The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac Circle on Sunday, 27th December, 1925.

  1. "O GOD, our Creator and our most tender Companion, we ask Thee to bless us, to comfort us, and to lift us up above the shadows of the world; to give us this night a glimpse of the brightness, not only Beyond, but all around those bound in the physical body. Grant that Thy little children may be able to extricate themselves from their bondage and to contact with Thee, our Light and our Inspirer: even though they may be unconscious from Whom their inspiration comes.

  2. " - 'Jesus, Lover of my soul' - oh! grant that each one may be able to echo these words direct from their heart; and that having established that close contact with Thee, may be content to rest on Thy strength, to take of Thy courage, and to be resourceful regarding those who are out to destroy.

  3. "O Father, we ask Thee to make it possible that we can free ourselves, and see Thee in something of Thy love and understanding; that it may be easier for us to look upon Thee as our Companion during the dark days, as well as those which have their fleeting brightness, and bring some gladness ere they pass. Help us to contact more closely with Thee on those dark days, so that wounds may be healed, memories may be closed, and faith and trust not only renewed but established for all time. Amen.

  4. "MY CHILDREN, once again we meet in this most understanding way, and once again I bid you to try and raise your thoughts, not only in a purely spiritual sense, as you understand it, but to raise them so that the gladness which is all around may be able to pierce the shadows and shine down upon you direct.

  5. "So often it happens that the children of the earth unconsciously class spirituality, and that finer expression of Spirit, 'holiness', with that which is of so serious a character that laughter and happy hearts seem rather out of place. When you are free you will see that this was but another contrivance of those who are out to wreck. The first thing which will arrest your attention will be the joy, the laughter, and that sweet gaiety which is only seen, as God meant it to be, in those realms which are Spirit indeed.

  6. "It is as thus: During the earth experience, because the mind is so bound, because so false a construction has been embedded in it by others regarding that which is Love itself, so the pilgrim not only hesitates on the hard and difficult way but longs with all his heart that this stage was over, and that rest of mind might be his own.

  7. "There is not one who has not been through that rather terrible experience. I say there is not one because, sooner or later, the test of loneliness and something akin to despair must be put, must be faced, and must be conquered for Christ's sake.

  8. "I would not have you think that I overlook the details of your daily life. I would not have you for one moment hold the thought that your many heartaches, that the attacks of the destroyers are not noted by me; but, oh! dear ones, if you could only admit God more closely into your lives, you would see that that which represents darkness itself to you is, as it were, but the thinnest veil between you and the glory of the road of progress upon which you now find yourselves.

  9. "Yes, the two aspects, and they tally not at all. The two points of view - that held by the mind of the body, and the vision of things as they are, as seen by the eyes of the Spirit - oh, how different, how different! Tonight, dear children, I tell you, with a certain amount of sorrow in my heart, that had man in the days gone by only been truer to his real self, so those who follow after, who are so anxious to do God's Will, would have been saved untold suffering.

  10. "Yet think you on this: The sins of the fathers are passed on to the third and fourth generation, so the world would say; but God, the Arbiter of all, the Father of mankind, knows no such law, because it is antagonistic to that Love which He expresses in so profound a way. Children, these earth standards, based on so little knowledge, built up by men and women who are spiritually blind, these have no weight when once you have been trained to think, to listen, and to heed the Voice of the Spirit which ever, so softly and so gently, is showing the beauty of the Purpose and the Plan.

  11. "From the world's point of view it happens sometimes, nay, many times, that those who have 'sinned' pass on in a measure to others the result of their weakness and their treacheries; and mark you this: you cannot fail yourself without failing a hundred times more those around you, and those who yet have to take on their experiences in this little plane which you call the earth.

  12. "Yet pause awhile and I will explain. You see, dear children, that God is a Spirit (John 4:24), that He is your Father, and that you too are Spirit, while the body is but an episode soon to be forgotten in its physical sense. Because you are Spirit, that which is within - Divine all-powerful - holds on to its resources, refuses to be separated from that which only can maintain its life and freedom. And so it is that grief holds the heart, so it is that sometimes the horizon seems ominous with warning, and the stars of hope are hidden from your sight.

  13. "Yet think you with me: Can you not see that because these obstacles, these anxieties, these misgivings, assuredly exact their payment - in some cases a heavy payment - so God's law holds good; and so the great gain, the strengthening and the purifying, goes on in that which is your real self, in that which sees and knows and understands.

  14. "I speak to many, I speak to all those who will listen to my voice. Again and again I entreat them not to judge by the world's standards, but, by faith, to reverse the shield, whereon they shall find written: 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter into the rest which unity with Me can only give'.

  15. "And now, my children, having so far as it is in my power brought God's peace into your midst, covered over the memories, the disappointments and the inability to see God's love when the enemy strikes; having readjusted all these things by God's grace, so we turn to the subject of our discussion; and I ask you to give out of your sympathy, of your love, of your best thoughts, so that we may do God's Will to-night in His way, with no obstructions to come in between.

  16. "Children, amongst you from time to time there have been conversations, there have been many wonderings regarding THE SECOND COMING of our Lord and Master; and to-night, just for a brief space, I would speak to you on this. I would warn you, on the one hand, not to attempt to place this event as to time and, on the other, would instil within your hearts a joyful anticipation regarding it, for indeed that anticipation and expectation bring, as a direct result, a blessing which cannot be portrayed in the language of your little world.

  17. "Among the minds of men right down the ages there has been much speculation and, here and there, one in positive tones has declared this and that; and I should like to say that, in the main, these have been sincere and because of their sincerity have reaped what they have sown - yes, reaped spiritually that act of faith even though, from the physical aspect, that faith was not justified during their own time.

  18. "I bring in this because I do not wish you to gain the impression that those who are free despise the prophets, however limited from our point of view they may be. You see, dear children, here you get the question of influence. If one arises in your midst and by the strength of his own conviction is able to arrest the minds of others, to distract them from the earthly, from the trivial and the dangerous, and to set those thoughts on that which represents, albeit in miniature, the best Love of all - these in a measure I cannot explain have not only helped those others, but have forced on their own progress, and that progress is not hindered but, again, is advanced by the jeers and the scorn of the ready-doubters who so gladly point out that they were wrong. That is the spiritual aspect - the only aspect so far as we are concerned.

  19. "You see, dear children, that underlying this you get the warning given by one before. Never despise the prophets for although they build not what they had in mind yet, according to their sincerity, so they create that power, that beauty in the Spirit World which brings amazement to them when they are free and are shown what they have wrought so ignorantly under other conditions.

  20. "Children, in regard to the coming of our Lord this, as you know, is a promise and necessarily must be fulfilled; and to-night I am permitted to point out to you one or two things which will give you some idea as to how the matter stands.

  21. "In a time past I explained to you the three eras of progress upon this little world - that of the Lord God Jehovah, then the Loving Shepherd of mankind, and again that which we have now entered upon, the domination of the world consciously or unconsciously by the Holy Spirit of God. Three yet one, one yet three.

  22. "Children, this third era is fraught not only with much meaning but also with a responsibility which is personal to all. In the world to-day there is effort, there is a mighty force at work absolutely unimagined by the most spiritually advanced of any of you. There must be much clearing, much washing away, there must be much praying, much work, much retrieving of that which is lost.

  23. "For those who will not heed those things there must be that which arrests the attention; there must be for those who deliberately seek the darkness rather than the Light something which, by the shock inflicted, will rouse them to strike off some of the enemies who have bound them fast.

  24. "Yes, all this and much, much more which you could not understand will take place and is taking place in order to prepare the way for the coming in glory and power of the One Who is not only our Best Friend, but Who is indeed our Father in the spirit of the word - in that Divine sense which neither you nor I can grasp.

  25. "My children, the coming of the Beloved depends upon the children created by Him, depends upon that which He can find in the hearts and minds of His little ones. I say to-night in all seriousness that God waits - yes waits for us to respond.

  26. "I say to-night conscious of my responsibility in speaking that had man been truer to himself, long ere this God would be ruling on earth visible in His many aspects to those who belong to Him whether in the human or the animal creation.

  27. "It is even as this: until man can find within himself some measure of strength, until he can purify his heart by service, so, perforce the Lord God of all tarries in that outward and visible sense - so the promise is held in trust for the happier time to come.

  28. "And oh! my children, while I speak my heart is torn by the strange views and hint of fear - nay, indeed of terror itself which is associated with the Second Coming, so-called, of the Saviour of the World. Could you but stand free from all those false doctrines and misrepresentations you would know that the gladdest day of all will be that Day when - at your toil, poring over your mundane tasks - the Spirit within you tells you to look up and see for yourself not only the Light and the Hope, but the Love of all, now in your life in a tangible way for ever and for ever.

  29. "Can you not see how a great responsibility rests on each individual by the delaying of this happy time? Cannot you see as well how the Tender Heart is wrung because the children whom He has cared for, protected and loved for so long - because these same children not only are unwatchful but in their heart of hearts wish that that coming might be delayed and delayed.

  30. "My children, in the future you will hear rumours of this and of that - pay no heed; I impress this upon you for a double purpose. I say that by anticipating this and that which represents what is adverse to joy and to peace, that this anticipation is weakening in the extreme.

  31. "Those who have strong souls, those who have clean souls, whatever may betide, can put their whole trust in God and forget themselves. Yes! that is what humanity has still to learn. Self-preservation may be human but is far from Divine. In times of struggle, in times of danger, those with God in their hearts can forget themselves in lending their aid, whether it be of a physical character or whether it be in the comforting which is so sorely needed - they render unto others that which God has gifted to themselves and their own fate has no interest to them because, wherever they are and whatever happens, they are bound to Christ.

  32. "I have warned you against anticipating evil, and when these rumours are brought to you be steadfast and do not either hold them in your mind or pass them on to others. While you are seeking to make all secure, so the enemy has slipped in and struck that which should belong to God, that which for the time being you had forgotten.

  33. "The life of work goes on all around; you cannot afford from the spiritual point of view to neglect that. The greatest safeguard that man has in any world, in any sphere, is steady concentrated work and effort on the task which is at hand.

  34. "Therefore, my little ones, you have your direction; and as you follow out your daily task look here and there and cull the little flowers of peace, of sweetness and of comfort which outline your path and which could be found if only your faith was strong enough to watch for them. Let all else remain in that future, in that by and by, because then - ah! then those with a steady will, those with a quiet heart, those with resources undamaged by the destroyers will be wanted to work for God in God's own way.

  35. "Could you but regard life in this manner, that cloak of sorrow would fall from you and, moreover, would be turned into the dust which it rightly represents. Could you but build up in your minds the God-gifted thought that each day, each moment of your life, Christ the Beloved can come to you, can be with you, indeed only waits for the longing to rise up in your hearts - gladness would keep step with you.

  36. "We who are free - yes, this great advantage is our own - we see and we know but, dear children, I remind you that there was a time - aye, and that time was long - when we neither knew nor saw the Master, when God could find no entry into our heart and mind in the guise of Love. That estrangement from the Father is the saddest thing of all, and yet you and I and all the rest can help - indeed we are helping - so that that gap may be bridged, so that the mind of man may use its many resources, may grasp that which is held out to it so freely and so lovingly as well.

  37. "Rumours of this and of that, stories of tragedies, of punishments and of God's wrath - let them lie and let them wither! Get to your work, do the next thing and hold on to that thought which is the birthright of mankind - that between you and God there is no separation, between you and the Good Shepherd the unity is complete - yes, complete the moment the desire arises within you that this wonderful gift should be your own.

  38. "My children, think you of the holy Record. Therein you will find that when the Master comes no man knoweth, not even the angels in heaven. From this set the compass of your mind. There may be those imbued with the Spirit of God who think they see portents of this and of that, and rightly so; but the time of the coming of the Lord that is known only by Wisdom Itself; yet this much is within the possession of all who wish to serve: we know that He tarrieth because man is not ready yet to receive Him and to welcome Him into his midst. Man - so responsible, so powerful and yet again so irresponsible and so weak. Cannot you see what lies within his scope and, again, the little which he has found the will to make his own?

  39. "Until the Holy Spirit of God has done its work, until the heart of humanity is in a measure cleansed, so the Lord God of all waits and waits and waits! So that perfect patience is expressed, so that unbounded Love is poured out and poured out again, seeking ever to strengthen those who have wandered so far, seeking ever to bring light and health of soul to those who know only the darkness and the hideousness of spiritual disease.

  40. "But the Patience and the Love of God is unalterable, is unfathomable, and so you and I, little ones of my heart, we rejoice that we have been shown, that we have been privileged - aye! that we have been chosen to help in the furtherance of the plan; to do our little towards the raising up of those who as yet cannot raise themselves, to disentangle them from the delectable deceits of the world, and by simple thoughts, by simple actions, by effort, by prayer and by dedication to do Christ's work in the Christ way, so that, in the by and by, not only will the joy of His coming to the children of the earth be shared by us, but also within our hearts the unquenchable comfort will be there that we contributed our fragment to the bringing to pass of the perfect plan and the fulfilment of that longed-for joy which the Father holds so dear - the joy of not only working for His children and companioning them during their many stages of experience, but of being recognised by them as their Father and their best Beloved.

  41. "Yes, this is the perfect joy which you and I and all those who love the Master can be instrumental in bringing to Him - bringing to Joy Itself that crown of joy - the love and the recognition and the at-one-ment of those who so long ago He created out of Himself.

  42. "And now I am going to leave you for a space, but I want you to give out as much power as you can for my child is a little tired although unconscious of the fact.

  43. (After others had spoken Zodiac returned and continued.)

  44. "Well, my children, God has been in your midst to-night, and I want you each and every one to hold fast to the blessing, and to be certain that because Christ suffered Himself so He never fails, so His Patience never weakens so His Love - overwhelming in its nature - gathers you into His understanding and comforts you even as a father comforts the child of his heart.

  45. "Yes, in that sweet, close, intimate sense visualise the Father, build up your impression of the Saviour, and never let the world's view come in between. God, because He loves you so much, asks of your love in return, but only because, if that love and trust are there, He can give still more of His good gifts, He can comfort you in a greater measure, He can build up around you still greater protection from the sorrows of physical life.

  46. "That is the meaning of God's entreaty to His children to love and obey Him. So different from the earth point of view, for that only is Love which asks but to give in treble measure, and which again asks but to bestow and bestow.

  47. "My children, in the Presence of Peace I leave you; with the sweet companionship of Love I can withdraw; for indeed to-night here in this little room Heaven has been opened, inasmuch as illumination, as comfort and strength have been not only drawn to your side but, in a measure, made your own possession. Therefore, rest in confidence; be certain that God rules all your lives, and though the destructive forces may advance again and again, yet before that protection of love so they must fall back; so with Christ as your Leader the barren wilderness of your life will be crossed, and then you enter into that happy land - God's Land - which is your own.

  48. "This does not relate to the passing out of the body; with those in touch with God the body, in its physical sense, makes no barrier at all.

  49. "The wilderness is that time when your consciousness of God is but dim; the Land of Promise lies just beyond, and soon, yes, soon to your own surprise you shall find yourself across its borders, and then, centred in the sunshine of knowing and understanding, so God can reveal to you, as you go on, the miracle of His Love and all it means.

  50. "I bless you in the Name of the Father, of Christ the Light of the World, and of the Holy Spirit, which even now is dominating humanity. I bless you with love, with comfort and with rest - rest in Him; and these things, because they are the gifts of the Spirit, shall be made your own in spite of those enemies which at times seem too close to be overcome.

  51. "God's peace, God's rest, God's Love. Goodnight! my little ones."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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