
from address given by Zodiac at the Christian Spiritualist
Church, Stoneleigh, near Ewell, Surrey, on Sunday,
January 6th, 1946
"...So, as practical men and women, I ask you to consider
what that great promise of the survival of the individuality
means for you and for those you love. Some of you have
characteristics you feign would lose and many which
you long to make your own; the majority have their
heroes and their heroines, and they are inspired by
the lives of others to struggle out of the mire of
depression and to cast out upon their own little world
thoughts of cheer, of hope and sure encouragement.
"I want to reassure some of those who are gathered
in, and many who will read my words, in regard to those
characteristics which they had hoped would wither up
within them, yet still the weed seemed to grow. I remind
you of the Temptation in the Wilderness, and also of
the fact that whether you recognise it or not, it is
indication in degree of a certain type of missionary
"During the busy days when your minds are fixed
upon the mundane task, you have visitors, uninvited
visitors unseen by you. The mere fact that you are
giving out effort, that you are trying to do your very
best, creates around you that which I would describe
as a wheel of power. It circulates, throwing off glorious
hues according to your dedication on the work at hand.
There are entities bereft of strength and beauty, who
may be attracted by that which is manifesting around
you, and they gather close, and if they could they
would steal that which entrances them, that which represents
light and a condition not experienced before.
"And so, beloved, you are conscious at times of
depletion, of a strange depression which comes over
you and you do not know its cause, a sadness, a sudden
loss of interest in the work at hand, and you blame
yourselves. There are thoughts arising in your mind
that you do not like; and those who want to live the
Christ-life are dismayed, nay, they are surely distressed,
they grow so impatient with themselves that they ask:
'What is the use of trying when there is so much weakness
"It is to such as these that I bring comfort.
Be not deceived! Those thoughts, those emotions, they
are not wholly your own; they have been cast upon the
sensitive mould of the physical mind by an uninvited
guest, and in exchange the stranger has borrowed from
you something of power. The transaction has taken place
automatically. But what I urge you to remember to do
is this: in those hours of test stretch out mentally
to those with the Light that never fades, to those
with the strength built up over the generations, and
soon you will find that your poise has been restored.
"And all this relates to the survival of individuality
after this short span of physical life. You see, beloved,
all that takes place on this material plane was intended
by God to prepare you for work which will be presented
in a different guise when you have survived the transition;
but also there are those things which will survive
as well which you will long to be without, and how
your heart will ache, how your mind will burn with
indignation if you did not see the battle through unto
its victorious end while the chance was yours and the
flesh was there to control.
"You see how subtle these things can be? But while
I show the sad side, it is my part to bring good news
from the World of Spirit. All those desires to rise
higher, all those thoughts sent out for the sick and
the poor and the forsaken, all the holy impulses springing
up within to something worth while, forgotten by you
but remembered by God, are gathered into your granary
and blessed by Him. They represent something of that
equipment which must be there to turn you into a useful
citizen in the bright planes where reality cannot be

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