
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at Chicago, U.S.A.,
on Thursday, 6th October, 1938
"SAVIOUR CHRIST, into Thy hands I commend the
spirit of this Thy child.
"MY C H I L D R E N, by a special dispensation
I come into your presence this night to speak to you
upon life in its many aspects, to extend the chain
of love that binds the children of the earth to those
of fairer spheres, and I want you to give unto me not
only your close attention but to seek to make your
own that measure of truth which the Master Jesus has
instructed me to pass on. I know your lives, I know
that there are some hard beset by their lot, those
whose steps seem to be dogged by anxiety and fear.
I know that there are others suffering from the pains
of the body; and because those who are a little further
on the road of experience remember their sufferings
when in the body of flesh, I am sent back to you to
give unto you something of explanation, something of
comfort and reassurance for the days that lie ahead.
"To-night, my children, I would speak awhile on
that which I name: OPERATIONS BY UNSEEN HANDS, and
I want you to visualise, as we think together, the
many kinds of operations that are undertaken by disembodied
souls, those you name the Spirit people, who come back
to give unto you the guidance which you must have;
and at the outset I would refer to Spiritual Healing.
"I want to speak to those who have taken upon
themselves the great responsibility of healing by the
power of the Spirit. Now visualise what is taking place.
One who is weak, craving relief, enters a temple such
as this hoping that some miracle may be wrought, that
the body may be restored, so that life once again may
be taken up with the old activity.
"The man and the woman who seek healing in this
spirit are blessed, and even if their hopes are not
realised, something still more wonderful has taken
place. By their endurance, by their holding on to hope,
unseen hands are operating upon the soul body - the
next garment that the spirit must occupy in the Eterna1
Home of God. Yes, my brethren, it is wise to come seeking
for healing from the Great Healer of us all, Jesus
the Christ.
"But I want to refer to those who undertake, sometimes
without a sense of due responsibility, the sacred office
of a healer. There are those who seek to prepare themselves
by prayer and dedication, those who cleanse the body
and purify the mind; but there are many others who
forget the spiritual nature of that which they have
undertaken to perform.
"There is not the preparation put in, there is
not the willingness to live the life, not the renunciation
of the calls of the flesh, not the sitting aside in
quietness seeking to contact with the higher forces
gifted unto man by God. And I want you to realise the
awful retribution that falls upon such as these for
taking God's Name in vain.
"Think as to this: The man or the woman tortured
by pain has an aura that is weak, that cannot resist
alien forces as the spirit of the possessor desires,
and there are those who plunge their filthy hands through
the delicate aura of the sufferer and work untold harm
which may take years to rectify, and indeed will take
years to work out by the guilty soul.
"I speak to all who love their work, who are approaching
the altar of sacrifice, who are desiring to climb and
lay their gifts of heart and mind at the Feet of Jesus
Christ: never forget my words, and pass on that which
I have sought to explain. There is the terrible responsibility
of the healers who are unclean, who are selfish, who
are swayed by the appetites of the body, and for such
as these a punishment which cannot be portrayed in
words awaits them in the by and by.
"Then, dear children, I would turn to a happier
thought, and I want you to realise that not only physically
does your body change as the years go on, but spiritually.
There is around each one of you your own little world
which you name the aura. Some have sight and they can
tell by the beautiful colours, or those which are dimmed,
the stage of progression that soul has reached. You
do not always understand, but sometimes when you meet
a stranger your heart goes out to that one in welcome.
That is sign to you that your own aura can vibrate
in little part to the aura of the one who crosses your
"Then there are other instincts and these are
given as direct protection. At times there are those
who approach you and you shrink from them; you know
nothing against them but you want them to go away.
They, seem to fetter you, sometimes to cause you almost
physical pain; and this is endured by many sensitives.
That is indication to you that one who is still in
darkness is drawing nigh, and it is well that you should
be on your guard.
"You may answer unto me: 'But all souls are our
brothers and sisters - are we meant to shrink from
such as these?' And the answer comes: 'Missionary work
is the part of all; but, my children, there are those
who sink to the level of the unevolved soul in contacting
the rays of that one, and that is a double error, a
double tragedy which must be righted, and can only
be righted by suffering.'
"Certainly you are meant to send out strong thoughts
to that alien soul, but remember that great law of
attraction. If you consort with thieves and murderers,
the time comes, perchance, when you are likened unto
them, and forget not the many who are unseen!
"Sometimes the one in the body is chained to an
enemy spirit far more dangerous than himself, and the
feeling within of longing to get away is a spiritual
instinct, so that your own aura may not be impinged
upon by the aura of the one who is a fallen angel.
"There are many aspects of the functioning of
this mighty instinct given to man by God. Some of you
name it intuition, some have presentiments, some a
faculty to forecast the sorrows or the joys that lie
ahead. This is part of your spiritual equipment, but
you were meant to be a custodian, a true custodian,
of that which is sacred, that which is Divine.
"So to-night I speak upon operations by unseen
hands, and I want you to grasp that each day these
operations go on. Sometimes you are conscious of change,
sometimes it seems to you that you are not quite so
near to God as you were aforetime. There are so many
things that contribute to these changes. There is the
temptation of illness, the temptation of health, the
temptation of joy, and the temptation of sorrow, and
they all have their effect upon the soul part of you
that should be growing apace.
"Then there comes this thought: is pleasure worth
while when it erects barriers between you and God;
is earthly happiness worth the high price that sometimes
has to be paid for it? It is so sad to us that good
fortune so oft warps a character; yet on either side
you see this worked out to your sorrow, and oft to
your own amazement.
"But I turn the shield, and I know that there
are those here who marvel at the endurance shown by
souls who are hard-pressed by the cares of physical
life. Many of you, perchance, exclaim: 'Why should
trouble fall upon such a one, so kind, so good, so
ready to help?' You do not always remember that the
strong souls gather up the heavy burdens; yet in your
daily life you see the selfish casting off their burdens
upon those who are already over-burdened. Therefore
why should you forget?
"There are those upon the earth plane who are
free souls, although their lives may seem to hold them
in a bondage fast - their poverty, their indifferent
health, the home ties, the responsibilities of others.
Yet again I remind you, beloved, that these are the
ones well blessed by God, they are the ones who are
determined to make the fullest use of the earth stage,
and when this little life is o'er, they are the ones
who will be chosen to be the leaders of others, for
their lessons have been well learnt, and they are ready,
prepared souls, for the Master's work.
"Operations by unseen hands! Sometimes the healers
are able to lift the load, sometimes the sufferers
suffer on and life seems so difficult to those who
have not given their hearts to Christ. 'Why is it,'
the rebellious soul exclaims, 'that this one is healed
and I am still to seek; are my prayers less worthy
to be heard?' - and a great bitterness of heart adds
to the burden of pain.
"Again I would instruct that a strong soul, so
anxious to undertake the experiences of the earth plane,
oft come into a body that has been impaired for it
by the wickedness of the generations of yesterday,
and so it is that there are little children who are
born with a pre-disposition to weakness or disease.
"But the valiant soul, waiting to be born upon
the earth plane, chooses this heavy cross rather than
wait over a lengthy period of time for a stronger,
better body. Thus many who are weak are shown to be
strong in spirit, shown to be brave of heart, and sometimes
the power of spirit is so able to operate that the
words of God are indeed worked out - the sins of the fathers are visited upon the third
and fourth generation, but I will show mercy unto thousands
who keep My commandments. How simple it is!
"When the earnest souls rise above their troubles,
seeking to stem the word of complaint about their many
trials, wonderful operations take place; the weakness
in the conditions set into being by the wayward children
of God is purified and strengthened, re-charged with
power, and the ones who, physically weak, endured a
life of suffering, can look back from the Better Land
and see, where he or she dwelt, a wonderful strength
created for the generations that are to come.
"Now I want to speak to you about your loved ones
who have passed through the doorway into Life. And
I want you to remember, beloved, that no longer are
they held by the narrow earth view; they have seen
something of the mighty working of the Divine Plan,
and their one desire now is to co-operate with God
to bring comfort upon the earth plane, and something
of illumination as well.
"I want you to try and visualise the many operations
which are being performed by disembodied souls, those,
perchance, who were your forebears. What kind of operations
are entrusted to their care? It depends entirely upon
their progression, upon their understanding of Life
and of the laws of God. But you can picture, as you
take your way, as you occupy yourselves in the daily
task, disembodied souls in the home or in the wider
field of toil, seeking to operate upon you.
"Sometimes deep depression holds your mind, you
are sorrowful because things are so different from
what you hoped and dreamed. Someone is there trying
to operate upon you so that room may be found for a
measure of joy, for a gleam of understanding, and after
a while you feel better, the clouds seem to have passed,
and you say to yourself: 'It was foolish of me to give
way!' - but you do not always remember to thank the
one unseen beside you who has cast over you his or
her power, seeking to raise, to rebuild, to charge
you with courage for the hill that lies in front.
"There are many operations which indeed go on
unseen by man. There are those who come into the conditions
trying to bring discontent, trying to open, as you
would name it, the great well of hatred, trying to
spread a discord which shall lead to war.
(*World War II - this address was given during the
uneasy lull between the signing of the Munich agreement
on 29.9.1938 and the declaration of war on 3.9.1939)
"How many operations have taken place in the little
yesterday of time! (*war crisis). Millions of spirit beings were working unceasingly
to save man from his own folly and weakness. Some remembered
to thank God; others, although filled with relief,
forgot to render thanks to the great Giver of all good
things, and on these surely many operations will be
performed. They are, as it were, encaged in the shell
of their own selfishness and it takes many strong ones,
wielding the pick of love, to break down the granite
which holds the soul.
"So I come to-night begging you not to resist
those many spiritual operations which are taking place
day by day, hour by hour, but to hold their thoughts
and to do your best to help the unseen healers to bind
up the wounds of your heart, to release the enthusiasm
of the spirit and, above all, to co-operate with them
so that once and for all the key may be turned in the
cage that holds the soul, and as a free bird the God
within you can find at last the liberty for which it
"There is a deep import in the words that I give
forth; there is the imperative need for the children
of the earth plane to awaken to a sense of their holy
and glorious inheritance, for ever to remind themselves
that they are Spirit encased in flesh, and the time
must surely come when the flesh will be cast asunder
and reality must be faced by them. What of the soul-body
beneath? Does it bear the marks of the earth, is it
crippled? Oh, my children, there are many souls who
pass into the Great Beyond and find, to their anguish,
that they are in bodies which are hideous to behold.
They are maimed and blind and, alas, there are some
as idiots as well. Yet within is the remembrance of
that higher state which once was their own.
"There are spirit beings operating upon you as
I speak, seeking to raise your consciousness so that
you can contact with God; seeking to release within
you the missionary spirit, so that you may make your
vows anew; seeking to call forth the Christ which has
been gifted unto every individual soul, the Christ
that in so many is almost as one dead; seeking to break
open the tomb, so that the dark days of Gethsemane
may be illumined, radiated by the light that shines
from the resurrection of the true self, which at last
is able to gain expression.
"Operations are going on raising in you a greater
sense of duty towards the young, trying to safeguard
their path. The little ones, so quick to imitate, love
to do what mother does, what father does, what big
brother does, and oft the little children are led into
darkness by these older ones, instead of into the light
and the freedom which it represents. Woe unto the parents
who hesitate over sacrifices, woe unto the parents
who cannot deny themselves for their off-spring and
the protection of those yet to be born!
"The time is coming, my children, when every human
soul must face its own responsibility, the time is
coming when you will come back and seek to operate
on souls in the flesh, and then you will understand
the terrible difficulties set up by the ones concerned,
the resisting of your sweet influence, the turning
of the deaf ear to your earnest prayers. Then you will
know what in the past disembodied souls endured for
"But I thank God that so many are becoming aware
of what is going on in the Great Unseen, and as they
awaken the prayer goes up: 'Give me strength for to-day,
let me not fail to-day!' Oh, precious words of supplication,
the blessing they attract no words of mine can e'er
express. But these petitions said from the heart reach
the very Throne of God, and from our Father and Mother
God come down the rays, and they shall find that the
Grace is sufficient to carry the yearning soul through.
"But there are those here who may challenge this.
They may say unto me: 'I have prayed to do better and
yet I have failed before the day has passed.' And the
answer comes from Understanding Love: Build on, little
flock, build on! Failure to-day resisted means success
to-morrow, and the time shall come when the desire
within you shall be worked out, only pray and struggle
on and lose not heart!
"In the sweet by and by, what joy awaits you,
what wonder will hold your mind: you will go back over
those earthly days, you will watch with a fascination
that holds your very being how this one and that, unseen,
threw around you the silken cords of love and held
fast the reins, leading you here, leading you there.
How thankful you are at times that you did not resist,
you gave of your very best, you spurned weariness and
weakness and reluctance, and did the work of God by
ministering unto those around.
"And because these operations were allowed to
take place upon your aura, so when the body is cast
asunder, no longer held by restrictions, hemmed in
by limitations, no longer bound to the earth - you
find yourselves in garments of light charged with Divine
Power, and before you lies an unending vista of opportunity,
of working those same operations upon others, and gaining
the peace, the unutterable bliss which comes when,
through your own efforts, a crouching soul has been
raised to face the Cross and follow in the Master's
Footsteps unafraid.
"I bless you as I take my leave, and I entreat
you, my children, to read my words when the opportunity
comes and to ponder upon them, to realise that no evasion
of the physical mind can alter God's laws, that the
time comes when you must pass into Spirit, the time
comes when you must face the record of the past, and
for so many there is this anguish: they see that if
only they had done a little more, what a vast difference
it would have made.
"They were willing to do so much, and then the
reluctance of the physical stemmed their steps. That
was the crucial test, but they failed, and they must
reap the sorrow that comes from failure to take that
last step, which represents not sacrifice but a fuller
understanding of God, when the sorrows of the earth
fall from them and joy only holds the heart and mind.
"I bless the workers, and, instructed by the Master
Jesus, from my heart I urge them not to pause on the
upward path. Many sacrifices have been made - spiritual
achievement is but indication that greater strength
still can come to the soaring soul. Excelsior! - that
is the call. When one difficulty has been overcome
there are still the heights that call one on.
"So I bless the workers wherever they may be,
and I entreat them not only to thank God that the strength
came to them to work for Him in the past, but I entreat
them to undertake loyally, faithfully, those still
greater sacrifices which shall bring unto them their
spirit's desire when they are free. The importance
of these words cannot be over-emphasised this night.
I am seeking, ever seeking, for those who have the
strength and the will to become true representatives
of the Master and His love, and I know that more and
more there shall arise those willing to make the full
surrender, and to joy in that which they have cast
aside. Blessed be such as these, blessed be the strong
souls, they are paving the way, and in time the weak
will be weak no more.
"Let spiritual operations go on apace, let the
vitality within be called out in still greater measure.
God waits, the Christ is knocking upon the door of
your heart; say from the depths of your being: 'Enter
Lord Jesus and dwell with me for evermore!'
"Farewell, my children, farewell, but much unseen
by you has been worked in this night, for sacrifice
has brought me here. Farewell!"

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