The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ) at the Zodiac Circle on February 11th, 1928

  1. "It may seem strange to you that I can come into your lives and under the grace of God lead you one step nearer to the Light that never fades. The Master of all is conscious of your effort, of your sincere desire to contact with higher and still higher things. Because Love controls all physical laws and physical links, you have been drawn together and God has blessed you, although in the sleep state you have known each other for many a year before the physical body was donned. God controls all our lives and when the Christ within is sufficiently released to long for closer contact with things of the Spirit, then the opportunity is provided. This is another sign of that provision that has been made for the days to come.

  2. "You are all instruments that the Master has already used and will use again. This fact has never been sufficiently emphasised. In the world today there is segregation between teachers, instructors and learners, but that is not the Christ way. The Christ tells you that you are all instruments and that He wants you for holy work. Those who are concerned with things of the material world and the temptations of the mind, are not the servants of the Most High but of His enemies.

  3. "In the measure that you allow yourself to be controlled and influenced by those who have shut themselves off from the Light, not only are you injuring the Divine within but frustrating the freeing of the one who seeks to use them for constructive work. Responsibility rests upon everyone.

  4. "Within these serious words joy like a beautiful stream flows on, for you wish to do God's work, to listen to those who know the Christ, and you would take the good news to others. Whatever your position in life, whatever your circumstances, whatever your mental equipment, you can be an instrument used by God. What hope and what promise is given to the one who listens and tries to build for themselves that peace and contentment of spirit that nothing on earth or any state of consciousness can take from them.

  5. "Though you may love someone dearly and they love you with all their heart, this love is as a chill wind compared to the glorious sunshine of the Father's Love for His creation. You have been watched over during aeons of time, fought for, safeguarded and at last gathered to Him, in the likeness of Himself, into that home where family life in its greater, grander sense goes on for ever.

  6. "Visualise the past - and the effect of the past - upon the present. In days of old, the Lord God Jehovah spoke to His children upon the earth. But how much of what He said pierced the conditions to get through the block of materialism and self-worship? How many of the loving messages from the Great Creator were heard by man? Very few, because God was ruled out of the heart and mind of man. The Lord of All, the King of Kings, had to search far and wide to find the pitifully few who would listen to His instructions and pass on direction to the wayward ones who were constantly punishing themselves.

  7. "The prophets named in the sacred book, those Messengers of the Most High, were as grains in the great field of indifference. They were crushed out of existence by those in authority and those who worshipped other gods because these demanded little of sacrifice from themselves. How easy it was to take the lamb or the goat and offer it upon the altar and so escape giving anything of effort from themselves. In these times, although that method of appeasing a strange and mighty God no longer exists, yet there are countless numbers who make such a sacrifice because they are unwilling to give that which God has asked of them - the obedient will, the loving heart, the only gift in man's power to bestow on All Holiness, on the Creator of all things. Think of those, silhouetted against the horizon of indifference, who stand out from those days as messengers of the Most High.

  8. "When the Father found those sufficiently freed from self to listen to His voice, prepared to guide the foolish ones, how long did the message that was passed on remain as it was given by God? Here lies the weakness. The forces of destruction so easily creep in and do their terrible work. The message comes, simple yet profound. But man after a short space of time is no longer satisfied with the Word of God, he must add that which is an echo of his own imprisonment.

  9. "Man thinks that God's Word, God's Truth, needs further embellishment. Ponder on the audacity of the attitude of those who indeed walk in a bondage that it will take centuries to cast from them. Before the Messiah came with His message of Love, there were those who took the words of the prophets and distorted, adorned and piled up around the Truth that which was false. After a while, God's message was scarcely recognisable for it had been through the hands of man; the earth had clung to it, marring its beauty, dimming its lustre, and so humanity strayed still farther away from their Eternal Home. They clung to the valley and sought not the hill, for the message had been so obscured that they did not know, or want to know, that the way to God is the steep road, the difficult road. Giving of the spirit within - in service to others - allows the individual to make contact with the Holiness around.

  10. "What of the Saviour, the Beloved of all our hearts, and His message that He instructed His followers to pass on to others? Fragmentary though they may be, the sacred record holds the teachings of the Christ, the pure message of the Most High, so simple yet profound. The message is there to be given out today. But how many prefer to teach that which emanates from the mind of the body? History is repeated a thousand times. The same mistakes are made along with the same reluctance to face the Truth. Why? Because the One Who trod the earth way and brought Light into darkened places, chose the difficult path, and He instructed that all who love Him should follow after.

  11. "Those who did follow the Christ created the Light that you today are sharing. But that Light would not be here had they chosen to embroider Truth and to put their own interpretation upon the message of the Christ. Those who followed immediately after the Christ - and many others after - took the Word and did not turn from the injunctions, passed out of earthly conditions into a radiance that no language can describe, and they were imbued with powers beyond your comprehension.

  12. "Do you imagine that Peter and John - and a multitude of others not chronicled in the sacred book who took the same road, did the same work, and suffered the same stripes - thought that when the body was laid aside such glories would be theirs? I was with them and we talked amongst ourselves. The life to come was a misty veil on the far horizon except for the glorious fact that we knew we should be with the One who was all in all to us. Whatever that life held, whatever the conditions, whatever was exacted, perfect joy would be ours.

  13. "We talked with the Master. Each word that fell from His lips was lovingly recalled. As we talked together we found that the Beloved with His simplicity, with His grandeur of humility, had descended - if that word can he used - to approach each one as companion, as friend, to enter into our needs, our longings, our despairs and even our ignorance. Each one had the same loving tale to unfold, the tenderness of the Christ and the sweetness of His compassion. The message was passed on to us not only by word, but also by example. It was a pure stream of Truth that nothing of the earth could mar or pollute, and it ran through our minds protected by Love itself.

  14. "Is it not apparent to you that the Christ, His message and His messengers should be one glorious whole? In that time past perchance we understood little. We were as children in our spiritual emancipation. Yet love made many links and as the body suffered, as persecution drew closer, through the pain, a little more understanding was gained and the message became clearer because of that which we endured.

  15. "How can the message come from those who turn from the Cross - who make their sacrifice in kind, not the sacrifice of effort, dedication and love? It is clear that the message of the Christ is changed. What remains of the simple statements, those injunctions that no one can turn from except by deliberate intent?

  16. "Feel this great responsibility. To those gathered in from the World of Spirit, who perhaps turned from suffering when in the physical body, out of your desire to retrieve the past, out of the pain and anguish that it has brought, you can pass on the message of the Christ as the message was given.

  17. "The many representatives of the Most High are urged to go back to the message given by God, the message of the Christ, the message that came through to an ignorant world by that which the Beloved did and suffered and overcame.

  18. "Even God could not have come to earth and given forth Truth without pain, without persecution and without the long preparation of self-denial. It is the only method by which the clear stream of Truth can find a way. So, if suffering has come close, can you not see the gift, the privilege, for without the pain, though you may be messengers, the message is not of the Christ.

  19. "Representatives of the Most High - those who have taken upon themselves, out of the love within, to teach and lead the people - go back to God; separate yourselves from that net of physical thinking, from the theories, the creeds and the doctrines - built up by the bondage of man's mind - and go back to the Master. All that is needed is the sacred record, which Love Itself gave forth so that man need no longer walk in darkness but have the light of understanding that is indeed his grand inheritance.

  20. "God has called you. In this world and in those vaster spheres beyond the physical, there are countless thousands waiting for the message. Many messages are passed on to them but they come from those who as yet know not the Christ. So the message of the Saviour still waits to be delivered. When you concentrate upon the things of God, the release of the spirit within makes you long to work for the Master. You endeavour to sow the seeds of Truth. That is the outward show and only the beginning. You are being prepared for a work beyond your comprehension, indeed it might frighten you if it could be explained. God needs many instruments who can carry His message to those who have never heard it.

  21. "What of yourselves? Are you willing? Is there that missionary spirit within that allows you to say: 'I strive now and I seem to achieve nothing, yet I will go on.' What are you doing? You are building that foundation of faith, of determination, of endurance and patience that will give you your heart's desire - and your spirit's desire - when you are free.

  22. "The Master has loved you long and He calls you to rise higher, nearer to holy things. Will you endure for the sake of others? Will you endure so that the Master may give that which is of Himself into your safekeeping? The Master speaks and as you listen with grateful hearts, rededicate your greater selves to His Service. For He has done all for you by bringing you into the stage where the beauty of service and the glory of effort shines like a light through your minds. The beauty of effort, the glory of service, and the gift of being an instrument to give forth the message of All-Holiness, All-Love, the message of Truth, the message of Hope, the message that the world - although it does not know it - is waiting to receive.

  23. "The call has come. Make ready for the advance, for great things are hanging in the balance. Power is wanted and the only way to create power in its true sense is by the individual taking the Christ way, following the Christ direction and passing on the message to others, encouraging them to listen for great things hang in the balance.

  24. "When the Father finds that those upon the earth are willing to be used then the protectors are sent to them. When the messengers are willing to deliver the message, so indeed the power of Holy Spirit is vouchsafed to them. The future is charged with much. No one can tell you what to do. The Divine within instructs, and will control more and more as the days pass.

  25. "It is my purpose to pass on the love of God, to endeavour to portray something of His understanding, something of His hopes regarding you, something of the promise held out in front. Let the theme of this message be the love of the Christ, the radiance of His smile, and the wonderful guidance and companionship that He holds out to all.

  26. "Around you in all its exquisite beauty lies the blessing. Take the blessing and remember always that each blessing comes only to be passed on again. Tell yourselves that there is work to do. Prepare and make ready and the Father's business shall be done.

  27. "In the name of the Christ you are blessed with a valiant heart and an unconquerable will. You are blessed with the power of Holy Spirit to accomplish that which your greater self desires."



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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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