
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), given through
the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes in the first
half of the twentieth century
"MY little children, it is indeed with joy that
I come into your presence this night. There are many
gathered here, those of old who started from Small
Beginnings; yet in this same time they are named by
you as the disciples of the Christ. Oh my children,
how can I express to you what is in the Father's heart?
There are those upon the earth plane bound by the physical
mind, held by the restrictions of their day, and they
say, 'What can I do?' or 'How can I help to cleanse
the world? - the task is beyond my powers.' Ah yes,
beyond the powers of the individual, maybe, but not
beyond the power of the great Almighty Creator Who
is searching for tools and, alas, so oft' searches
in vain.
"Children, this night under the guidance of the
Christ I speak to you on 'Small Beginnings', and I
take you away from the earth plane, far, far back to
that time when, having reached a certain stage of involution,
having drifted away from the Lord God of all, so, through
the suffering entailed something on the redemptive
side was gained, and you started that which was spiritual
evolution. Now hold this thought in mind for it bears
on that which I would teach - Small Beginnings.
"In the long, long past, so man fell from perfection
and became even as one bonded and enslaved; yet God
is the Father of the bonded and enslaved, and God's
laws triumph over the laws of man, over that which
is done through the exercise of freewill, aye, through
the exercise of that most precious gift bestowed upon
the child by his Father.
"From Small Beginnings - out of pain, out of bondage,
so the laws of God commenced to work back to that which
had been thrown away, and little by little, stage by
stage, the individual gained a measure of freedom and
a still greater measure of freedom. So it is that we
meet together - the bonded weaved in with those of
old who indeed took the same path, made the same mistakes,
had the same failures, fell into the same follies.
Oh think you! Though these were as children in understanding,
children in spiritual insight, yet they knelt at the
Master's feet and sought to learn. Yes, though bound
they approached the beloved Stranger and asked Him
as to this, as to that; but oft His answers puzzled
their puny minds and they retreated from Him to commune
amongst themselves: What of that statement, what of
that problem?' - and the other would answer, 'I know
not, yet I believe that what the Master says is true.'
"Cannot you see that through this act of faith
something was built up - built up from Small Beginnings
- something strong, something which in time should,
like a cloud of gold pass away from that little part
of the world and spread its splendour, its radiance
over all that which must be gathered in. Oh listen
and learn, for times are pressing. There is that coming
upon this little plane which must be met and faced;
and those with sight realise that on small beginnings
- that which you, out of effort, that which the few
in different parts of the world are desiring to create
- that on those small beginnings so the foundation
of the coming of power must rest, the coming of power
which shall open the eyes and minds of the bonded and
set them free.
"I speak to one here and I speak to another there:
What have you done, what is it that you seek to build
for Christ? And if you answer me, 'Oh, I have tried
but I am thwarted, no outlet can I find!' - then I
say in the name of the Master: Be of good cheer; out
of small beginnings so God, the Mighty Creator, shall
build that which is your Spirit's desire. And if there
are others who say, 'The call has not come to me,'
then I answer: Beware, take care; the call comes hourly,
nay, minute by minute, but sometimes self, masquerading
as a friend, binds the ears and the eyes of the one
"You have not been called? Child, God has called
to you over the ages long before the physical was thought
of, and the call is: 'Arise, take up your cross and
follow Me!' Long before this little earth was thought
of, Jesus the Christ and the Cross of Protection was
there, and will remain for ever and ever.
"Then, my little ones, there are those who have
erred, those who once had the physical garment but
now are free from that which seemed to hold, yet find
themselves still more bound. Oh, to all these I speak,
directed by the Saviour of all: Delay not but look
to your tools, for time is fleeting and much waits
to be done! Cannot you understand that the Christ still
calls to you and, more than that, that there are those
in other conditions still more bound who are awaiting
the message which you can bring. From Small Beginnings
commence to build that which shall enable you to look
into the Realms of Spirit, and to grasp something of
the brightness and the peace which God means shall
be your own.
"Oh, my children, I say to you that your part
is this - and you cannot turn from it or if you turn
from it some day, in one state, you must go back on
your tracks and take up that which you are unwilling
to grasp now. There are those in your surroundings
who are as maimed souls. They are your brothers, your
sisters, and they know not the truth. You ask me: 'How
can I go to such as these? They want not that which
I bring!' I turn you to the Sacred Record: Think of
Christ - how He started from the little home in Galilee.
No one wanted the message which should bring revelation
upon the earth, yet He started from Small Beginnings;
He gathered one here, one there, and taught them as
to those events which must come to pass.
"Cannot you see how the Lord God of all chose
the same path which is open to you now? He went out
without a following, despised by those in the little
village in which He lived. 'Who is this? - only one
of ourselves?' Oh, is not this enacted again and again?
Here and there a child inspired by the Spirit comes
out of the crowd and attempts, through the grace of
God, to give forth the message of the Most High. How
few extend the hand of friendship? How many scorn this
one because 'well known.' As with the Master, so it
is with the individual now, yet in the Master the guidance
and the direction are there for all to see. He left
the little village and those who spurned Him, and from
Small Beginnings commenced to build that which should
revolutionise this little earth.
"Oh, my children, I say not to you that you must
start upon the great, upon that which is important
to the eyes of the physical body, but I turn you to
the Christ and I say: Start now from Small Beginnings
for the time is coming when you, individually, will
need a firm foundation in order to hold close to the
Anchor which never gives.
"Yes, upon this little earth so sorrow must come.
It will start in ways that seem of trivial character.
Fix not your eyes on the large spectacular events.
Remember the cloud which arose even as the size of
a man's hand. Small beginnings. Signs of the times.
Little ones, a most glorious sign. Tribulation you
may name it, but I say in the Name of Christ that it
is a gift, it is the coming of the cleansing, when
sight in its true sense shall be made your own, when
the little children of the earth - now so occupied
with material things, on pleasure bent, thinking of
that which shall bring delight and ease to the physical
garment, pursuing that which is as the will-o'-the-wisp
- when these shall seek out a teacher here and an instructor
there. And woe unto you if you have not that which
is the truth to impart, for again I say, great things
are coming to pass. From Small Beginnings so the courage,
so the endurance must be built up in order that illumination
and revelation may come.
"So, then, I speak in this little temple built
by effort, aye, which has arisen out of holy desire,
and I say that that which has been put together is
blessed by the Master, blessed by the Master, for out
of Small Beginnings that which is the Divine Will shall
be built up. Little children of the Light, remember
that the candle which is yours must be held aloft,
for only by so doing can the little light be changed
into a great light, and the great light into that which
cannot die away. You may say to me: 'Even as the light
of the candle, so is mine; as I seek to hold it aloft
so the cold wind of criticism blows it out.' But I
say to you: Within there is that which shall replenish
the light - faith and determination. The candle - that
which is the little light, your own - it is there to
be re-lighted a thousand times; and as you re-light
it and re-light it, so the flame shall burn brighter,
and the time shall come when no cold wind, no enemy
hand can blot it out.
"Through effort, through dedication, through prayer,
so you find that the Light of the Great Divine has
been made your own, and all is well. Yet think not
too much upon the light which is your own. From one
light so many lights can be created. Then say not to
yourselves, 'My light is good; how beautiful is my
light!' Rather ponder within as to those who have no
light. Take that which is your own - lend it, give
it, and you shall find, even as you give, that another
light, stronger, more beautiful, is within your hand.
It is the law of God.
"Go back upon those of old. What of Peter, impetuous
Peter? What of John, with the love of God enshrined
within; and those others, less well known to you, but
equally well known to God? Oh, forget not this, that
the obscure are equally well known to God! Go back
on these humble men of old, the fishermen, the men
who had no opportunity of travelling over this little
plane. They started from Small Beginnings and they
built up that which defies the enemy. And to-day you
are drawing from their strength, you have gathered
their light; and they are thrice blessed because they
have been used to help those further down the hill,
for all in time must scale the mount of achievement.
"My children, as I speak I bless you all in turn
and I shed upon you the Light, for great things are
coming to pass. You are called to the highest and the
best, called to leave that which is the lesser as to
truth, to separate yourself from what the world has
to offer, and with humble hearts to retrace your steps
back to Christ, to the simplicity of Christ; to leave
behind you the complications of the physical mind;
to retreat from all that and to take up the staff of
faith and to pass amongst others. They may seem strangers
to you; you are brothers in the Spirit. They are your
work. Give of your little light, or if it is a great
light, then give ten thousand times more.
"Little ones, I bring back your thoughts to the
Small Beginnings of Peter and Paul, of John and Barnabas,
of Philip and Stephen, and all those many others. Oh,
think you: Out of small beginnings so the ones you
name the saints and martyrs gained the strength to
suffer and be strong. Ah, here we come to liberty -
the power to suffer and be strong.
"So I entreat you - because I see the future,
because I see the time when the physical garment is
no more - I entreat you to overlook your tools, to
inspect that which is your equipment, to put the house
of your mind in order, and then as pilgrims to don
the cloak of service, to turn to the Master and say:
'Use me, Saviour, as Thou wilt!'
"Little ones, that sentence, 'as Thou wilt', is
as a dividing line between half-understanding and revelation.
There are thousands upon the earth plane who would
work for God in their own way, but not in the way the
Master has laid down - the humble way, the simple way.
Much good work has been done by such as these, I deny
it not, but when they pass into the Light they will
be anguished to find how much they threw away.
"Out of Small Beginnings, out of fragments, as
it were, so you collect that which is the corner stone.
Many reject these stones - they are of little importance
to their minds. But the time comes when through the
humble heart and the obedient will, something is built
up which represents the corner stone, and out of that
the illimitable can and shall arise, for God's laws
control man's laws and His little children shall share
even those gifts which are His own.
"Come child (Miss Rita McEvoy), arise and take
my hand. You have done that which is according to the
Will of the Most High. The cross has been vanquished
by you again and again. To-night I mark you with the
Cross - not of sorrow, but the redemptive Cross of
Christ. Have no fear! The difficulties and the obstructions
in your path are there to be overcome. It is the pilgrim's
way, but as each one is surmounted so the strength
shall come, and under the Master's hand so all shall
be found according to His Holy Will. Child the future
holds this: Storm and sunshine and storm again. That
is of the physical. The Spiritual is the radiant Cross
of Christ! I came because Love instructed. I came because
your love called to me in turn. Let not the past be
remembered - the future belongs to God.
"And so, little ones, I bless you each and every
one. The Holy Spirit is resting upon you all. Take
that which the Master gives and have no fear. Out of
Small Beginnings commence to build, for time is fleeting
and much must be worked in. I bless you with healing,
I bless you with peace. I bless you with the love of
the Divine, and, above all, I bless you with courage.
Oh courage, courage, my children, for great things
are coming to pass!
"Master, we thank Thee with grateful hearts for all
that Thou hast given to us, Thy little children. We
are of Thyself, we know, but as we kneel before Thee,
so as babes we seem unto ourselves. Yet Thou hast called
us to arise, and in faith we take of Thy gifts, and
we thank Thee Whom we recognise as our Father and Mother
God. Master, Thy will has been done on earth this night.
"Farewell, little ones, farewell."

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