The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at the Zodiac Circle on Sunday, 1st February, 1925

  1. "O Divine Father of Love, Thy little children assembled here tonight thank Thee for all Thy good gifts, for Thy care, for Thy watchfulness, Thy unceasing patience. Help us, we pray Thee, to emerge out of our lesser self into the self of the Spirit, which understands something of truth, of holiness, and of love. Grant that we may be able to yield ourselves up to the Spirit; to forget the world and its harassing details, to forget sorrow, and to forget those pleasures which sometimes attract so much – to lay aside that physical self in the effort, the determination to contact with that which is Divine.

  2. "Father, although we seem to ask so much, yet we are but obeying Thy direction, we are but seeking to respond to thy injunction to know ourself – that self which Thou hast entrusted to each one, that self which ever and ever again Thou seekest to free, to unfold, even as the bud unfolds to the sun which shines above it.

  3. "Saviour Christ, look down upon us with eyes that see beneath the surface the longings that are there, the wish to rise, the endeavour to reach out into infinity – to reach out and touch Love itself.

  4. "Father, we feel Thy blessing is indeed upon us. Give us the grace to take of that gift, and may it strengthen and encourage us on our journey – the journey which we are determined to finish gloriously. With gratitude we raise our hearts and minds. Take from each one that which they have to offer, and grant that the power to give may grow, for Christ’s sake. Amen.

  5. "My children, we meet in the silence of the Spirit. And I want you to so attune your hearts and minds that your undivided attention may be given to God – to banish thoughts that are not entirely of Him – for if you will endeavour to do this to the best of your ability, then I can promise, with so much happiness, that indeed you shall contact with Holiness itself. Offer then your hearts and minds to the One to Whom they belong.

  6. "Tonight the opportunity has been provided to discuss with you one or two of those points which cause difficulties in the physical mind – points, moreover, which are used directly by the shadows to, as it were, cast a slight shade between the spirit within and the Great Spirit to Whom we owe our being.

  7. "Children, there are many ways of finding God, as you have been told. There are many ways of following His teaching; and it is not necessary for me to emphasise the fact that he who wishes to do or to think aright shall find, that when the physical body is laid aside, that indeed he worshipped God with a clean heart.

  8. "Yet it has saddened you – as well as those countless millions in the Spirit – to find, sometimes, that the full light of revelation, as it were, shines not directly on the person concerned, but at a slight angle.

  9. "It is difficult for me to express in words my meaning, but think you of what you call 'astigmatism', as it relates to physical sight. You know that, in the eye so built, the light without fails to shine on a given point within: and, therefore, while the owner is able to see much – the beauties of nature, the glories of the sun, the moon and the stars – yet he knows, and you know, that although "sight" is there, as sight it is imperfect.

  10. "Children, there are some still cabined in the physical body who are in a similar position in regard to spiritual sight and understanding. The revelation - that magnetic beauty which shines upon all without distinction - that light from the All-Light is hampered by the fact that the physical minds of some are not quite in focus with it; and although many powers are theirs, yet the full splendour of illumination just misses them by that tiny fraction which differentiates between true vision – perfect vision – and that which is one stage less.

  11. "Tonight, I am going to give you a plain statement in regard to the 'Immaculate Conception', as some name it and the birth of He Whom you name Christ.

  12. "In the first place I send your minds back to a very early evening when we talked over together the character of Mary, the mother of Our Lord. I told you then that she had been prepared for this sacred use, that much experience, in the spiritual sense, was her own before she entered on her earthly journey.

  13. "Now, dear children, I am not here tonight to argue or to try to tear down any theories or doctrines or beliefs held by others; I am here to make a clear and definite statement of facts as they were and are and will be for evermore.

  14. "Mary was not protected from evil except by her own purity of heart, gained and fought for through those long periods of time which are beyond you imagination. It was because of that preparation that she was chosen. And, as I have told you before, the whole reason and purpose of that earthly experience undertaken by our Father, God, was that man should never be in a position to say: 'God cannot understand!'

  15. "In regard to the conception (of the Christ-Child), the purity of the girl and the part she played throughout: I state definitely that she was of God, in the sense that she had tried to follow the teaching laid down by Him – to get nearer in spirit to the Great Spirit. And although that I allow that her physical mind may have appeared limited indeed, you and I know that, independently of the physical mind and its powers, the soul within, unrestricted, can soar and can contact with God.

  16. "It seems curious to us why the 'miracle' of the conception should provide such a stumbling-block in the mind of man. That the Creator of all – of those marvellous details of nature, of the heavenly worlds and constellations, of the secrets of so-called science - it seems curiously strange to us that the One Who brought into being not only your little world, but those vaster, greater worlds and spheres and states beyond: that He Who thought out the construction of the physical body in which our lord was carried – that this simple miracle, if you like to call it thus, should be considered beyond His power or imagination.

  17. "My children, this is a very serious subject. It is a jewel which has been given to mankind: that priceless gift of God, as man, going through the same experiences as you and me, knowing and feeling just as the least of His little ones; Divinity taking on so simply, so wonderfully simply, those experiences with us on earth – that this should be discredited, that this should be ruled out of court as something which strains the powers of reasoning to breaking point, is hard to understand.

  18. "It is not easy to find suitable words with which to treat this subject. It is difficult for me to adequately express even a tithe of what this gift means – I mean the coming of our Lord as an infant, in a home which was not congenial from many points of view, in an environment which meant a stern hold on the physical mind and physical will – not favoured by circumstances in any sense: that Child bearing all, overcoming everything; always with one thought in view – the revelation to man of Love Divine. Not of power, not of greatness - in the sense that the physical mind accepts it - but to reveal Love Divine, unlimited in understanding, in compassion and hope.

  19. "And then there is another point which I would bring in here. Some of you think, or have thought, that humanity as a whole is not ready yet for the further gift of Truth which is even now being unfolded to you (in these Messages); but dear children, I ask you to go back on the life of our Lord. In looking at things dispassionately, comparing the times then with the times now, you would be forced to say that the coming of the Messiah was even less opportune than the presenting of this further explanation of Truth today. I remind you that when Christ said, "I and the Father are one" they stoned Him. Yet you have only to look round and you will see that although those of His own generation and kind stoned Him for expressing Truth, little by little, slowly – yes, slowly indeed – that statement became an accepted fact by countless thousands, and it stands today.

  20. "Today, there may be some who, as it were, find there minds fixed not on the Light itself but on the reflection of the Light; yet for your comfort I tell you all, that, in the years to come, these same earnest seekers shall come back to the children of the earth and announce with joy that they have found the Truth indeed – the Truth as expressed in Christ our Saviour, God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit; One yet Three: Three but One.

  21. "There are those who cannot wait for the full revelation to come, I mean in this sense: I have told you before that the unfoldment of spiritual consciousness must, of necessity, be a slow process. I have told you that, in God’s good time, the petals of the flower will be unravelled and the beauty will be complete. But the conditions of the physical world do not tend to promote swift growth in this direction, and some there are who cannot wait for the consciousness within to come – the mind is so active, so full of vitality that it has got to answer every question now – and that’s where the mistake comes in.

  22. "There are many experienced ones on this side who never attempt to express a final opinion on any subject which has come under their attention, even though they may be gifted with spiritual sight. They speak with due reserve, as you may have noticed again and again with your loved ones. Within them is the warning that finality can never be reached, and the only One Who understands the beginning and the end is God, the Creator of us all.

  23. "You see my point: that when it concerns great truths, or what you sometimes name as 'great mysteries' it is wiser to be silent – wiser in this sense: not because the God of Love is injured or damaged by an open expression of these half-denials, but because, when fuller understanding comes, the one concerned, who was so anxious to get to the heart of things, will suffer in proportion.

  24. When you hear the God in Christ denied, do not feel indignant for His sake, but send out your compassion to those who are held back – held back, remember, only by the construction of the physical mind, only by that tiny lack of focus – send out your prayers to them because, loving God so much, they will suffer when they come here and it will take all our love, and more, to heal the wound.

  25. You see, dear children, that we punish ourselves. There is not one thought which fails to come up to the highest which does not, even in your daily life, bound back and strike you e’er it passes beyond your memory. This is a spiritual law – Love itself when you understand the principle underlying it. Only by the working out of that which is "error" against the Divinity within; only by that process which you call "cause and effect" can the soaring soul step into radiance when it is free from its physical bondage.

  26. "Let that thought sink in and know that because compunction comes for this or for that, when you realise you have failed your better self – that this is God’s most loving way, so that the multitude of definite formations which, unconsciously, you have built by thought, that these may not have to be grappled with when your earthly sojourn is ended.

  27. "Then I want you in your daily lives to bear this in mind in regard to a personal, individual Christ and Father, that as you are able to bring Light to others - or in failing to do this pray that the fuller Light may be born within - as you are able to reflect the Love of Christ to others, so, unconsciously, both to them and to you, you are demonstrating the Divinity, the Godhead of the Man of Sorrows, Who was acquainted with the griefs of physical existence. That brings me down to the whole meaning and purpose of our Father God dwelling amongst us; that purpose of demonstrating to those on earth that Love stopped at nothing in order to express Itself and to bring reassurance to the little children who wandered hither and thither in ignorance, or in spiritual loneliness.

  28. "There is one other point which I cannot leave untouched, and that is in regard to the great and holy men who, by many, have been looked upon as God, or as an expression of God upon earth.

  29. "There is not one, from the strongest to the weakest, who has ever helped another to live more spiritually who has not gained the direct blessing of God. And these great teachers who, to an enormous extent, influenced the minds and lives of their fellows – these great and holy sons of God have entered into unspeakable conditions, have gathered unto themselves those rarest gifts of the Spirit and are centred in Love Divine for evermore.

  30. "As you know, theories and dogma and doctrines are swept over the borders by the strong wind of purity and holiness of thought, and in your minds you are perfectly right to give honour where honour is due. But there is one thing which I must emphasise tonight: Following on my statement that it is the "life" that counts, then I ask you to take the life of our Lord from childhood until the physical end, and to compare it point by point with those others – and you will find that Christ stands alone.

  31. "I am not speaking of His miracles, of the power He had over the elements or over the wayward hearts of the children of the earth – I am speaking of that simple, patient life of service, that great Heart, that perfect charity and forgiveness, that perfection of Love – and I say to you all, dear children, that you have your answer there. Yet in so saying I belittle not the great and holy lives of others – the sacrifices, the stern self-discipline – they are, as I said, centred in Love Divine for ever and for ever. But there was One Who was greater than these, greater and simpler too.

  32. "Keep that simplicity definitely in your minds because it so expresses Love in its highest form – the Love that could strip itself of everything, everything that makes physical life bearable to a sensitive soul – and in poverty, in loneliness of mind, He trod His earthly way, shedding those imperishable flowers of holiness and tenderness. And when every prophet shall be forgotten as such, He Who was stoned for expressing Truth, He shall remain enshrined – I do not say 'enthroned' – but 'enshrined' in the hearts of His children because He expresses Love – unlimited Love – and Love has to be answered by us all…yea, even by those who as yet know nothing of the meaning of Love. But so great is that Love that it shall draw then in and raise them up, for the patience of our Father, God, has no beginning and no end.

  33. "My little ones, you will have seen once more that I am trying to express the inexpressible, that I am trying to describe that which baffles all description. But I pray God that He will, through that inner consciousness within, allow you to fasten on to something of the great and glorious Truth I am seeking to unfold.

  34. "I am loath to leave you, but there are others who are equally anxious to make their presence felt in this way, so with deep, deep love and perfect understanding we part for a little while – part, yes, it seems thus to you, but where my children are there gathers Zodiac, for you are my own – in Christ’s Name I say you are my own. My little flock is precious indeed to me. I not only know you all by name – those names that belong to the Spirit – but your hearts and minds are as open books and there is not one tiny item which you could ever say that has eluded my tender and loving attention.

  35. "Yes, dear children, the cords between us grow tighter and tighter, as was promised to me by my Father, away back in the dim and distant past. Yet in so promising I too had to wait for the fuller revelation of what this implied, because the Mind of Love not only gives but gives so lavishly that we cannot take it in. And so we leave it – leave it until we have grown a little more: but when we’ve grown a little more, why, we find that the generosity of God has grown greater still – and again we leave it. And this goes on forever.

  36. "And so I leave you, hoping, praying, trusting that you may fell the Spirit of God within you; and that you will arise and meet your obligations, your new privileges – that perfect expression of the Divine gift – meet those things with simplicity and humility, because, dear children, humility is so much of Christ that you cannot climb without it.

  37. "Meet then the future with simplicity, humility and gratitude, and God will reveal to you, so far as you can take it in, what it means to be a child of His; what it means to be a partaker of the glories on High – glories and powers and love beyond description – that which the Father has prepared, only waiting and longing for His little ones to make it their own, and to encourage others to try and do the same.

  38. "The peace of God is with you. His patience and His faith are here as well. May these gifts of the Spirit enter your hearts and minds and fetter you to holiness for evermore; fetter you unto the Father, the Saviour and the Christ, Who lives but to see us happy and free; Who is so removed from 'self' that 'self' has ceased to exist in any form there could be – the Divine merging Itself, giving out of Itself, distributing Itself in all directions. Yes! God experiences happiness only in the happiness of His creation.

  39. "Goodnight, my children".




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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