The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac Circle on Sunday, 8th February, 1925

  1. "O TENDER Shepherd, we ask Thee to-night to help us, to strengthen us, and to give us courage to go on - not only the courage that can grapple with difficulties, but that inner courage of the Spirit which allows us to ride over them: which gives us the capacity to fix our gaze upon the distant hills, on their splendour and on their promise; and this, with our eyes raised from the ground, to see only Thy glory and not the roughness of the road. Grant that we may be able to ignore those dissuading voices of the shadows; grant that we may neither see nor hear them, except with that tiny part which, as yet, is not free from the toils of the earth.

  2. "O Father, we know how mighty Thou art, and how gentle, how all-understanding. And because we are certain of these things, with faith and with perfect confidence we ask Thee to-night to turn sadness into gladness, weariness into strength, faltering steps into big strides which will take us on and on, past the awkward corners of physical experience out into the wide country where sunshine is all around, and where even the most carefully thought-out schemes of those who wish to hinder shall be as nought.

  3. "Father of Infinite Love, we leave everything in Thy watchful care, and we know that because we are obeying Thy direction - the direction which Thou hast given - seeing the infinite joy these evenings are going to bring in the happy days to come, and their far-reaching results, that Thou Who hast directed us to continue this work will send down grace and strength, and that complete faith which will enable us to close on a note of understanding, of perfect unity, not only with each other but with Thee, our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Who never forgets and Who never fails.

  4. "Father, we thank Thee, and we turn to our work satisfied in Thee, now and for ever. Amen.

  5. "MY CHILDREN, I am leading you hither and thither where help and strength may be found, and yet you cannot imagine that after directing you to take I should tell you not to give in return. The power of Love is greater than anyone on this plane has ever grasped - its healing, its sustaining power is unlimited when the love is pure. And so I say to you and to all who read, give out of your love and restrain it not, because God said: 'Little children, love one another'...Love one another!

  6. (St. Matt. 22,30: St. Mark 12,25; St. Luke 20, 35)

  7. "And now, speaking of Love, I will pass on to a subject which, in the physical minds of many through the ages, has caused perplexity, and sometimes that which is far less pleasant, a certain lack of delicacy, which is hurtful to them and to those who hear.

  8. "I refer, dear children, to our Lord's statement that there was no marriage or giving in marriage once physical life was ended.

  9. "Now here we are brought up against two attitudes of mind, because, as you know, that which you call 'marriage' has not been carried out as our Father intended. To those whose experience has been bitter or disillusioning, the thought that once physical life is over marriage, as marriage, exists no more is greeted with a sense of thankfulness which goes too deep for words.

  10. "Then there are others, many others, thank God, who have got fairly near to the ideal; and when death steps in the one who is left behind is conscious of a sense of loss, which even the knowledge of reunion later on cannot wipe out. They view it somewhat like this: they say, 'Oh! I know we shall be together again, but it will not be the same!' And by this they mean to imply that that which awaits them will be far less complete than the union during their physical lives.

  11. "Well, dear children, with a subject like this, on which so many queries arise, it is well, I think, to give a plain and straightforward statement, so that you, and others, may readjust your minds to the truth as it is, and has been from the beginning.

  12. "True it is that there is no 'marriage' in the Bright Spheres, but, my little ones, there is a unity between soul and soul which far transcends anything that has ever been experienced, even under the most ideal conditions, upon earth. Because humanity, as a whole, has been unable to get the true vision of unity of Spirit, it goes to the other extreme and rules out that 'wedlock' between individual souls as non-existent.

  13. "It is strange to us that the word 'wedded' should represent to you only a state which is possible while the physical body remains; it is strange to us that man should be so blind, and that Love should have been allowed to fall so far from its high estate.

  14. "Little children, do not misunderstand! Those laws of nature are necessary for the working out of God's Plan, necessary because there are countless thousands waiting always to undergo their experience on earth. But, dear children, love is a far more subtle thing than that. The attraction between individuals on the earth plane is simply and solely the bare outline, the merest indication of the unity of Spirit in the realms where Spirit has full scope.

  15. "I want you to get your view-point right. I want you to be able to say to those who have suffered under the conditions of marriage - I want you to tell them that there is in store for them a unity, a wedlock, in its spiritual sense, which will reveal to them God's mighty love. And I want you to reassure those who feel that something has been taken from them which will never come back in the old sweet way again - I want you to say, with faith and with certainty, that beautiful as that love may have been - complete in the earth sense, the sympathy of mind established - those things were but a reflection of the real.

  16. "And when they come Home they will find their loved ones waiting for them, and in that reunion - which means a unity which it is impossible to explain in words, because it is of the Spirit and not of the body - joy and perfect happiness becomes their own.

  17. "My children, here I interpose one remark, for fear I may be misunderstood. There are many marriages on earth in which the Spirit takes by far the largest part - these unions are the only ones which are of God.

  18. "But within your own knowledge there are countless numbers who have entered into this holy state with minds which are unholy indeed, with motives which are of the lowest, with that base misrepresentation of love which, in itself, is a desecration to them both. You can understand, dear children, that it is indeed a farce to say to such as these: 'Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder'. God was not asked, God had no place in their thoughts. But the evil, seizing the opportunity of their 'unawareness', brought into being a state of things which wounds the Tender Heart indeed.

  19. "There is not one who has suffered under these conditions - suffered through no fault of their own - who will not reap the blessing of the Father, and joy and power in the days to come. They have not failed their vows, and because another forgot, even as the words were spoken, God holds the injured pure and free; and in place of hurt and that deep anguish of the mind, gives healing, gives grace, gives that understanding which will not only help them on in their own spiritual progress, but will enable them to help others - for only those who understand can heal like wounds, or can restore that which has been broken.

  20. "Oh! my children, there is so much more in this statement than you can grasp just now. But I say to you that the linking up of two lives in this way should be regarded indeed as a sacrament, not in name but in essence, and in the very spirit of the word. Names count for nothing, but the sacredness of these unions should never be forgotten.

  21. "I have told you before that those who provide the opportunity of allowing others to take on their earthly experience - that these, if they are in touch with God, are indeed not only following His Will but are lending themselves to the working out of His unlimited Purpose for the raising up of mankind.

  22. "There is one other aspect which, perhaps, it is wise to underline tonight, and that is in regard to the unity between Spirit and Spirit once the body is laid aside. When you come here you will find that there are many others who are linked to you, and to whom you are linked by the closest ties of love imaginable. And so it is that very often, during the early stages of spiritual emancipation, there are those who work together, who are linked in this way, because at that particular stage they provide for each other the necessary help, or the one has certain qualities which the other is trying to develop.

  23. "I don't want you to get confused! You must remember that love, as love, represents a very high state of spiritual progress. And once the body is discarded those who wish to climb are the first to realise that, as yet, they are not ready for that perfect union - that unity of Spirit and Spirit to which I have referred - so, voluntarily, looking into the eyes of Christ, they start their preparation, and this goes on, sometimes, through many stages and, to you, it would seem that much time elapses before the final linking up is there.

  24. "But as you have been taught, where love is there are no barriers. Spirit can commune with Spirit whether in the body or whether free from its restrictions: and this is worked out throughout the spheres. Yet I would have you consider that love is so of God that much preparation is necessary before you can make that most precious gift your own, in the sense that God intended.

  25. "You see, my little ones, how perfect is the Mind of God! Nothing is withheld, but once the sight is there, you see for yourself that it is better to wait awhile, so that when that which is your own is made your own you can hold it fast and may fail it not...

  26. ...Goodnight, my children, and remember that Love unlocks all gates, not only in the physical world but in all the worlds over that little river which you had described to you just now. Love opens all gates, admitting, ushering you from one state of beauty into that which is nearer perfection still. Goodnight."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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