
An address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac',
(the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the
Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at Chichester,
on Sunday, 7th September, I947
"SAVIOUR CHRIST, into Thy hands I commend the
spirit of this Thy child.
"MY CHILDREN, my heart is full of love as I come amongst
you in this same way; and my mind is taken back to
the days of old when the faithful few gathered together
in the homes of those we knew and eagerly sought to
learn that which the Master had given forth.
"Many were the questions asked, and some of the
thoughts expressed showed that those concerned were
growing up, and I want you to try to visualise the
training which was essential so that when the time
came of test and trial the individuals concerned would
have sufficient faith to stand firm, to face persecution,
and to be able to attune the mind so that the horror
of a violent death would not turn them from their purpose.
I speak of these things from time to time because you
to-day find it very hard to understand the state of
mind which enabled a young girl or youth still to hold
on to their purpose in spite of the beatings, in spite
of a rigid authority, and a cruelty that was profound.
"But to-day I want to speak to you about a subject
which concerns each and everyone, it concerns all those
in this little world of yours and it has shown results
on millions who have passed into the Greater life;
and the subject is this: Invalidism After Physical
"Now many of you think naturally, that with the
shedding of the body there is the shedding of the ills
of the body. This is true, but I ask you to go a little
further - the shedding of the ills of the body does
not mean necessarily the shedding of the ills of the
character of the one concerned, and many people, on
awakening in the Spirit World, are aghast to find that
they are still invalids. You who have nursed the sick,
you who have laid the tired hands in a form of prayer
before the body was lost to sight, you may find it
difficult to build up in your minds the effect of the
earth life upon that new life which is entered - the
effect of remembrance.
"So today I have come by the Will of God to speak
to you on very practical lines. The mere fact that
I lived centuries ago does not alter that which is
of the greatest importance - my understanding of earthly
conditions today.
"It may seem strange to many that one accustomed
to life in the East can come back and use the physical
body of a woman to give forth the truth left as a trust
by the Master of all Life, and there are some who question
as to the language that I employ.
"But I want you to remember that when you pass
into Spirit Life, according to the effort you have
made, so will be your mental powers and your illumination,
so will it be possible for you to adapt yourselves
to the changed conditions you find there. You will
pass among many of other nationalities, and it will
seem wonderful to you that you can understand that
which they say; not only have you then earned the gift
of tongues but what is equally important, you have
earned adaptability of mind so that you can understand
the different tongues of others.
(Acts 2, 4)
"This point was not brought out in the Scriptures,
as we should desire. There were those who had contacted
with God through the sacrifices they were prepared
to make to follow in the steps of the Master, and released
in them was the gift of tongues. They could speak to
those of many nationalities who gathered together at
times of festivals and feasts and other religious ceremonies.
But the fact that they could speak to these in their
own tongue should have been linked to the equally important
fact that they could understand the language spoken
to them by those from other parts.
"So when it was made known to me that the great
privilege would be my own to return as a missionary
to the earth plane, I sought to adapt myself to the
necessities I should have to meet, and for a time unthinkable
to you I walked with those of your race, unseen by
them, unwanted perchance, but I watched the workings
of their minds. I learnt the habits of their lives,
I understood after great effort the intricacies of
the laws which govern this particular part of the earth
plane. Had this not been so I could not have received
the Master's word to go forth, as it were, into the
wilderness and to find those who would listen unto
me. With grateful thanks to the Most High I underline
my joy that there have been so many drawn into the
Mission I came to spread. My love is over each and
everyone, and because of this love I have come today
to stress that word
which you associate with ill-health.
"There is much being done to heal the sick, but
there are some bodies which as you know cannot respond
to the balm given by devoted workers. There are the
old; the body is worn out, the faculties are waning,
and the time will come when at last the Spirit within
will give up the encumbrances associated with the earth
and pass into a new state.
"But here we come, my children, to something which
is of a very serious character, the fact of remembrance
- remembrance of many things, remembrance of the care
of others, remembrance of authority, remembrance of
earthly treasure, remembrance of the deference paid
because possessions were their own. All these memories
survive physical death and they represent either a
great barrier to happiness or a great asset; but it
depends entirely on the one concerned.
"And you who suffer from the ills of the flesh,
who realise that never again can you claim that which
is regarded as 'good health,' I want you to be certain
that if the body is troublesome now and will be unto
the end, there is something of so gigantic a character
which will come out of physical weakness that you will
feel, when you are free, that every pang was worth
while, that every wakeful night has brought to you
a greater wisdom through the patience exacted, through
the strain on the nervous system.
"You may say to me: 'Is it God's Will that there
should be so much suffering, that the physicians should
be able to do so little when it means so much, when
there are many who could work hard in the Master's
service if only they were strong, if only they were
not invalids?'
"So we come back to the point of INVALIDISM AFTER
PHYSICAL DEATH, and I want you to think on these lines
because, drawn into it, there is that which represents
fatalism - 'it is no use struggling, it is no use trying,
evidently it is my lot; I was predestined to disease,
predestined to unhappiness!'
"All these things, my children, may be true from
a material point of view, but when you are free from
the flesh you will look at them from a totally different
aspect; you will find that fatalism is something which
has been twisted by the mind of man. The mere fact
that you have a weak and painful physical body is not
accounted for by your 'fate,' it is explained entirely
on purely material lines - that those of your own kind
in past generations did not observe the laws of health;
those perhaps of your own generation, through ignorance
or through obstinacy, did not do their best to build
up a strong body for you during your childhood days.
"So much is put down to God's Will, but these
things were never the Will of God; they are merely
the working out of the will of man - man who has abused
the gift of free-will, man who wanted to carve out
his own road, man who thought that he could claim independence
without facing the penalty which was inevitable when
independence was abused.
"Then in regard to 'predestination' and those
who have lives of trouble, I know it seems that some
force is arraigned against you, or your loved ones
who have suffered for years when their natures should
have brought the greatest good to themselves. In the
darkness of the night perhaps you question God's Love,
His awareness, His interest in His children upon the
earth plane.
"Yes, the majority of people while in the flesh
go through these mental experiences, and I want to
reassure you that from our point of view those thoughts
are not 'wrong'; they are simply the result of wrong
teaching, they are merely misunderstandings. You were
not meant by your Father to drug your minds, you have
a right to question this and to question that; the
point is that there are so few to give the right answers.
To-day many unseen by you have gathered together in
this little sanctuary of peace so that you may learn
and, in learning, the impulse may arise within to go
amongst those who also suffer through misunderstanding
and to give them the comfort which the knowledge of
Divine Law brings always to the seeker after truth.
"You can understand that after physical death
there are many changes which take place. There are
those who suffered acutely through the earthly stage
who find themselves young and full of vigour, beautiful
in form as well as beautiful in mind, and they find
to their great surprise that they can be chosen for
positions of leadership. Also, they perceive something
which demonstrates for all time the law of justice
-that there are many who had strong bodies and able
minds when upon the earth plane, yet because they used
their minds and bodies entirely for their own benefit,
they awaken in the World of Spirit to find themselves
as invalids. Gone the gift of strength with the loss
of the physical body, for they forgot to build up spiritual
strength, and so the next vehicle which they wear -
which bears resemblance to the physical body but is
a travesty of that body - that vehicle seems to be
without the power to do or the strength to allow the
one concerned even to search, when the darkness might
give place to light.
"I ask you as you review things today and as you
think of those who have seized power over the generations,
to clear your vision of the conception of earthly fame.
There are some people who voice their displeasure because
those with so-called famous names return to humble
circles and give forth their messages, seeking to relieve
their minds by demonstrating the justice of Divine
Law in regard to themselves. They are inspired to come
back in this same way.
"Gone their earthly fame, but what remains, or
what did remain until it was worked out, was this:
the effect of vanity, the thoughts associated with
the desire for notoriety or for the plaudits of others.
Many a man and many a woman, famous when upon the earth
plane, come back to warn those in the flesh so that
they shall not be deceived by earthly things. Stripped
of that which meant so much to them, robbed of a beautiful
physical body, freed from material possessions, they
stand revealed to themselves and to those around, and
'fame,' beloved, is the last thing that many of them
see that they deserved.
"There are many famous in Spirit Life, but they
are those who kept to the road of duty, who shouldered
their burdens, who never had any influence except upon
the lives of those they loved, and that influence was
entirely on constructive lines. They passed out, some
perchance on a workhouse bed; but the younger ones
remember them, and in times of temptation or of danger,
there comes as a light in their darkness the thought
of that one so strong in purpose although so weak in
body, so rich in the treasures of the Spirit, although
so poor in so far as earthly things were concerned.
"So I want you to realise that whatever your lives
you are the arbiter of your own fate. God has predestined
you for happiness, to be as an angelic being, to have
power and grace, to be able to work miracles. That
is the real meaning of predestination from a spiritual
standpoint. But man has the gift of free-will!
"When the body is no more, if you desire it, you
can be taken through planes or conditions where there
are millions of invalids, some who appear to be almost
in a coma, others crawling about in various stages
of deformity, many bearing resemblance to a distorted
form of animal. I bring in these points, horrible as
they may seem to you, because they are realities, and
because it may be possible that one you know may find
himself or herself among those invalids in the darkened
"Many operations have to take place after physical
death; but, as you know with the physical body, there
are some who cannot be operated upon for the disease
has gone too far, and there are others who refuse to
have operations because fear holds the mind of the
body; and so, my children, many methods are tried and
tested and many experiments are made, because, as you
can understand, God's Home is incomplete until these
invalids regain something of health, health of mind,
health of their soul, health of the vehicle in which
they take their way - the body which houses the Divine
"It is a gigantic subject and I can but touch
upon it in fragments tonight, but when you listen to
the conversation of others - the men and women who
seem to revel in the narration of diseases, whose minds
are for ever upon their own complaints, who analyse
each pain and long for a sympathetic listener - when
you find such as these, beloved, give them the word
of warning before it is too late, because remembrance
is something to be reckoned with in the World of Spirit,
and many souls who have suffered while in the body
find that it takes much time and much effort to free
themselves from their invalidism when the body is no
more, for in the aura these thoughts have taken root,
because self was paramount; self governed their lives.
"And I want to give a word of commendation to
those who nurse the sick, to those who have to listen
day by day, and often night by night, to their complaints
- those whose 'rest' is very often destroyed because
the ones concerned have not linked up to God, when
Christ, the Great Healer, could heal their minds, and
they would be able to regard their ailing bodies in
a different light altogether.
"It is not resignation, it is not renunciation,
it is understanding which allows a man or a woman stricken
in body to give up their will, not to fight day by
day and hour by hour against the relinquishing of the
flesh, but to hold themselves ready as one to be set
free, as a captive who even now hears the key turning
in the lock, and knows that soon the door will be opened
and health and sunshine and peace and joy await them
for evermore.
"My children, time is fleeting, but it is my part
to stress this point ere I take my leave, for you all
know invalids and those who by their attitude of mind
are bringing about a state of invalidism, and you know,
too, the despair of the doctors, the healers and the
nurses. They are working against something that defies
their greatest sacrifices, they are working against
the operation of free-will, for with many the only
interest in their lives is their complaints, and their
demand for sympathy is as a parched desert asking for
the dew of Heaven.
"And you, dear children, who have suffered, you
who have had hard lives and yet have not railed against
God, I bid you focus your minds on tomorrow - the to-morrow
of time, when in the World of Spirit you will see the
operation of Divine Law and you will find that in spite
of everything going against you, so it seemed, angels
were walking with you, and the results are wonderful
to behold.
"Free from the sad memories of the past, free
from the bondage of the flesh, free from the pettiness
of the human mind, those conditions of revelation are
open unto you which you can bear; and as you grow in
strength, and as your endeavour increases, so further
gates into revelation are opened; and this Law of the
Spirit shall be worked out until you reach those spheres
of Light, when Divine power can be culled from the
great Christ Himself.
"Now I would come amongst you to bless, and there
are many here, unseen, who were bound by the limitations
of the body, and yet when they passed over they were
able to break their bondage (North American Indians), although they knew so little.
"Why was it, my children, that such as these,
taking their way upon the earth plane - blundering,
stumbling on the way - how was it that such as these
found themselves free from their earthly encumbrances
when the change called death took place? It was because
within there was a crude sense of duty to God and their
neighbour. They were, as it were, children of Nature;
no education of the mind was possible to them, but
they had their own laws, their own creeds, their own
codes and, because embodied in those codes and those
creeds was something of the law of love, God swept
away their ignorance, swept away the follies of the
past, and such as these, as you know full well, come
back amongst you, strangers so far as the earth life
is concerned, but welcomed by you as healers of the
flesh and inspirers of the mind; and blessings rest
upon them.
"All those who return to you and name themselves
guides and healers, they have devoted years and years,
in your definition of time, to learning the way of
life of you upon this tiny portion of the earth plane.
You love them, you seek to obey them, but sometimes
you wonder about them. Wonder no more, for God's Law
is the law of equality! In the degree that such as
these suffered and yet did their little best according
to the Light that was their own, they were as free
men and free women, and they come back to show love
towards those who come from the stock who tore away
their homes, who sold their lands.
"Children, I bring in this point because I want
you to know that when you are free from the flesh you,
too, will be inspired to go to your enemies, to those
who cheated or persecuted you, to those who robbed
you of the ones you love best; and by the releasing
of the Christ Spirit within them, to bring such as
these back into the Fold, to heal either the bodies
of the flesh or those astral bodies in which they find
themselves, which represent far greater torture than
the physical body could ever mean to any soul.
"Yes, it has been wise that we should meet together
in this same way, wise that sometimes we should go,
as it were, into the highways and by-ways, to leave
the great crowds and to draw together a few souls,
seeking to pass on Divine Truth, knowing that many
will read the words and, if they are keyed to the vibrations
of Spirit, will make them their own and be as truth-bringer
unto those around.
"So I bless the workers, and I say unto them that
in the degree that they have done aught to destroy
the invalidism of the souls of others, so will be their
own enhanced strength and, so will be their powers
in the next state of being.
"God gives - He waits to give, yet only the few,
my children, are ready to take; but tonight there are
many gathered in, seen and unseen, and they shall be
the takers, for in their heart and mind they want to
act and to think as the children of Christ and the
inheritors of the Eternal Kingdom. So in His Name -
the Light-Bringer of all worlds - I bless you, and
I ask you, when we have parted in this sweet way, to
remember the words entrusted unto me and to take upon
yourselves the responsibility of bringing health to
others during the earthly day.
"Farewell, my little ones, but when sleep holds
the body this night many of us will meet again, and
those who are sick and those who are in pain during
the physical consciousness, shall taste of the joy
of health and spiritual well-being. Farewell."

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