rise, then you will
have to look to your equipment. Where is your anchor
? What of the little craft which represents your life?
Will it be tossed out on the wide and dark sea of misunderstanding,
or will it be fettered to the harbour of light? Who
is your pilot - self or God, Christ or the world? For
mark you this: The time must come when warriors, when
those with the fighting spirit in the God-sense, will
be urgently needed, aye, those with the essentials
to save others who as straying sheep have followed
one shepherd here and another there and have forgotten
the safe fold from which they came.
"In that time you, dear children, will look back
upon this night and you will not be able to turn your
eyes from the truth. Oh, think not that I would cast
sadness upon anyone for I feel there are those here
who have the warrior spirit who, indeed, are prepared
to suffer a little to-day so that tomorrow shall be
fair. But remember that the tried soldier, the experienced
warrior, travels light. The one who is new to the long
campaign thinks to himself: 'I must have this and I
must have that. I must make a brave showing to others,
otherwise they will not know that I am a soldier of
the king.' But the wise one, the one who has been in
battle before, he says: 'My son, cast aside that which
you have accumulated; when the long march is on it
will weigh you down to the earth.'
"The only equipment necessary for a soldier of
the King is faith and trust in God; ah, and courage
for Christ, for the One Who loves us best!
"When I lived upon the earth plane I was attached
to the Holy Temple. There were those there who gathered
unto themselves precious jewels and robed themselves
in rich raiment, asking of others many gifts to place
upon the altar of the Lord God Jehovah. There the costly
gifts were laid although the starving in their thousands
thronged the outer courts and were as a disgrace unto
those within. Aye, when I trod the earth plane that
was my life until One passed before me! Oh, lowly was
His mien; dust was upon His cloak; His feet were in
that which showed signs of wear, and His face bore
witness to suffering and fatigue. But as the Master
looked upon me radiance shone from out His whole being,
and I knew I stood face to face with God!
"Oh, cannot you see, cannot you see? Those who
say they are followers of the Christ and yet forget
the simple way, the hard way, the way of service, such
as these desecrate the very Name! They are, as you
would say, toy soldiers for child-souls to play with.
But the warriors of the great King, such as these know,
for they have read the narrative of the life of the
One Who was the greatest soldier of all; they know
that the path which leads to victory - victory over
self, the only victory which is worth having whether
it concerns the individual, a nation or the world -
they know that the path the Master took is the only
one which leads into the triumph which cannot be gainsaid.
"So think you like this: 'What has my life held?'
Perchance you reply: 'Sorrow, disappointments and many
trials.' Then I answer: Your link with the Master has
been riveted and nothing can sever it. Oh, let the
spirit clasp the Cross and refuse to turn from the
"Little ones, clasping the Cross and grasping
the Cross, they are not quite the same. There are those
who clasp the Cross, feeling upon their breast its
magic power; they are the tried soldiers of the Most
High. There are others who grasp the Cross, yet as
their hands close upon it so fear seizes them, and
it is thrown aside. But forget not I have said that
in this little life or in the life to come, so the
Cross must not only be grasped but clasped; and in
that hour you shall experience a joy and a peace and
a revelation beyond your comprehension now.
"So then, my children, while those of old minister
to you direct, while they seek to unclasp your fingers
from earthly toys, while they endeavour to unfasten
the locks of your mind from inherited tendencies and
man-made laws concerning God I say: Make your great
decision: Christ and the Christ path, or self and the
road that leads away from peace.
"Little ones, the earth warriors have gathered
in so close. Across the faces of some there is consternation
and dismay. They are the ones who to-day have sight
and are conscious that when their great opportunity
came they allowed it to slip by. They fought temptation
only when the world insisted, and to those things which
the world ignored they closed their eyes.
"There are others, beautiful spirits, young and
old, but all have the youth which power brings. They
are calling out to you: 'Look up, be wise in time!
That which I have today is worth a thousand deaths
to reach. I come back to inspire you, to recharge you,
to point to the steep hill, to the overcoming of the
obstacles upon your path!'
"That is the message from the one you love so
well. And in the measure that you strive, in the measure
that you dedicate yourselves, so then not only are
you nearer to the peace which cannot fade but, through
your act, you are making it possible for the brave
warriors who belong to you to gain a greater peace,
a greater joy themselves.
"For, little ones, the only way to progress is
the way that Christ laid down - by helping others.
"Praying for yourself and striving for yourself,
this produces a degree of power; but praying for others
and striving for others, this brings the great power
around you for the Holy ones gather close; you are
as warriors under the great King of kings Who sends
His legions to fight with you and for you, aye, He
sends His strength, and the enemies shall not prevail.
"This is the message from the One Who loves you
Best. Oh, forget it not. The mind of man seizes on
this and that and soon the light is succeeded by the
twilight, and the twilight leads into the darkness
of spiritual ignorance. Again I say unto you: Prepare!
- and the love of Christ will teach you how to increase
that preparation, how to cast aside the things that
hold, how to take up the banner: 'Forward and Onward
in His Name!'
"Children, before I leave you I would give one
personal word. I come into your presence to cheer,
to warn, to encourage, and I say that in this little
temple of light so great things can be worked in; great
things, grand things, things that are of God. How?
Only by dedication, only by the spirit of self-sacrifice.
Deceive not yourselves nor allow others to deceive
you. You cannot build anything that can resist the
wind of the earth plane unless you build by effort,
by giving up, by concentration on those things which
are of God.
"See that your foundation is firm. Let not envy,
hatred and malice cross this threshold. Each one has
a gift. Oh, little ones, you have many gifts, but each
one has a special gift - the gift of being, in degree,
like Christ. So then, build your foundation truly.
Let not one brick be put here and another there so
that the enemy can creep in and tear down that which
you seek to build. It must be Christ first and self
"If one has a gift which you prize, in honouring
that gift you have shown that you have a greater gift
than he or she; you have shown that you have the gift
of being in a measure like Christ. If one seeks to
lead beyond that which is for the good of all, then
to that one I say: Forget not that 'the first shall
be last and the last shall be first.'
"The gifts of the Spirit are housed within each
one. God gives in equal measure to all His beloved.
Who shall say which is the greatest gift? Nay, only
in the mind of God is the secret held. Who has the
greatest gift - the one who speaks, the one who serves,
the one who sweeps or the one who 'sees'? Only God
can answer that. Therefore see that your foundation
is built according to the Christ plan, each one bringing
his little gifts and, above all, the dedication of
the greater self within, making an altar - not something
grand and costly - but an altar where self is laid,
where full surrender is made. If this is done then
in the name of Christ I say: That which you build,
that which you do will astound not only yourselves
but others, for Christ has blessed you.
"The Cross is athwart this little room. Its brightness
- oh, little children, how bright the Cross can be!
- its brightness depends upon yourselves. The Cross
of Christ gleams as the brightest sun but those upon
the earth plane, by their disregard of Divine laws,
they throw across its beauty the mire of the physical
world, and the brightness is quenched. Across the room
is the Cross of Christ, bright and glorious, blessed
by the Master Himself. Oh, see that it is not dimmed;
and think you of this: As you strive, as you hope,
as you pray and work, so the brightness of the Cross
can be increased a thousandfold, for there is no limitation
to the glory and generosity of God.
"So, my children, as I leave you, I bless you.
Love pours out from me. I know your lives, I know your
struggles, I know there are some here who at times
have felt that God has turned from them. To-night you
have explanation - explanation! You have chosen the
warrior path; you are soldiers of the great King of
kings - indeed you wear upon your breast and upon your
brow the Cross that marks you as belonging to Him for
ever more.
"I bless you with understanding, I bless you with
courage. Oh, take that which the Master holds out -
your great and grand inheritance - and make the full
surrender to the One Who loves you best. Farewell!"

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