The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac Circle on Sunday, 13th June, 1926.

  1. "FATHER of all Love, we come into Thy Presence to-night, certain that we are drawn together by Thy Will. Help us, as the little children we are in understanding, to approach Thy truth with reverent minds, and with the will to serve in the way that Thou hast laid down.

  2. "O most tender Saviour, understanding the human constitution as no one else can do, we ask for comfort, for healing, for strength and for enlightenment; and we know that because the desire is within, Thou art in our midst waiting to bestow. Help us to be more helpful to others, teach us how to be more lenient over the failings of others, guide us into the path of service so that in the little by and by, when free from all that binds, we may stand before Thee and receive Thy blessing.

  3. "With trust, with faith, with confidence we commence our work to-night; and we ask Thee to send down the power as Thou hast ever done in the past - the power of the Holy Spirit - whereby those who have a message to give may pass it on to the ones they love so well.

  4. "Father, we thank Thee for all Thy many good gifts. Amen.

  5. "MY LITTLE CHILDREN ALL, to-night is not a chance meeting although to some it seems most hastily arranged. When you pass hence you will be shown for your comfort and for your enlightenment that long ere the physical body was donned by you, this meeting together, this linking up of ties in love was planned, spirit with spirit, under the sanctification of the Most High.

  6. "Oh! if man could but grasp what Life means, what it holds in store, then he would be able to treat to-day and the sorrows which to-day holds for many, even as little lessons which must be learnt before the great gift of service for Christ is placed within his grip. Yes! there are those present who have suffered, there are those who have been called to lay aside that which meant more than all the rest; there are others who have been severely tested in many ways, and from the heart the cry has gone up: Why? why? why?

  7. "My children, first and foremost think you like this: that the One Who created you - your Father and Mother God - He understands! And think you again that the suffering Christ stood not aside when those so-called blows fell, but even as the mind of the body suffered in intensity, so the Spirit within you was communing direct with God.

  8. "And so to-night it has been laid down that I speak to you upon a subject which has been misunderstood by many - the subject of PREDESTINATION.

  9. "You see, dear children, that had man in the past kept close to His God - I speak not of history as you know it, and as recorded by others, I speak of a time far beyond the ken of man when you and I were as God Himself - in miniature His children, created by Him, imbued by Him with those gifts which He possesses Himself. And as we started off on the long journey of experience, so even as a cloak upon our shoulders lay His blessing.

  10. "Children, there have been some, wishing to love and serve their God, who have pondered within themselves as to that Predestination which in the minds of millions plays so large a part; these have a glimpse of the Truth but a glimpse alone. They say among themselves: Why fight against this, why struggle against that; our fates are laid down for us and nothing we can do or think can alter the decree of the Great Mind Who rules us all.

  11. "I want you to listen with patience and to draw on your store of understanding while I explain in brief what that word means, how God's Love operates through it, through all the ages, through the countless stages through which we go, participating in everything that touches us, bearing our burdens, healing, soothing and retrieving that which we in our folly have thrown away.

  12. "Oh, think you like this! Those who are parents, what satisfaction would it be to you if you could create a child which was but an echo of yourselves, a child without individuality, without will, without opinions, without consciousness of right or wrong, but just reflecting even those characteristics, those thoughts, those actions which are your own. Is it not the individuality of each one that causes love to rise and hold the mind? Is it not that character, that distinction between each other which makes life worth living, which brings the light and shade, which causes the rhythm between those competing sides which, linked together by love, make the harmony complete?

  13. "Oh, think you of the position of your Heavenly Father! There are those ignorant of the mighty Mind of Love and unconscious of the purpose, who question amongst themselves why God allowed sin so to dog man's steps, and temptation to wreak its destructive work.

  14. "My little ones, when you and I were created we were pure and we were holy even as the Lord God of all, but our holiness and our purity were gifts, they were not our own, we had done nothing to win them, nothing to make them our possession.

  15. "And God being a Father, found not delight in the service which was compelled, in the love which He Himself had given and which had no will of its own; so All-Wisdom, realising the great gap, the great loss which His children suffered because of lack of experience - that experience which only is wisdom in its true sense - so the Lord God Almighty sent us on that journey which would bring us back to Him, aye! in the end, pure and perfect, but with all knowledge, gained, fought for, suffered for and therefore our own for ever.

  16. "Here, dear children, you find that word 'Predestination' holds good: from God you came, to God you return, even though it takes man aeons of time, for that which is within shall find no rest until it is linked with its Source, until completion is its own.

  17. "And then in regard to this brief stage upon the earth plane, oh! think you like this, and be certain that Christ is desirous of comforting each one - the comfort which lies in explanation; and there are wounds in heart and mind which never heal because the reason, the purpose is not disclosed, and those shepherds who have overlooked this need of their flock ah! in time to come that regret which is torture must seize them, for the work was theirs and it was overlooked.

  18. "My children, send your thoughts back to your school days, to the hard lessons and, perhaps, the undue severity of the one who taught.

  19. "At this stage the remembrance is dimmed, the pangs you experienced no longer exist as in that time, and maybe you smile now because you took this so hard and that wrung your heart. You are older and you understand. Perhaps you have tried to teach another and therefore can realise that lessons must be learnt in spite of a reluctant mind, in spite of distractions on every side.

  20. "This then is as a school, a preparation for that Life which is Life indeed. Here (on earth) senses, feelings, understandings, all are dulled, but once the body is discarded and you have done your part, so then, imbued with power and with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you will not only live but you will function in a way impossible for you to grasp at this stage.

  21. "And then I come to the point which matters so much. I tell you, instructed by my Holy Master, that you, each one, before the body was taken on, chose your own experiences, you chose your troubles, you chose even the hardest lesson which you have had to learn. But mark you this: the Spirit, being of God, was strong; the Spirit, being of God, was wise, and so it attached to itself during the earth stage that which would bring it the greatest gain in the by and by. But free-will is never interfered with, and so, although the Divine within longed to reach the highest and the best, sometimes the mind of the body betrayed, sometimes the circumstances of life seemed too difficult, the enemies too numerous and God so far away, that the children of the earth fell from that which they hoped in the Spirit might be their own.

  22. "You see, dear children, I make it quite clear that although your real selves knew what life on earth would hold, knew the sufferings and the struggles, yet the Spirit hoped that the mind of the body might be strong and not weak, might be courageous and not afraid. And here you find that that word Predestination must stand aside.

  23. "Preordained the events of your life, but with free-will never interfered with, never unduly influenced, so the result has come about. How have you borne your troubles? How have you faced temptation? This lies literally within the province of the physical mind, and when that mind of the body is undiscerning, when the world comes too close, so it is that the Spirit within mourns over its lost opportunities, mourns over the waste of time and the retrievement which must take place; but God does not condemn.

  24. "This truth has got to be forced on the mind of man: the Father, the Loving Christ, the tender, understanding Companion condemns you not. His to succour, to recharge with faith, to renew, to make whole again; and even while you fail so the One Who loves you best is fighting for you, and He will never let you go for you belong to Him, whether the mind of the body recognises it or not. You belong to Him.

  25. "Oh, my children, try and get your sense of values more akin to those values as they will be presented to you when spiritual sight is your own. This little earth life - so important, so fraught with this, so charged with that - this little earth life is but one short stage. You have already weathered the storm of many an experience, many a birth, and in time to come when you have fought through this one and gained the victory, so you will go on, with fresh knowledge, with greater understanding and with a happiness and inward joy no words can express.

  26. "This is the story of creation as it stands for ever: from God you came, to God you return; and if you falter by the way, if you are influenced to take the winding path instead of the short steep path to God, so then it is only postponement, it is only putting off the fight for another day.

  27. "Predestined to be the sons and daughters of the Most High, predestined to all knowledge, all purity; and as you wend your way to-day, you are - unconsciously it may be - you are strengthening your armour, you are showing yourselves more fit to be called not only believers, but soldiers of God, not only the minstrels who sing to the praise of the Most High, but even while the song is on your lips taking up your staff and going forward to fight for Him for Truth's sake.

  28. "Predestination! - a word so fraught with misunderstanding yet so simple if Christ is taken into your confidence, so simple if the sacred Record, which has been preserved for man, is read with the mind of the Spirit, if that multitude of false ideas, all that traditional thought is plucked from you for there in the sacred pages the Truth is set forth for all to see.

  29. "God created man in His own image and gave him control over all the powers of the earth - of that condition and of all those many conditions in which it was possible for him to function. But free-will worked against the Divine purpose. Free-will is unlimited in its scope, yet it can be controlled by something which man has forgotten, and that is the Spirit of God within which in time, in time will grow dominant enough to say to the reluctant mind of the body: You shall do this, you shall not do that! Free-will, the free-will of the Spirit within co-operating with the Will of the Lord God of all, when Love is demonstrated for all time.

  30. "And then for the comfort of my children, so many scattered here and there, I bid them think to themselves like this: when trouble comes it means that my Spirit wanted to be brave! When temptation assails, then my Spirit wanted to show how it loved God! When those linked to them by love are taken for a little space, to say within themselves with conviction: 'Where love is, death is powerless to divide. Because my Father and Mother God is Love, therefore I trust in Love, and my love shall follow love, and neither the powers of darkness nor my own secret tears shall come in between!'

  31. "This is the Will of God, yet in bestowing this gift (Spirit communication), as must seem to yourselves, the preparation must be there, that which is so precious must be guarded, that which is of God Himself must draw out from within a reflection of the Divine in order to be put into operation without mischance.

  32. "That is the point: Am I - say it to yourselves - am I prepared to give that of myself which is necessary to make this communion complete? Am I prepared to be strong and not weak? Am I prepared to have my faith tested so that faith no more can be assailed by anyone or anything? Question and find the answer not from the mind of the body, which puts this obstruction and that suggestion to bar the way, but from the Spirit within, from that mind which is in tune with God. Ask the question and beware how the answer comes! For though it seems to you that you work for to-day, tomorrow you will see the purpose, you will see what has been brought back to yourself - those tools, those gifts, that stability to work for Christ when weariness is unknown, where Love reigns supreme, when one look from the Beloved will wipe out of your memory every pang you had, every sorrow, all the-agony which assailed that which is your vital self.

  33. "One look from the Beloved, and the past will seem as naught, and the future a gift, a sacred gift, for there laid out before you will be Life - not that sleep which you call life, when the mind binds, when the body cramps, but the Life which is doing, creating, and retrieving that which shall never again pass away.

  34. "And so, my children, I leave you for a little while, but next time you hear that word 'Predestination', claim it in God's name. Say to your inquirers: 'I came from God and to God I return; I was predestined, preordained to be a son, or a daughter, of the Most High, and by God's help I will hasten on, and with Christ to guide me I will not falter by the way.'

  35. "There is in front much laid out before you even in this little life upon the each plane; and the dedication, the sacred thoughts I find within each one - by and by you shall see for yourselves the harvest they have sown, the harvest which the Lord God of all shall use, use to feed the spiritually hungry, use to stop the famine in the land. And there your portion - that which you yourself sowed in ignorance, providing for others just that which they need. And as you see, so the peace of understanding will enter in, and so those intrusions in the shape of thoughts - questioning thoughts, sorrowful thoughts, aye! and rebellious thoughts - so they shall be banished, yea! even in the little days to come; for the Spirit within, drawing from the Great Spirit without, has bought its healing and you see the Light beyond. And now, my children, I will go.

  36. (After others had spoken Zodiac returned and continued.)

  37. "Well, my children, I think to-night you will be able to say amongst yourselves that God has demonstrated His love in your midst; that you called to Him and that He answered; that faith was put to the test and the power came. Oh! take this thought away with you: that you are children of the Eternal Father, and though you fail yourselves, although sometimes you deny Him, yet He never fails you and He never turns from you. Get into your hearts that consciousness of the impossibility to separate yourselves from Christ, and when at times a weak thought comes, don't feel that Christ has retreated from you so that He may not see. Say to yourselves: 'I am weak but He is strong, and He is fighting for me and He will never let me go!'

  38. "This is the message for the people of to-day - of all ages: the impossibility of separating themselves from Christ. Take it to the poor, take it to the rich, take it to the famous, take it to the disappointed, take it to those who love God and, ten thousand times more, take it to those who understand Him not.

  39. "Christ in your life, impossible to be removed; and Christ waits with a patience surpassing the imagination even of the strongest soldier who is free - Christ waits with patience for His children to turn to Him, for them to be willing that He shall help them to climb out of the mire, out of the misunderstanding, out of all the mistakes and weaknesses and failures - to climb into peace, into joy, into illumination. That is God's purpose, and for that you were predestined, and from that no one shall escape.

  40. "Out of the little tasks building up the foundation of the work which lasts, out of the sorrow, out of the tears, out of the heartache, the cleansing of the mind, the preparing of the heart - so that when the foundation is firm, in your hands the tools, the essential tools, will be found. But the tests must come! The faith must be tried, and the love must be proved! Yet even in the pangs so borne, you are building around you, dear children, a protection which shall never fail. And in the by and by because you were strong you shall give strength to others; because you were faithful so the ones who find faith wavering shall be firm; because you wished for the very best so they shall find within their hearts the resolution to strive for the best as well.

  41. "This is the Christ work - the Christ message, and to it you are called by God Himself! And now, my children, I bless you with peace, with joy - the joy which is understanding, and with that balm of the Spirit which shall close in the wounds and the memories. In the Name of the Beloved I bless you, and Love is in your midst.

  42. "Goodnight. my little ones."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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