
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship
of Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier part of the twentieth
"MY children, although we meet under somewhat
changed conditions, I want you to believe that when
the heart is dedicated to God so the power of the Holy
Spirit is bestowed. Could you see things as they are,
at this moment you would know that around you there
is even as an army of helpers. They come from all conditions.
Those with the wisdom, those who took the hard path
in times long past, those who lived in humble and obscure
homes, yet faithfully did their duty and sought to
release the Divine within; and many from other climes,
those who were different from yourselves in outlook
and in environment, aye, and many from the dark planes;
they all have gathered in to give or to take.
"Never forget this: That God opens all conditions
to all His children. If there are those who prefer
that which is antagonistic to the Light, if there are
those who prefer the desires of the lesser self, they
bar themselves from the peace and the joy of Spirit
conditions. God's law is that each so-called sphere
of development shall be open, waiting for the aspiring
soul to make it its own; but the individual holds himself
a prisoner by that bondage which he has drawn to himself
over the past, and we wait and we work and we pray
for the release to come. So when I tell you that gathered
into these conditions there are those of all grades
of development, those who love the Christ, those who
are almost strangers to Him and what He represents,
then remember that we are missionaries. If we meet
together only with the Bright Ones, the Wise Ones,
then indeed we should be throwing away a priceless
opportunity, throwing away the great gift of service
which God holds out to us. And this is my subject to-night
- The Great Gift of Service.
"Little ones, as I have underlined before, upon
the earth plane there are those who quite unconsciously
are doing the Master's work. Some, if you named them
Christians, would smile, they would say: 'I make no
profession of any religion at all, but I have some
feeling, some sense of decency.' I use earth words
to express an entirely earth condition, for these I
have in mind are, as it were, blind as to their real
value, as to what they are creating, aye, as to the
loveliness within. For many are kind, many seek to
lighten the burdens of another, many are compassionate
to those in distress, many are toilers, uncomplaining
toilers. Because of their particular environment they
know not God as a loving Father and Mother, and they
reject that aspect of the Godhead which presents Love
as a Ruler and Dictator.
"There are many such as these, and I would but
add that when they pass into the light of revelation,
and when they look back and see how Christ ministered
to them, how the messengers of the Most High guided
their steps, then anguish will assail them, for they
were so free and yet so bound. They will cry: 'What
can wipe out this ingratitude of mine; how can I forgive
myself for all that which I forgot to render to God?'
- for before them will stand the Christ, and in His
eyes they will read not condemnation but love and a
great and mighty compassion. These, as it were, will
beat themselves with the thongs of remorse, and their
wounds will take long to heal. They are our brothers
and sisters and it is our work, our privilege, to bring
to them something of the greater light, to show them
that even though their lips may deny the Christ, by
their acts of kindness, of service to others, in a
measure they are demonstrating Christ to their little
world. Aye, a mighty work lies before the children
of the earth plane in regard to such as these.
"And then I would take you on to a different kind
of Service which is open to you all; for in a measure
you have knowledge of things spiritual and you desire
to do the Father's Will. Oh my children, cannot you
see that God has provided countless sources, innumerable
channels, by which and through which man can draw back
that which in the past has been cast away? I speak
to those who find themselves in a somewhat restricted
circle of activity, and I tell them, because it is
God's truth, that by thought they can do great and
mighty things.
"Think you as to this: Sometimes the circumstances
of physical life forbid working for Christ in a so-called
definite way. The mind and the hands are occupied in
bringing in that which supports another; or, again,
so many calls are made upon time that the desire within
to be as an instrument of the Most High seems offered
and then snatched away. For such as these I have a
message of infinite hope. I say: By your thoughts you
can draw in those who have been banished from love
and light over years uncountable; literally, you can
be missionaries of the Most High; you can create strength
and beauty and power. And if you ask me how this can
be done, then I answer: It is by simple means, by the
way Christ laid down Himself when upon the earth plane.
"Little ones, think in this wise: As you wake
recall to mind those many who awaken to sadness, to
physical pain or to mental distress. Here, placed within
your hand, as it were, is healing power. You need not
be conscious of the guides or of the messengers around
you, you need not go amongst those so afflicted; but
in your own room you can stretch out the helping hand
to others and they can grasp it, although the physical
mind may be unconscious that the act has taken place.
For you are Spirit and they are Spirit; the physical
body holds but for a space and the laws that govern
it, again, are governed by the laws of the Spirit;
and God has linked all humanity together, whether upon
the earth plane or whether in those countless conditions
which as yet are hidden from you.
"Oh, ponder on this and make a compact with yourself
that at once you will commence to build. As you awaken,
send out thoughts of healing, thoughts of courage,
thoughts of joy; and I say, under the direction of
the Christ, that indeed a brother or a sister shall
feel that sweet influence and make it their own.
"God rules all things, and though countries, conditions
and the centuries may divide, the laws of the Spirit
work on unhindered by man's doubts or by the blindness
and the bondage within.
"Then, my children, as the hours go on and toil
claims you, think not that this work for God need be
put aside. Remember that the simplest task well done
is creating power. Aye, and what is power? How can
I explain to you who have seen so little of the joys
and the beauties of the Spirit, yet I am bidden to
attempt that which is nigh impossible.
"As you grapple with the work of the day, whatever
that work may be, however uninteresting, however humble,
however repugnant to the mind of the body, you can
- because you are Spirit, sons and daughters of the
Most High - you can create that beauty which shall
never pass away, and which shall be presented to you
when the body is no more.
"For have I not said that the planes of the Spirit,
so-called - the beauties, the harmony, aye, that which
is beyond your comprehension at this stage - that all
this, by the law of God, was built by effort, by humble
people taking the hard road, by the weak in body seeking
to bear their pains with endurance, by the lack of
rebellion, by the giving out of harmony, of peace and
of love to others?
"Oh think of it! These things you do so unconsciously
are creating Heaven itself. I tell you, because it
is God's truth, that in man's hands, aye, even though
he be bound by a body of flesh, there lies something
of the Creator's power.
"The child who seeks to learn the simple lesson,
the old man who, out of love for those around, complains
not over weariness and pain, the student who, as he
works, seeks to find something which will benefit humanity,
the mother as she hopes her child will be protected
during the day - all these things so common to you,
they, under the mighty provision of the great Creator,
they are building up that which is Paradise itself,
for God passes on to His creation His own gifts, and
He made this law so that man might have hope for evermore,
that he should do and build even as God Himself.
"This is not blasphemy; it is indeed a symbol
of the generous heart of our Father and Mother God.
Only one thing holds man back and that is the chains
with which he has bound himself - the chains of self.
Aye, once more I remind you that in the measure we
can tread the Christ path, so in that measure we are
demonstrating the God within; and, again, in that measure
so the gifts of God can be our own.
"What am I holding out to you? Revelation in part!
Thus the Master says to you and to me: Come up higher
and take those things which are of Me.
"Cannot you see, dear children, how the knowledge
of this one spiritual law could entirely revolutionise
the conditions of this little plane, could turn earth
into heaven? If only those who refuse to suffer knew
the truth, what a volume of power could be created
moment by moment; for forget not that the Divine law
which rules our lives is that of service to others.
You cannot think a pure thought, a love thought, without
immediately creating around you beauty and love and
purity; but that is not for yourself. You had the strength
to think that thought, to do that deed, and within
your power it lies to go on sending out those vibrations
and increasing the loveliness around. But that kind
thought and the power it represents is wanted desperately
for others, for those who indeed are entombed in self.
"Oh, remember that minute by minute you can build
Spirit conditions for others, that you can put in your
corner of Heaven; aye, and that which has been so produced
can, in turn, induce others to create another portion
of that which you regard as the realms of bliss.
"These aspects of service are overlooked again
and again. During the sleep state you are as free men,
free women, and then the Spirit can work out its holy
will. Those who are bound by self they, by desire -
for free-will cannot be interfered with - they pass
into the conditions of their desire. Sometimes those
conditions are far less evolved than these (the earth);
sometimes, indeed, they enter that which represents
a den of thieves; and when they awaken, ah! those hours
so spent represent a loss too great for you to understand.
But those who want to rise, again by God's most merciful
law, they can soar and they do soar, and many talk
and walk with those who are as the angels of God.
"Yes, each condition, each so-called plane, is
open to everyone; but only in the measure that the
individual desires the sweetest and the best is the
sweetest and the best made their own. And this relates
not only to the sleep state but to the waking hours
of physical consciousness as well.
"Ah, little ones, it may be that at times the
toil of the day or the day's events seem hard, distasteful,
so unproductive; but if that which you have to do is
done to the best of your ability the Bright Ones work
with you, doing with you that which is distasteful
to the physical mind.
"God is God, yet He is Father and Mother first
and foremost, and the Christ, in order to impress the
mind of man, took the bowl and the cloth and bathed
the feet of His companions, aye, He bathed their feet
so that man might remember that that is the God-attitude
towards the beloved of His heart.
"Can you not see how clear the path is, how open,
how glorious, how charged with power? Men speak of
the Cross; they know not of what they speak. Sorrow
may come close, weariness may be apparent, but the
shouldering and the carrying of the Cross is building
up Paradise and the beauties and the joys of the Spirit
which shall never pass away.
"That is moment by moment taking place. Oh, think
not of reward or compensation in some far time ahead.
Moment by moment so the pilgrim is reaping what he
has sown, aye, and the harvest has been blessed by
the Master; and even as the story of the loaves and
fishes, so that which is little is turned into that
which is great; and hour by hour man is creating and
is showing in his environment signs of the God which
is housed within.
"So, my children, I come back to those many who
are drawn into my love, and because I know and because
the Father has revealed it, so I urge you all to quicken
the pace, to rest not, for the resting stages are the
dangerous stages, to stretch out that which is your
real self and to clasp the things that never pass away.
"There are countless thousands who are building
on that which has life alone for the short earth stage;
the things of the Spirit which remain are overlooked,
unrecognised. It is for these I am asking you to work,
to pray and to think; for lo, through the grace of
God miracles can be worked and shall be worked by you
if you are faithful to your trust, and the trust is
to do God's work by thought, by act, by aspiration.
Indeed, my little ones, by the desire to serve so you
shall throw the saving line, the life-line, to those
who, as it were, are drowning in the bog of self. I
am looking upon many so placed. As I speak thus I see
a multitude, and this multitude represents but a grain
of sand compared to the great shore of individuals
waiting for release.
"In the dark planes, in the twilight planes, so
souls struggle and fight with each other. They sought
for possessions during the stage before, or they sought
for power in order to control others, and, alas and
alas! they have fettered to themselves that which represents
the power of those who are arraigned against the Christ.
"These things may be pushed aside by the so-called
wise, by those who cry out of the ignorance within:
'This is but fable.' But one day they must face facts
as they are, and they will see not only that I have
not exaggerated the truth but there are no words that
can portray the truth regarding the horrors man builds
up around himself. Yet, my children, forget not that
within them as well as within you there is God, and
one day they shall be restored to the likeness of their
Maker; but time unthinkable must elapse before this
takes place. Yet you can shorten the journey for you
can show them the straight clear way. Oh what a gift
is ours, what a privilege, how great is God, how wonderful
are His plans! To think that you can work out His will,
can call upon His power, His strength, His resources,
His light, His love, His peace - call upon the gifts
of God by right. You are His children and you can save
those who at present are far, far too weak even to
desire to save themselves. Therefore, once more the
call goes forth: 'Workers are wanted. Choose, for time
is fleeting.' Missionaries must go into those conditions
and seek for the lost, shepherds are wanted to lead
them into the one true Fold. Can you not feel within
how great a joy can be yours, what honour has been
bestowed upon you? God, the Creator of Life, asks for
your help, aye, for your help, and you, out of the
release of the Divine within, answer: 'Aye, Lord, I
come quickly.'
"Children, I want you to remember this: That in
the Father's sight all are equal. If I am as an elder
brother, how then was I able to attain that privilege,
that gift? Through the grace of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ. If you are a little nearer to the Light
than those around you, how then did you extricate yourself
from that which held? Only by the power of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ.
"Think of this and never let the thought pass
from you: That in all conditions there are those, children
of God, waiting for their great inheritance. They know
not, many of them, that they are 'waiting,' but God
has ordained that each one in time shall have the best.
"Again I say, forget not what is within your power.
You know the Christ message, you have grasped something
of the Truth. Oh, pass on to others that which in time
shall save them from their lesser selves. We are all
messengers from the one great Master, yet as I use
that word 'Master' it is taken from me. All messengers
of Love. Love has need of you and you have need of
"I bless you with understanding of the gifts and
the privileges that can be your own, and I bless with
the courage to arise and use that which you have for
the furtherance of the mighty plan. The Holy Spirit
is with you. Hold close to that which is of God. Farewell."

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