
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship
of Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier part of the twentieth
"MY children, you have been drawn together because
each and every one is as a prepared tool for service,
and you are linked to each other in Spirit in a way
you cannot grasp. To-night I ask you to put aside all
thoughts of self, even those desires associated with
the heart and the spirit which make you long to contact
with those you love; to put aside all this and to concentrate
upon work for God, upon preparing for the great things
which must come to pass.
"Oh, cannot you grasp how great and glorious a
thing it is that I can come and say to you that you
are as prepared tools, that you can be used by God
to work in that part of the pattern which indeed the
spirit undertook before the physical body was thought
of by you? Yet we must not pause there. Our part it
is to look a little ahead and see that that which we
represent, the tool which we are, shall be ready for
use when the great call comes, when the need arises,
when those unprepared seek our help and shall not seek
it in vain.
"To-night, then, dear children, I speak upon that
which I name 'Master-Builders', and I want you to focus
on this thought: To draw to you the conception of the
great Master-Builder, the Creator of all life, aye,
the Creator of life in many forms in different conditions
from those familiar to you at this stage, the Creator
of beauties and powers undreamed of by the mind of
man, the Creator of a glorious future which no one,
however inspired, has dared to anticipate; for indeed
the finite mind cannot grasp the verities of the Spirit.
"The mind of man - held by so much, chained by
the past, by all that which has been thrown upon the
sensitive instrument of the physical mind - the mind
of man cannot grasp the past and still less can a conception
of the future be made its own; yet I have told you,
and I speak under the ray of Truth, I have told you
that you are Divine, that the real self within has
all-wisdom, all-sight, all-power in degree, for indeed
you are the children of the Great Father, the One Who
thought out existence in all planes and all conditions.
You are the children of that great and mighty Being
and His gifts, in miniature, have been made your own,
and this day you could be as gods
(John 10:34, 35)
- using that word to denote power and expansion - if
it had not been for the falling away from the law of
the Spirit, the turning from the light of the countenance
of the One Who has fought and struggled for you over
time inconceivable. If it had not been that we, out
of the vanity, the pride and the self-will that held
our hearts, if we had not turned from our Protector,
then that which you name sin would be unknown upon
the earth plane at this same stage.
"Yet, little ones, I am not here to chide. I have
not come from the Master to cast sorrow upon the brightness
and the happiness of these surroundings, but I have
come to say that because we have a measure of understanding
we have a great responsibility, and the Father looks
to us, as to others, to work in the Divine purpose,
aye, to hasten the freeing of humanity at large.
"Oh, think you of the Master-Builder, the One
so powerful yet the One Who stands before all as an
embodiment of humility and gentleness, compassion and
love. Little children, what is it that you have put
in over the past? You may say to me: 'I have tried,
but I have failed,' and I answer: 'Not a master-builder
yet, but a builder charged with the power of God to
bring into being something of the great and glorious
ideal which the Spirit within holds.'
"So then, little ones, ponder over the past and
think as to the present. You are builders, builders
under the Master-Builder. And if out of ignorance,
out of lack of comprehension of the higher laws of
the Spirit, sometimes you put in that which seems to
spoil the plan, then I say unto you: Have faith, for
the Master-Builder overlooks your work and He, using
the messengers, the comforters and the healers will
tell you how to rectify, how to make good, how to turn
the second best into that which is the very best, likened
unto that created by the Father Himself.
"Builders under the great Master-Builder, how
great are your opportunities, how marvellous are your
resources! For forget not that you, being children
of the Most High, are linked to the Source of all good
things, of every power, to the sweetness and love which
abound in Spirit conditions. You are linked to all
that; therefore how should fear or apprehension hold
your mind for one instant? You say unto yourselves:
'I would build for God, but I am afraid my abilities
are limited, my spiritual faculties are not yet fully
released; if I attempt I shall fail and then the work
will suffer.'
"Little children of the Light, go back on the
past, to those who put in that which you name spiritual
history. Think of Peter and those who followed after.
Cannot you understand how these thoughts tortured them?
Do you not realise that to every pilgrim the same test
must come? So I remind you that others, far more ignorant
than yourselves, far more bound, those who indeed stumbled
along through the twilight of misunderstanding, that
such as these drew strength from the Source. And so
God's power was demonstrated for all to see, and light
took the place of twilight, truth overcome falsehood
and, in a measure, love triumphed over hate.
"Cannot you see that where the weakness lies to-day
and all days is in the fact that man depends upon himself?
Man so limited, imprisoned in the physical body, held
by the limitations of the physical mind, man still
depends upon himself not only for guidance, but for
so-called illumination. Oh, bound and foolish ones.
These walk amongst the dust of the earth when all around
them might be the flowers of the Spirit. Woe unto such
as these, for there are many - because they stand as
authority to others - who are followed, yet they tread
the dust of the valley and seek not the sweetness and
the purity of the hillside.
"Little children, indeed they are builders, but
they build that which is as a mountain between themselves
and the simplicity of God, and that mountain - put
together over the years by consideration, by deliberation
- that faces many a weaker soul, many a frailer child.
And when such as these perceive so formidable an obstacle
between them and the heights, between them and revelation,
sorrow seizes their mind and they either retrace their
steps or sink by the foot of the mountain. Woe unto
the leaders, for in time to come they will look back
and see with anguish that they were builders, builders
influenced by the enemies of the Christ.
"Many will exclaim: 'I knew it not!' - but the
answer comes: In the sacred record laid down for all
to see, are the words of so-called wise ones, their
questionings, their doubts, their cynicism, their disbeliefs,
and such as these crucified the Truth-Bringer. And
history is repeated again and again. They were builders,
but that which they erected sent them back into the
wilderness; that which they erected blotted out the
brightness of the love of God.
"Little ones, I take you in thought far from this
tiny speck called home, I take you away over the ocean
into lands foreign to you, and I say unto you, because
it is the truth, that beyond the reach of the white
man there were, in time long past, those who found
God, who followed unconsciously in the footsteps of
the Christ; those who gave out from themselves, who
tended the young and safeguarded the old. And such
as these to-day - out of the faith within, out of the
obedience to that which they knew not - come back to
those with the cultured minds, with the 'clever' minds,
and seek to cast their chains from them.
"Cannot you see that many of the so-called wild
races built truly, yet unknowingly, that many put in
the part of the plan ordained by the Father? They suffered,
they starved, yet they sought to turn to the great
White Spirit and to kneel in spirit before that Being.
Builders under the great and glorious Master-Builder,
such as these have done a mighty work, and they passed
into a revelation which would stagger the greatest
mind of this age.
"Keep your vision clear! Let not the past confuse
the present; let not the future act as hindrance to
that which must take place now. You are builders in
very truth. Day by day, unconsciously, so the building
or the wrecking goes on, so the strength is given out
or so the weakness triumphs over yourselves and those
"Builders under the great Master-Builder, what
do you seek to do? Where are your tools? How much effort
do you put in as the hours go fleeting by? Ah, little
ones, here we come down to fundamentals; here we come
down to those facts which one day will mean all in
all to each and every one. What as to your tools? How
much effort does the day produce? What do you build
as sleep claims you? And I answer, by command of the
One Who loves us best: There are many who have built
that which shall amaze and bewilder when the little
earth life is o'er. There are many here who - by the
holy thoughts given forth, by denial of the love of
ease so associated with the physical garment, by seeking
to keep the hand on the plough and, again, to keep
the furrow straight - there are those here this night
who shall acknowledge with a joy surpassing anything
they can conjure up that, unconsciously or consciously,
they worked under the guiding power of the great Master-Builder;
and their part of the pattern was worked in to the
best of their ability, and God - forget not this -
God finishes what they began.
"This marvellous law of the Spirit, as yet, has
not been sufficiently impressed upon the mind of man.
That which we do during the earth stage seems so trivial,
so far from the heart's desire, so faulty, so lacking
in the precision which we had in mind, but God finishes
what we begin. Oh remember this: If the will remains
firm, if the heart and mind is set upon attaining the
best yet only the second best or even the third best
is reached, then God finishes what man begins. Because
you are the beloved of the Father, He watches over
your efforts, your thoughts, your desires; He comforts
when failure comes, if you wish to rise again, He gives
out from the great fount of healing forgetfulness,
and always the words of the Master are the same: 'Go
on! Go on!'
"So when I come into your presence and I say that
this night is dedicated and consecrated to God's most
holy work, when I say unto you - commanded by Love
- that you are builders under the great Master-Builder,
still I warn; I point to to-morrow. I say unto you:
Relax not your vigilance for there are many enemies
around. There are those, bound in the past and still
more bound to-day, who would spoil the plan, who would
mar the pattern under your hand; yet God is God, and
His angels have charge over you to keep you in the
way that Christ laid down, and all is well, wonderfully,
wonderfully well.
"Yet the builder is faced with this: Yesterday,
perchance, he built truly; to-day, in an unwary moment
the wrong brick, the faulty tile was substituted for
the one which God intended. Sadness seizes his heart:
'After so much trying, so much labour, I have spoilt
that which I tried to build!' But when to-morrow comes,
by effort, the faulty brick - or that which is unsafe,
unlovely - can be removed. This is a Divine law, the
Divine law of retrievement which man has never grasped
in anything of its magnitude. Yesterday can be retrieved
by to-day, and out of the sorrow which the retrievement
exacts, so to-morrow, a little more experienced, a
little more watchful, a little stronger, the builder
does better still.
"Yet again I say, and the warning must come, that
no builder who works under the Master-Builder is content
with the second-best. The second-best may be all that
he can rise to, but if the desire is for the very best
then God, by His love, will transform the imperfect
into the perfect, and all will be as the Spirit within
the builder and the great Father-Spirit intended.
"So, little ones, think as to your individual
work. Think not as to the past, except to illumine
the present and to indicate the future. What was weak,
what was faulty in the little yesterday can be retrieved
to-day and to-morrow, and in front lies opportunity
in a way I cannot explain, for you are held by much.
But I say unto you that it is opportunity in the God-sense;
and out of faith, out of trust, leaning not upon the
so-called strength of the physical mind or the physical
body but turning to the great Source of Strength, you
shall build for God in a way that shall satisfy the
Divine within.
"Builders, every one. Out of little things, out
of simple things, out of little duties, out of little
tasks, out of the raising of heart and mind beyond
fears or apprehension or misgivings, so by that created,
by that thrown out from yourselves into the vibrations,
you are building Spirit conditions; and others, not
yet awakened to the possibilities around and within,
shall be led as little children one stage nearer understanding.
Through that which you sought to do, so you turn the
idler or the sleeper into a builder in turn, and so
again I say that all shall be according to the Will
of the great and glorious Being Who gave us life.
"So, my children, I charge you in the name of
the Most High to build truly, aye, to give out that
effort from within which shall show that not only have
you built truly, but quickly through the power of God.
Through turning to the Almighty Source and depending
not upon yourselves you shall build that which shall
never pass away, and I exclude not one.
"To-night I have gathered in many who have wandered
in twilight over the long past, and I say unto them:
Have no fear! Even if the mountain lies between you
and the promised land, have faith; for has not God
said that by faith the mountain shall be removed? Little
ones, go on, go on! Fear not, for strength is by your
side. Others who have taken the path that you tread
now have come back, and they will lead you on, they
will never fail you; and in time, aye, even to-day
by the effort put forth, you are building for God,
building for others weaker still. I bless you with
a great and mighty ambition to be as builders under
the great Master-Builder, and the time will come when
you shall create that which ministers to the Divine
"My children, over the past much has been put
in. Over the past there have been builders in plenty,
builders with sight, builders with wisdom, and, alas,
many as spirits in prison. To-day we are reaping that
which has been sown. To-day we are held or we are helped
by that which man has done before. Then hearken unto
my voice, and think of your great responsibility in
the days to come, for what you build to-day in the
little to-morrow shall provide either strength or weakness
for others who must take the earth journey for good
or for ill.
"Then build bridges, oh build bridges! On all
sides there is temptation, on all sides there are enemies,
and these represent the deep crevasse into which the
heedless and careless fall. Yet unto you comes that
great and glorious promise of the Most High. Out of
the effort, out of the longing, out of the holy desire,
so the bridges can be thrown across, and what you have
secured shall enable the heedless and careless to pass
out of misunderstanding into the light which never
"Therefore, as pioneers build for God. Hold not
back that which is of yourselves, but build for God.
Day by day, hour by hour, as you seek the guidance
so the guidance shall come; and if error, if mistake,
if that which is faulty seems to take place, believe
that - so long as the will remains firm, so long as
the desire is for the best - these things are tests;
and out of failure, out of seeming hindrance, so the
foundation of your spiritual emancipation shall be
made more firm.
"Children of the Light, hold up your light, for
there are thousands in darkness and they find no light
to give them direction. Be builders under Christ; see
that what you construct bears resemblance to that constructed
by the Master as He walked the earth plane. Keep that
example ever before you, and in the sweet to-morrow
compensation in full shall be made your own.
"I bless you with the pioneer Spirit, bless you
with the will to build, the will to construct even
as God intends; and in the measure that you desire
the very best, so the power of the Holy Spirit will
draw to you the very best, and God's will on earth
shall be done. I bless you with courage, with the will
to go on.
"Farewell, but we shall meet again. Keep ever
in your thoughts the love that I have for each and
every one, for you have been linked to me over the
long past, and God has blessed the chain of many links.

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