The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac Circle on Sunday, 22nd February, 1925.

  1. "O INFINITE Love, we ask Thee to pour down upon Thy children Thy blessing - the blessing of understanding, of being able to penetrate into the Realms of the Spirit, the ability to lay aside the thoughts of the world, to be free - and on the wings of love to soar out into those realms of thought and of being which are within the real self, that self which belongs wholly and solely to Thee.

  2. "Father, into Thy Light we enter to-night, and we thank Thee that this sweet communion has been made possible, that it is a gift from Thee without any price except that of wishing to reach the highest.

  3. "Then we ask that Thou wilt bless all those we love, either in the body or out of the body. Grant that the cords which bind us all together may be strong indeed, that the links may be of service, and that Thy Guiding Hand may lead us through the wilderness of physical experience out into the Golden Land of Promise, where love knows no bounds where it has free expression, and where the Spirit can grow and, in growing, can cast on either side sweetness and holiness; the holiness which is of Thee.

  4. "Take us, O Father, and mould us according to Thy Will; and according to the will which belongs to the Spirit within mould us so that indeed we may more fully express Thy thought, growing in the likeness, following in the steps of Christ, our Lord and Master. Amen.

  5. "MY CHILDREN, to-night we are drawn together for God's purpose; remember that; remember that the desire within you, even if it but half expresses God's purpose, must, in time to come, be brought up to that high standard.

  6. "Remember, my little ones, that Christ has called you, that the Lord of Hosts is in your midst to-night, that the Sacred Presence always is there when those who wish to serve meet together in this way. Give out, then, of your love to the Great Lover of all; give out your adoration and your most tender thoughts to the Father who waits upon His children, seeking ever to acquiesce in their wishes, seeking every means to bind each one more closely to Himself.

  7. "When we meet together in this way it takes a little time to break the thoughts which are fastened too securely on physical things. I have told you before that the things of the world have their place, but now and again comes that most blessed privilege of all, the power to disentangle yourselves from the body and bodily things and, free in spirit, to penetrate into that inner sanctum of the Spirit. Just a step, it may not be more, as yet, but even this one step is a gift beyond all price. Into holiness we pass, and God shall use these precious hours to sow many seeds which shall bloom in the years to come.

  8. "I told you once before that I had much to tell you in regard to PLANT LIFE AND ITS PLACE IN GOD'S PURPOSE. But, of necessity, I cannot take you far on such a wide and extensive field. Yet, as you know, the first few points must be explained in the beginning in order to prepare your minds for that which lies ahead.

  9. "Many in the physical world, by studying Nature, and in particular the details of Nature, under what you call the microscope, have discovered that the Mind of God is a wondrous thing indeed. But even the finest instrument cannot tell you how the marvels revealed in the tiny leaf and delicate petal came into being. The instrument can show the exquisite tracery, the marvellous constructive thought in the flowers and in the tiny particles of flower and stem, but the door to the wider knowledge is shut, closed fast, and will remain so until man learns the great lesson which I am trying to impress upon you now: until man lays aside his intellectual pride, and with humility approaches the Great Creator, the Great Constructor, the Great Architect of Nature and the Realms beyond and above, so the door remains unopened.

  10. "My children, I want you to regard the flowers, simple as some of them may be, I want you to regard them as sacred in this sense: that because they express a thought of the Most High therefore they must be tended gently and with care. I want you to realise that in the lavishness of the gift of Nature there you have one of the most beautiful symbols of the Mind of God. I want you to try and understand the inner life of the flowers and the trees. I want you to listen for the Voice of Nature as it runs through the long, fresh grass. I want you to hear in the very leaves which sway in the wind the voice of wisdom, the voice of the Spirit, trying to teach those who will pause and listen.

  11. "I know that for many the study of what you call Botany is impossible. Neither the time nor the necessary instruments are there, nor are there such patient teachers as God would have who, gifted with physical knowledge, could pass on from that, out of the physical and material into the spiritual and Divine.

  12. "I know that to few the opportunity comes to delve into the secrets of Nature in the way I have explained, yet to all there is the open road to knowledge, there is the unfettered path to wisdom, that which can rise above physical conditions or the training of the physical mind.

  13. "From our point of view it does not avail very much to be able to enumerate the number of veins there may be in a certain leaf, the signs of age in a tree, or any of those many facts, tabulated facts, which man has prepared throughout the ages. These things have their place, along with the physical, but the hour approaches when that physical side will be lost, will be allowed to slip away into the past; for those who love God shall cross the threshold of things material, of things known, and shall enter into that vast Sphere of the Spiritual, the so-called unknown, yea, even while the physical body remains.

  14. "You have heard me say before that the only barrier between mankind and the higher knowledge is lack of dedication, lack of simplicity and purity of heart. By laying aside self, by preparing the physical mind, by the discipline of the physical will, man, no longer bound to that which has been proved, to that fickle mistress called science, freed from shackles, born into a new freedom, the valiant soul goes forward to see for himself, not only how God has made this or that, but something of the stupendous purpose underlying everything which has been created.

  15. "Beloved, I ask you to listen to the Voice of Nature. Some of you already have heard these faint voices. Some of you, when alone in a forest or out on the wide hillside, have felt and heard that which lies within. These things, as yet, are misunderstood or perhaps I had better say, not understood - misunderstood in the sense that man, in sensing these finer vibrations, takes all the credit to himself - not understood by the majority who, having never listened themselves, rule out this spiritual law as non-existent.

  16. "Those who have trained themselves for pursuing the path to the higher wisdom would tell you that from certain trees they are able to get certain emanations which express that particular tree. And it would be possible for those whose 'sensitiveness' is trained to be taken into a forest and, blindfolded, to stand in front of that which has known centuries of time and be able to say: 'This is an oak because I can hear its voice'.

  17. "That is the first stage, but the first stage only. To you it sounds difficult even thus far; but I say to the earnest, to the strong, to the pure, that the gift shall not only come but shall develop in a manner absolutely beyond your imagination now.

  18. "When the Spring comes tripping in, when Nature takes on new beauty, new expression, get out by yourselves and listen to the many voices of Nature; Nature trying to teach you, trying to train you, trying to show you how beautiful is the Mind of God; how exquisitely merciful and loving as well.

  19. "The trees will answer to the faithful; the flowers know those who love them best. And if, perchance, you understand but little at the first attempt then go back to the flowers, go back to the example of the trees, wait and try again. That perpetuity of effort which is expressed in Nature is a lesson for us all. Because a tree fails to come up to standard one year, oft when the Spring comes round again new strength has been gathered to its roots, and the second year atones for that which was lacking in the first.

  20. "Nature is so restorative, and this is another thought to make your own. If you fail in the first or second or the third experiment, remember that the God-nature in you has powers of restoring, of rebuilding, of recharging, and what you cannot do to-day is but held in store to be granted in the happy days to come.

  21. "My children, I want you to realise still more that in regard to the gifts of Nature under your care you are, as it were, a custodian, a custodian of the thoughts of God. And if a garden be denied you, then with the flowers which others supply you can show your appreciation, your gratitude for these little messengers of Love, which are sent to lighten and gladden your lives; to express a beauty which, perhaps, is absent from your own; to demonstrate a hope which perhaps has not occurred to you before - that hope which always tells you and explains to you that the beauty or the happiness or the brightness which passes away only passes to return again in a new form; and, if you have acted worthily, in a sweeter and lovelier form as well.

  22. "There is nothing in physical life which has not its spiritual counterpart in the Realms of Light. Those things which surround your lives, they were given to you in order to try and prepare your minds for something of the gigantic, the magnificent manifestations of the Mind of God, which are everywhere in the Spirit. Even the houses you build, the furniture you make, these but tell you that harmony and good work, stability and firm foundations, create something which will stand and serve; something which, even though it concerns the most mundane things of material life, by its harmony, by its orderliness, by its good workmanship, expresses God, the God within.

  23. "I have not been able to take you very far, but on another occasion we will go a step further. I have asked you to-night to set about the preparation, the listening, the sending out from yourself of those sympathetic vibrations which can, and will, contact with the vibrations of that which you wish to understand. The sensing, the hearing, as well as the seeing, that is the next stage towards understanding the place which Nature has in God's great scheme for the raising up of mankind.

  24. "There is one other point, quite on practical lines, and that is to remember, in regard to flowers and plants, that even as a surgeon treats his patient so should these be served. When a limb fails to do the duty which has been laid upon it, then, with a sure stroke, the surgeon removes that which offends. It is done in the quickest and the most skilful way, according to the knowledge available. It is but a little thing, but I want to teach you that flowers and plants have their capacity for feeling which, though not in the sense of physical pain, yet is definite; and rough handling causes a wrench, a jar, a sensation to that which is delicately poised.

  25. "The flowers shed many tears in secret, and this, dear children, is not pure fancy. They long to be loved, they long to be regarded in the way that God meant them to be regarded; they long to have their place in your lives and in the lives of the children of the earth, and so you can understand that, in the matter of care, of consideration, the flowers have their rights as well as the rest of God's creation.

  26. "It is true that the little ones err in this respect. They pick the pretty blooms and soon, withered and broken, they lie on the ground to perish. Their effort to express beauty has aroused neither the desire of the heart nor of the mind, but of that lesser self which seeks but possession.

  27. "Teach the children, then, to be merciful; and still more so, warn the older ones who so recklessly and heedlessly destroy loveliness without a pang. Tell them that these things must not be; that the flowers which are given to them are trusts which will have to be made good some time in other conditions, when they will see and know that, in God's sight, the tiny daisy has its place. And that place is for the raising up, for the expansion, for the releasing of the closed-in spiritual mind, which is struggling to get free from its physical toils.

  28. "Yes, in the daisy as well as in the rose, God's Love is shown; in the beauty of the sky is reflected the beauty of the trees; in the beauty of the trees you get the contrast of the sky. Each has its place; each draws its strength, its vitality, its being, its life, from the Great Creator; and to God these things belong. Gifted to the children of the earth by a generous Father. Ah, yes, my children, gifts bestowed with so much love.

  29. "But it grieves the Giver of All when those who take seek but to destroy instead of to preserve; seek but to make void the beauty He has created; instead of, by their thoughts, by their gratitude, by their acknowledgement of God in the flowers, to send those flowers onward with new strength, with greater possibilities of beauty and a higher expression of the Mind of the Divine.

  30. "Children of the Light, onward we go, out of the shadows into the beauty of the morning; when revelation, when those good gifts of the Spirit shall be counted as your own. Only have faith, have courage; be watchful and all will be well. There is in store for each one of you that which the Father has prepared, which cannot be put into words; yet, because He is your Father, so He delights to bestow.

  31. "You are asked, ah yes, asked, as a Father asks His loved one, to come to Him and receive His gift in person. You are asked to gather your resources together and, with joyful hearts, to continue the upward climb. There, on the crest of the hill, illumination awaits you; and if weariness and hesitation may have been yours in the past, surely now you have reached that stage when you can see something of the prospect which lies in front.

  32. "May God give you this greater vision. May your hearts and minds be so in tune with Him that gladness will take the place of sadness; and the companionship of our Saviour Christ forever cast out the thought of loneliness, giving you just that courage which, sometimes, you feel you lack now; the courage which can say and mean: 'Whatever the obstacles I am going to reach the highest!'

  33. "God bless you, steady you and inspire you, so that you may not only gain the highest yourself but may show others the glory and the beauty of the climb."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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