
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship
of Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier part of the twentieth
"MY little children, this night you have been
gathered in for a purpose, and that purpose is concerned
with that which is to come to pass in the little tomorrow.
I want you each and every one to regard yourselves
and those you name the guides - the messengers of the
Christ - to regard yourselves as one with them. This
is not erring from that humility which you desire to
make your own. It is placing yourselves as the instrument,
as the tool of those who have taken the road in front,
of those who are dependent upon the children on the
earth plane to carry out the will of the Most High.
"There may be some who say that my words are stern,
that I call them up to heights impossible to be reached;
but I bid them heed my voice. I say that what is not
accomplished upon this plane of opportunity must be
worked out under conditions far harder in time to come.
These foolish ones are occupied with this little life
which is to us as a second of time; and they, out of
the blindness that is within, have forgotten to ensure
that the long stage in front - eternity - has to be
reckoned with, has to be faced, has to be overcome
so far as weakness and frailty are concerned.
"Children, think you like this: If one you loved
stood at a dangerous point, would you not call out
in imperative tones and bid him take care? The time
for endearments, the time for outward show is not at
the time of danger. At the time of danger so the warrior
within arises in its full strength, and the individual
is prepared to battle for and with the one so loved.
Oh, listen to my words for I speak not but under the
command of the Most High, and if I pass on to you that
which is less than the truth, so then the power is
taken from me, and in time this instrument would be
mine no more.
"To-night, then, under the direction of the One
Who loves us best, I speak on the Health of the Soul-Body.
Little ones, over the past there have been the brave
souls, the strong spirits, and these, with the gift
of wisdom, in order to further their progress, have
entered into the physical tabernacle and have spent
their days, their years, grappling with the powers,
the forces who are arraigned against the Christ. There
are those, filled with the love of God, who have counted
the cost of sorrow upon the earth plane, and with gladness
have chosen the hard road for the sake of the brightness
and the peace to come.
"Look back over the long corridor of time. Think
of the ones who draw out from you your admiration and
your veneration. Was it those who took the easy road
and held for themselves the joys of the earth; who
knew not sacrifice and self-denial? Some of these have
left their mark upon the history of this little plane,
but for the most part they were as a drag upon the
wheel of progress, and in this same time they are paying
the penalty, and their anguish is great. Go back over
the record of any country. How plain it is. The man
or the woman who had other gods than the one true God,
the man or the woman who sought to comfort the physical
body, they starved the soul-body, and such as these
according to their missed opportunities are, as you
would say, covered with disease.
"Oh little ones, how oft I try to show you that
the laws of God work on with a precision and with a
perfection which so transcends the mind of man that
he disregards them altogether. The child-souls - those
who are bound and fettered - they reason with themselves
and their arguments seem to have great weight. They
forget the example of the heroes of old, they forget
that those they love, those they admire, those they
hold up as example to the young, they forget that such
as these deceived themselves not. They fell into temptation,
they failed their greater selves again and again, but
even as they failed so the consciousness within showed
them traitor; and with repentance, with aching hearts
and weary bodies, they turned to the Cross and clasped
the Cross.
"Little ones, the path to God is made up of failures
and successes. If it were possible for you to be here,
chained by the body, fettered by the physical mind
and to feel always that sacrifice was sweet, that the
stones on the road were pleasant, that the enemies
of the Christ could be welcomed, then, my children,
the earth could hold you no more. Its experience would
have been faced, its lessons learnt, you would find
yourselves in the realms of Spirit and from you would
pour the power to hearten many a weary one cabined
within the garment of flesh, troubled by a limited
mind, at the mercy of forces unseen, unknown, a prey
to many disquiets. Aye, you would pour your power upon
such as these and their weakness would pass. So, my
little ones, I come to you and I say: Have no fear,
let not misgiving touch and wound. You are out on a
long journey and the mere fact that you are on the
earth plane implies that the lessons of the earth plane
have still to be mastered, and the discipline of necessity
takes its toll.
"But I draw your thoughts away from this plane
to the stage which shall surely come. I speak to you
as one who, as an older brother, passed through the
troubles and the darkness and the misgivings of the
earth life in an ancient time, or so it seems to you.
I come to you and I say that not one pang that you
have ever endured is unknown by me. If I could not
understand how near at times failure seems, then, little
ones, I could not be used by our Master, Christ. My
lessons would have been unlearned, my experience so
faulty that I should be worthless to draw the children
of the earth out of the valley of sadness on to the
plateau of peace.
"So I speak in tones of comprehension, and I bid
you think of the stage to come when the physical garment
has worked in for you that which surpasses your highest
hopes. The pains of the body, the sadness, the treachery,
the darts of the destroyers, the persecution in subtle
form, oh, anguish was yours, and a great misgiving
seized your mind: 'Where is God!' you cried. Your Father
and Mother God was watching, taking from the seeds
that you had sown, from the tears that you had shed,
the power which should safeguard the future, the beauty
which would transform your heavenly home.
"Little ones, think you to yourselves: If a man
sows not, how then shall he reap? If a man tills not,
how then shall the ground produce that which is sustenance?
So I bid you think again. This little life with its
blindness and its bondage is a gift so gigantic in
its possibilities, a gift so charged with power, that
man for the most part is unaware of the opportunity
it represents. You at this same time are ministering
to the soul-body, that next garment which will represent,
as it seems to you, your self, when the flesh is no
more. You are working today on that which must be your
home in time to come. How then can the soul-body be
cured of its ailments; how then can the home be built
up without those things which seem to go wrong at this
stage? Oh, cannot you see? Is it not writ large over
that which is the sacred Record of the past? Man suffered
in his earth-day so that eternity might be assured
as a thing of brightness and freedom.
"Children, instruments each one, what is your
part, what is my part, what is the part of those who
come and use this holy gift? Is it not to provide protection?
Is it not to show the traps, to bid you take care,
to warn you that enemies are around? Is it not to hold
you fast when you stumble and seem to fall? Is it not
to stand between you when those of the world, saturated
with the teaching of the world, come with plausible
argument and bid you pause in the decision which the
Spirit within desires you to take? Oh, there are many
upon this little earth plane concerned with the health
of the physical body, with its transient life; but
how few, how few have the knowledge won by dedication,
to teach concerning that which must come to pass?
"On every side there are those who talk of health
- and the physical garment was meant by God to represent
perfect health, perfect poise - but what has happened?
Oh, so plain it is. Those in a past day turned from
the laws of God and followed the laws of man, and damage
reaching over generations was done by them. They passed
out of the body of flesh and, to their horror, found
that the sins of one stage have to be worked out in
the stage to come. The diseases of the physical are
as nothing in comparison with the hideous deformities
of the soul-body. Men and women who were beautiful
from the earth point of view, such as these found themselves
in garments which branded them to others as the worshippers
of self.
"Oh listen and learn. As I speak so around me
have gathered in that which you name thousands, those
who cast aside their grand inheritance for the toys
of the earth. They ministered to the body of flesh
and the soul-body was starved, and out of that starvation
so they stand today as spirits in prison. They themselves
have locked the door, and until by suffering and effort
the strength is born within to turn the key of self,
so - alas! - they are shut off from the light and the
peace and the joy of God. Oh, think not that this is
God's will; it is the will of man. Think not that the
tender Saviour does not give and give again; but the
individual has built around him walls almost impenetrable,
and, as it were, brick by brick they must be cast down
by the one who built before freedom can be his own.
"These are the children of the earth who argued
thus with themselves and others: 'The easy road for
me!' - the road of luxury, the road of self-indulgence.
They took and they took, and out of that which they
took so their prison-house was erected and their plight
is pitiable to behold. Oh, cannot you understand how
great a gift has been made your own? You have been
taught and, what is more, you desire to listen. You
build not a fortress for tomorrow but you build something
of God, charged with His radiance, into which, when
the earth garment has done its part, you will pass
with a sweet liberty bought and purchased by that which
you have undergone for the sake of the Christ within.
"Children, you who are instruments of the Most
High, cannot you see that your decision bears no resemblance
to sacrifice in any form? God takes of the effort,
takes of the loneliness, takes of the sadness, and
because these things have cost so much, around you
- even at this moment - there is the gain of the Spirit,
the companionship of the ones you name the guides,
the messengers of the Christ; and you, because of the
hard road, have been able to clasp their hands. Why
then should apprehension steal so close? What of to-day?
Today passes and tomorrow is ushered in as something
bearing likeness to the will of the Father and Mother
God. You have tried and it seems to you you have failed;
you have denied the longing for rest; the weary mind
and the flagging steps you have ignored, for God's
work was waiting to be done. The body complained, ah
yes, but what of the soul-body, what of the real self
within the soul-body - the Spirit with the courage
of Christ?
"Cannot you see that the worldly wise are the
spiritually foolish? Those who snatch and hold and
call to you to do the same, they, even as they hold,
are losing that which matters, that which counts. God
is not mocked. True, the Father desires that the garment
of flesh should be as He intended; but out of that
endured through the weakness and frailty of others,
in place of that garment whose life is so short, the
soul-body, with a strength unthought of by man, with
powers, with creative faculties, slowly but surely
through the pangs of the physical body, is being prepared
for you. And when this little earth-life is o'er, in
looking back over what has been no shadow will you
see. That which you thought was darkness or twilight
is as the glory of God, for the Divine within was fed.
The physical perchance went without, but the real self
within had drawn to it that sustenance, that imperative
sustenance, which it craved, and which it was God's
will should be its own.
"So, my little ones, in passing through the beauties
of this little world, even as you admire, think of
this: There are many living in homes of squalor, many
who see not the trees and the flowers of Nature; but
those with sight, with real vision, would tell you
that around them were the flowers of the Spirit. And
more than that: That those with the power - the holy
ones, the bright ones - they keep pace with the step
of the toiler, with those shut away from the brightness
of this little earth. Ah, down in the mines where man
works and his body suffers, where the darkness seems
to press upon the mind and the courage and the hope
slowly but surely ebb away, there walk the holy ones,
the servants of God; and had man been taught, had the
veil been rent asunder, such as these would have seen
the brightness of the Spirit. Oh, what a compensation,
what an illumination, what an interpretation of the
love of God!
"So, little ones, I call your thoughts away from
the tabernacle of the flesh, away from the earth with
its trials and misgivings, with its poverty and the
cruelty of brother to brother, and I bid you look into
Reality, to face the glorious fact that suffering in
one stage must mean freedom in the next; that going
without today fastens to the individual that which
is beyond the power of another to rest from him. These
are the laws of God, and while the nurses and physicians
do God's work upon the body of flesh and draw to themselves
the blessing of the Most High, let them pause not there;
let them fasten to themselves the blessing throughout
eternity. Let them pass on warning as to tomorrow,
instruction, guidance as to the soul-body which, minute
by minute, is being shaped, created, by the actions
of the one concerned.
"So I bring you back to your own lives and your
own lot and I show you the joy of the hard road, the
blessing of the Cross. Little ones, be of good cheer,
you have that which is precious beyond my powers to
portray. Out of the heartaches so the foundation has
been erected, and upon that foundation you can stand
and reach the hand of God; for through your love of
Him so the Spirit within, with sight, with understanding,
chose that which you name troubles, chose your so-called
losses. Who then should commiserate with those who
want to be brave? Ah, the Saviour speaks in your heart
and mind - the Saviour, the One who suffered so much.
Can you not hear His voice: 'Little ones, follow Me.'
But forget not that Christ, because He is God, bears
our burdens for us. He took the hardest road of all;
and where the Cross, as it stands to man, represents
suffering, through that day of Calvary, through that
which the Master bore willingly for the beloved of
His heart, so you and I, when we come to the Cross,
find no sorrow. Oh mark my words. The sorrow comes
in turning from the Cross, the reluctance of the physical
mind, the shrinking of the physical garment. Once the
Cross is grasped, the joy which is of God pours through
our being, for this is the gift of Christ.
"Through the link of the Cross so the One so kind
comes closer and closer still, and when that which
we name anguish assails us, because of the Master's
presence and the cloak of peace and love in which He
enfolds us, so anguish can be found no more. In our
at-one-ment with Him we taste for the first time of
the joys of the Spirit; and out of that knowledge which
His joy brings, so we pass among others who are hesitating
over the Cross, and we bid them be of good cheer.
"Children, you have been called and you have been
chosen. What has been your choice? Oh, with some, the
highest and the best. If with others not yet the highest
and the best, then henceforth, through the power of
the Holy Spirit, it shall be the highest and the best.
Therefore the hard road, the rough road, the road of
persecution, the road of treachery, perchance the road
of betrayal, the road that Christ took Himself. And
as you climb, and even as you stumble the heavens are
opening, and by your pangs that which is revelation
shall be your own.
"So, little ones, fix your thoughts on the next
garment which you must wear. The pangs of this one
are the strength of that; the ease and comforting of
this one are the weak parts, the imperfect parts of
that one. So we dedicate ourselves to God, and we pray
that we may have the strength to build truly so that
henceforth joy may be within, and that those who gather
round - the guides and the helpers - may have the greatest
joy of all, for oh, my children, no joy over ourselves
represents more than a fragment of that deeper, purer
joy over the release of others.
"Are we not lesser saviours under the One great
Saviour, are we not lesser healers under the Healer
of us all? Then with happy hearts we continue the path;
we count not our wounds but we number our gifts; we
turn ever and ever again to the Christ, and each time
our petition is the same: 'Use us, O God, for Thy most
sacred work.' And even as we ask so, voluntarily, we
have taken up a fresh burden; yet the Master answers:
'Take My yoke upon you,' and under the protection of
the yoke, weariness over the burdens is forgotten in
the gladness of the Saviour's smile. So, my children,
I bless you, bless you with firmness, bless you with
illumination, and I say that the Holy Spirit, which
is resting upon you as I speak, shall give you the
courage to go on until sorrow, as sorrow, falls from
you never to return. In the Name of Christ I bless
you. Farewell!"

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