
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac
Circle on Saturday, 2nd November, 1929
"SAVIOUR CHRIST, into Thy hands I commend the spirit
of this Thy child.
"MY LITTLE CHILDREN, you have been drawn into
these conditions to contribute to the holy power required
upon the earth plane, and if it is the Father's Will
that you take in turn, remember that you, as Spirit,
can function for this short time free from the body
of flesh, free from the physical mind, and God blesses
this communion, this gathering together in His name.
"There is much that I am commissioned to pass
on to those who seek to know, but there are many, alas,
who are so unprepared. They seek, it is true, but the
spirit of dedication, the spirit of sacrifice is absent.
When sight is made their own, they see that those who
seek without dedication and sacrifice betray the God
within, and it is a treachery which must be worked
out in time to come.
"I speak thus sternly, for indeed there are those
who know not the power which is used at these gatherings,
who know not that God gives unto the faithful that
which is of Himself.
"Remember that one day you must go back upon these
hours and then you will see that the Presence of Christ
was gifted unto those who gathered together; and in
the measure that you did not rise to your great responsibility,
in the measure that you forgot to give out from yourselves,
so grief must hold you, for this Communion is holy
as God is Holy.
"To-night, dear children, I am directed by the
Holder of all wisdom to speak unto you upon that which
want you to try to grasp the meaning which I seek to
convey in the language of your little world, but to
remember always that spiritual things have no parallel
upon the physical plane. We cull words from this one
and that, seeking to portray the truth, but indeed
only a faint representation of that which is true can
be passed on, for the language, the symbols, the representations
are gathered under that which you name the seeming,
and reality - God's Reality - is held for a span, until
by work, by effort, by giving out, revelation is made
our own. Still it is mine to pass on to the mind of
the body fragments of the truth which is of God.
"Think you as to this. You know, in a measure,
the life of a flower and a tree upon the earth plane.
Some of you have marvelled over the workings of Nature.
Some have seen God in the unfoldment of leaf and blossom.
Others, in spirit, have knelt with humility before
the great Creator as they have examined the little
seed, and realisation has come as to the life held
within that speck. Those you name the scientists, the
thinkers, the probers, they have taken the flowers,
the leaves, the fragments of grass, and, putting them
under that which you name the microscope, have seen
something of the creative power of God.
"These things, dear children, are symbols of the
great, the comprehensive processes of life which were
in operation before the earth plane was brought in
use as part of the purpose and the plan; again, they
are indication in miniature of processes of life which
go on in those conditions which you name Spirit. And
I am here this night to seek to unveil something of
wisdom in its God-like form.
"Little ones, there have been those on earth,
instructed by more highly evolved Spirits than themselves,
who have passed on something of truth regarding the
flowers and the trees. They have probed an inch, as
it were, into the conditions surrounding the tree and
the flower, and they have discovered that these creations
have that which they name 'soul' or 'sensitiveness',
a higher consciousness than they ever dreamt could
be associated with Nature, which - forget not - is
under the control of man. This is an indication, in
part, of the history of that which took place in time
long past.
"I take you back to the Sacred Record. In the
book of wisdom - the wisdom gifted unto man - is the
story of Creation in parable form. There outlined for
all to read is the sacred Word of God, in the measure
that man could grasp and understand. In time long past,
so the lesser creations were placed under the guidance,
under the control of the sons and daughters of the
Most High. Yet, as you know full well, wilfulness,
the turning away from the light and the cleaving to
the darkness, wrested from man his great and glorious
gift; and time was, upon this little plane, when Nature
was stronger than man; yes, and even to-day, Nature,
unharnessed, uncontrolled, is stronger than man.
"The life of a tree, the life of a flower! Little
ones, it is difficult to portray this truth unto you,
yet it is mine to explain. In the days of creation,
from each flower, each plant, so healing in perfection
poured forth (Job 38, 7). From the flower, from the tree, so music in its highest
form was given out; aye, perfume, fragrance, strength
- all those gifts which you associate with the loveliest
and the best.
"Man was given dominion over Nature, over the
beasts in the field, over the creeping things, over
all life - under God; yet involution, the breaking
away from the holy law, the taking and not giving back,
all these things contributed to the hindrance of the
holy plan. I would that you hold this thought in mind,
for even as you go your daily way, even as I speak,
it is possible for the individual to interfere and
hinder the holy plan.
"Through seeking that which was the second best,
so sorrow came upon all creation, so the realms of
light were forsaken for the half-light, and so time
came when darkness held the children of the Most High,
and even as one, Paul, said: creation groaneth together
(Rom. viii., 22)
through the hindrance of the holy plan.
"The life of a flower! So short it seems unto
you but the life of each little flower is for all eternity,
and way back in the great unfathomable past, so God
gave unto man beauty in the form of flower and tree;
and one day, released from man's bondage and man's
weakness, Nature will again assume something of its
beauty, something of its power, something of the miracle
which it represents.
"Think as to your own lives, think as to the long,
long past. When God created man in His own image, joy
filled the Father Heart. Picture unto yourselves the
attitude of the Lord God Creator of all. Out of Himself,
so creative power was passed into His Creation - unlimited,
pure, perfect as that of God Himself. Yet time passed
and the plan was hindered and well nigh wrecked. But
because God is God, the Holy Spirit, even as a life-line,
holds humanity in its extensive measure, and out of
the suffering and the weakness a little strength was
raised; and in time to come once more as God's children
we take our place in the Kingdom of Creation.
"All flowers, as I have told you before, have
their own conditions, their own sweet vibrations. Around
each plant is a little world which represents, in miniature,
its part in the mighty scheme of things. From the tree
the man or woman with consciousness can gather much.
The axe reveals the earth history, but for those who
have the gifts of God, no axe is needed. As we stand
beside the tree in the forest, something comes as to
the history of that tree long before the earth condition,
long before what you name 'the stage before'; and by
the gift of memory, so is revealed the beauty, the
power and the protection which Nature has afforded,
and which is its part for ever and ever.
"Little children, when those who have passed from
the earth plane come back and wish to portray unto
you something as to the glories of the home in which
they find themselves, cannot you understand how they
are held by earthly language in describing the trees
and the flowers, the sweet sound and the glory and
the colouring which is all around, how they are baffled
when trying to pass on to you that which is the truth?
Yet it is God's Will that you should allow your imagination
to soar and to try to visualise the next stage of the
flower which you hold in your hand one day and which,
the next, is cast upon the rubbish heap.
"Take the rose, with its sweetness and its power
- the rose which has the influence to draw out the
love of others: The fragrance of the rose lifts the
mind above the earth and earthly things; and from the
fragrance of the rose those with a measure of consciousness
can breathe for a second something of the sweeter conditions
of Spirit. Yet it is mine to force upon your realisation
that the beauty of the rose and its sweetness represents
to us that which is loss indeed. In the stage to come
the beauty held by the rose is enhanced in the degree
that it gave unto others; yet, again, the beauty of
the rose is enhanced in the degree that through the
selfishness of those upon the earth plane it was prevented
from doing its part in earthly conditions.
"Responsibility to the little rose! Responsibility
to the life to come of the sweet and fragrant flower!
Man was given dominion over Nature, but again and again
even in these so-called enlightened days, so by the
carelessness, the lack of sensitiveness of the individual,
creation - God's creation - is mishandled and the purpose
and the plan is hindered once again.
"Little ones, hold fast to this thought, for as
I speak I know within your minds is remembrance of
the beauty of the rose. Yet to us, as we hold it -
and in the degree that we have sought to serve God
greater consciousness is made our own - as we hold
the rose, so within each petal folded fast is that
which you name 'Spirit-power', Spirit-power from whence
comes all beauty, all fragrance in everything that
has life, in everything that has being.
"How can I portray unto you the wealth wrapped
in the petals of the rose, the life hidden within the
stem, the healing power which the leaves hold for each
and every one? As I unfold the petal of the rose not
only fragrance is released, but that which you name
music and a thousand things beyond your consciousness
"The tree with its stately branches, with its
strength, with its power of protection, the tree upon
the earth plane is lovely unto you, and in the degree
that it brings joy and happiness and protection to
the children of the earth, so in that degree is it
beautiful to us. The trees in the realms of Light have
much work to do for God. Think you as to this: There
are those upon the earth plane, bound by the physical
mind, making a god of intellect, who pass into the
next stage bound in very truth. They were satisfied
with that machinery which is so limited unto us. They
thought there were few who could teach them, and thus
it was they learned so little. Such as these, when
the body is no more, hold the same attitude of mind,
and those you name the guides are powerless to release
them. Yet Nature in more God-like form can do the Father's
"Children, there has been many a so-called scientist,
many a man, many a woman who once delighted in the
gifts of the physical mind, who have stood shamed before
a little tree in the next stage; for, borrowing the
sight of those who delight to give, they have had revealed
to them something as to the history of God's 'lesser'
"Can you grasp, little ones, that which is sight
to us? We look upon the flower and we look upon the
tree, and naught is hidden. The present processes of
growth are open before us, the ground hides naught,
and within the roots of a tree even on earth is hidden
a knowledge too stupendous for the mind of man to grasp.
"The life of a flower, the life of a tree! So
we come face to face with something of Reality; so
our littleness falls from us; so our pride and our
folly are seen for the childishness they represent.
Within the roots of any plant upon the earth plane
there is a knowledge hidden which would baffle the
mind of man to grasp; indeed, the physical instrument
could not hold it, for it is keyed to other things.
"So I draw back your thoughts to your own position,
to your own attitude of mind, to the privilege, to
the opportunity gifted unto the children of the Most
High. Forget not that in time long past each child
of God had power to create life in its lesser form;
and when we have learned by sacrifice and service,
when we have emerged out of the prison-house of self,
so once more, because we are the sons and daughters
of the Most High it shall be ours to create life in
the manner that we wish; yet before we can do this
we must have penetrated into the worlds which surround
the objects of our desire.
"Patience and work, suffering and forbearance!
There have been men and women going through the earth
stage - unhonoured by anyone, classed among the so-called
uneducated, having few gifts of the mind - who when
the earth body has been cast aside, have found within
their reach the power to create for God. They were
rulers over naught upon the earth plane. They were
ruled and controlled by others, many were despised;
but out of their sufferings, out of that which they
sought to do - treading the path of duty - when the
physical garment had been cast from them they were
rulers over many things. They had drawn back something
of their Divine inheritance, and they had gained dominion
over Nature in the measure that they sought to serve
their God.
"Little ones, perchance I seem to speak in tones
that are stern this night, but I am looking into the
future and the past is open unto me. I see in the future
that because the lesser voices will be listened to
by the vast majority upon the earth plane, so sweet
opportunity will be cast from them, and it will take
time unthinkable to you, centuries so named, before
such as these can draw back to them some of the powers
which God meant should be their own.
"Thus I speak in urgent tones, and I entreat you
who have the opportunity of knowing and understanding,
to pause not, to allow not the things of the physical,
the things of the mental to hold you back; for the
time must come when shame will hold you and your humiliation
will be complete if you scorn the steep road, the simple
yet difficult road which leads to the wisdom of God
"Oh, ponder upon my words! When you are far from
these hallowed conditions - hallowed by effort and
suffering and sacrifice over the past - when you have
passed from this little room, take in your hand the
little flower, and seek to grasp something of that
which I have portrayed.
"Over time unthinkable the flower has had life
in conditions hidden from your consciousness now, and
over all eternity the life of the flower - beautified,
strengthened, purified - will go on for ever.
"Responsibility is all around, responsibility
because we are of God, because housed within us are
those same glorious powers - in miniature though it
be - God-like powers gifted unto us by a generous Creator,
but we bury our talents, or we abuse our gifts, or
we forget to render unto the Giver the thanks which
are due to Him. And thus it is over the past man fell
from his high estate; thus it is that Nature on the
earth plane is beautiful and dangerous; thus it is
that the storms and the tempests, the avalanches and
the eruptions take place.
"For the earth plane was brought into being by
that worked in or shirked in the stage before, and
your home in the world to come - which you are building
up even at this moment - that again will hold much
of beauty, but much that will cause your heart to ache
if the sacrifice is only made in part.
"Oh think, dear children, ere I pass from you
in this sweet way, think as to those realms which you
name 'Spirit': God-power all around. In the flowers,
in the conditions, in the atmosphere above us and,
thank God, in the garments that we wear, all is harmony.
What is harmony but the gathering together of the sweetness,
the fragrance, the sound, the feelings of those things
and many others which you cannot understand: the harmony
which is of God.
"The sweetness of the rose is indeed sent out
on the conditions by an unselfish thought; for thought
has colour, fragrance, and, again, a thousand things
beyond your consciousness now; it is beauty in something
of that perfection created by our God.
"Listen to the voice of the Spirit. Even as I
speak, so, through the grace of God, these conditions
have been opened wider and wider, and there are some
here who are conscious of this fact. Why does the power
come and why do we gather in those who know naught
of sweetness, naught of life, naught of love? Because
we are missionaries of the Most High, and those who
once were gifted with God-like powers but now are more
bound than that which you name the animal, they must
be drawn in and taught and led, comforted, strengthened
and recharged. The fragrance of the earth flowers brought
into this little temple of peace has been taken out
into their conditions, and the sweetness of the flowers
brings unto them some consciousness of better things.
Would that your eyes were opened and you could see
them as I speak. The sweetness of the flowers brings
hope for better things.
"Cannot you understand, little ones of my heart,
why you wish to bring the flowers into these conditions?
They can be used by God for the furtherance of the
holy plan when their earth stage is o'er, and though
blackened they may lie in physical guise yet, because
they have brought to the spiritually imprisoned something
of hope, something of light, their beauty shall be
enhanced a thousand fold and the work that they shall
do for God shall be trebled in proportion.
"Think again as to the life of the flower, of
the trees, and the care and the love and protection
of the Father over this, His creation; and then hold
in your mind what you mean unto Him, and how sorrow
fills His heart when by your turning from the way laid
down, the gifts He longs to give cannot be made your
own. But tonight the gifts have come. The power of
the Holy Spirit has been bestowed not only upon you
- you represent the point of concentration from which
the rays go out - but the power of the Holy Spirit
has descended in volume upon those many others, strangers
to the light, and henceforth a little light shall be
their own.
"God works in mysterious ways. The miracles that
can be seen by human eyes are the least of those miracles
worked in His Name.
"I place upon you all the mark of the Cross, and
I ask you in the Name of Love to prepare for those
things which lie in front. Sorrow must come upon the
earth plane, but those who are linked to Christ shall
know naught of sorrow, for their joy shall come in
taking their gifts to those who have them not, and
working in their part of the holy plan.
"I bless you with sight, and I bless you with
the will to arise and to do your best. In the Name
of our Father and Mother God I bless you; and if anxiety
sometimes holds me over the future of some who could
have the full light, then forget not this: that what
is lost in one stage must be made good in another;
and if in the next stage still wilfulness holds the
little children of the Most High, yet we have the promise
of God that in time to come each one will lay aside
the gifts of little price and take up the treasure
which shall never pass away.
"The Cross of our Saviour Christ protect you from
yourselves now and in the days to come. Farewell, dear
children, and remember that you have contacted with
holiness this night."

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