
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship
of Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier part of the twentieth
"MY little children, strangers you may seem in
this little home but you are well known to me, and
under the Master, the Truth-bringer, the great universal
Comforter and Protector, so I come into your presence
and I speak to you concerning those things which must
come to pass. Oh, listen and learn; turn not from my
words for I say that time is fleeting, and there is
much to be worked in before the great and mighty test
is upon the children of this little plane. Oh, think
not that I speak in tones of concern or anxiety, but
I speak of that which I see and know, and I say that
the time is fast approaching when the children of the
earth plane must be prepared for that which you name
"Now think you as to this. In time long past so
prophet and teacher arose and these have left their
mark, although at the time - forget not this - the
prophet and the teacher were turned from, except by
a very few. Those in high places, those with the so-called
wisdom, those with authority, they wanted not the prophet
of the Lord God of all, for the prophet of the Lord
God of all spoke to them as to their self-indulgence
and bid them prepare for the test which lay in front.
"Cannot you see how history is repeated again
and again? Cannot you see that in this same time so
one here and one there - a prophet, an instrument of
the Most High - comes amongst the children of the earth
and bids them be on their guard, to be watchful, to
put in the preparation which is essential for facing
that which lies in front? So to-night, my children,
because in a measure you know and you understand, because
in a measure you are willing to respond to the call,
because in a measure you have weighed up the things
of the earth and have found them wanting and are willing
to pay the purchase price of the gift which will never
pass away, so I come and, speaking under the guidance
of the holy Master, I would pass on fragments concerning
the era of revelation upon which you and all have commenced.
"Oh listen, my little ones, for I speak under
the power of the Holy Spirit, and I say that we have
crossed the threshold and we are nearing revelation
in a form hitherto undreamt of by man. But I would
take you back over the sacred record, to the prophesies
of those who were wise in the wisdom which is of God,
and I would impress upon you that for these great gifts,
mighty must be the preparation. The dedication must
be there in a way unthought of by those partaking in
this sacred communion, this gift of God. Little ones,
could the eyes pierce the density of physical conditions,
lo, around you and around the world you would perceive
that which is in the nature of a miracle, for wonders,
marvels, stupendous happenings go on and, for the most
part, the children of the earth are unaware of what
is taking place.
"Think you as to this. With warfare upon the earth
plane, so the preparation is made in secret, so effort,
terrific in its ramifications, is called out from the
one and the other, and all the time those in the place
of the 'enemy', although they may sense that something
big is happening, something terrible will take place,
they know not, for they are hidden beneath the earth,
they are concerned with the preparation for protecting
that which they have. But think you - one here, one
there, with courage, with resource, a picked man, a
volunteer, leaves the shelter, goes to seek and to
find. Perchance he perishes so far as the earth life
is concerned, but he has tried, he has laid down that
which is the physical self for his fellowmen, and these
are named the heroes of the earth. Yet again, one here,
one there, penetrates into the opposite camp and hears
and sees that which is essential to safeguard his comrades;
he retreats in quietness and something in the nature
of tragedy perhaps is averted.
"Oh little ones, the warfare of the earth is so
crude and so cruel, so absolutely reckless in regard
to the laws of God, yet if I told you that the warfare
in the Spirit was a reflection of that, Truth would
take my words, and so I am forced to say that the warfare
of the earth represents but a fragment of the great
and mighty warfare in the spirit which is going on
all the time.
"Have I not said that through the carelessness
and the heedlessness of man, great armies of those
who cast from them their opportunities when upon the
earth plane, have been enabled to break their bonds
- the bonds of their own conditions, and they have
surged across the earth and have done their dreadful
work. Alas and alas! There are many to-day, as there
were many in the past, to listen to weakness, to give
heed to the tempter, and so it is that the children
of the earth plane are surrounded by that which they
know not; but I say that although armies may surge
from the dark planes and the twilight conditions, their
power is as nought unless the individual so desires.
The angels of the Lord God keep watch by night and
watch by day, and if the enemies gain a little here,
then the messengers of the Christ struggle until that
loss has been retrieved.
"Thus it is, dear children, that warfare is fierce
and pitiless, so it seems to some of the chosen instruments
of the Most High; but again I say that the protection
of the hosts of God gives not, they fight on, they
struggle with the individual and they seek to fence
off the enemies which are around. And through the suffering,
through the anguish of those upon the earth plane,
of the guides and helpers, aye, and of Christ Himself,
so in time the preparation will be put in, and revelation
in a sense you cannot grasp, revelation while still
bound by the flesh, that shall be made your own.
"But while I keep your eyes upon the glory in
front, upon that which is of God Himself, yet I must
bring you back to the present and to the past. What
has your life held, little child, little one? Has it
been smooth, have the things of the world been yours
in over measure, has sorrow passed you by? If so, then
I say: Take care, beware, pray for yourself and ask
those who love you to pray as well. But oh, methinks
that amongst my children gathered here there has been
sadness, disappointment, struggle, effort, and in many
cases false friends; ah, those who turned in time of
need, those who forgot their spiritual obligations.
Then to you I say: Send out your greater self in thankfulness
to God, for in a measure you are prepared, and you
will not turn from the cross which indeed must precede
the revelation of the Most High.
"Oh, think you as to your lives, as to the past,
as to the present. Count not your wounds, your sorrows,
but in joy and gladness turn to the Christ, claiming
that link with Him, and making a holy compact with
your greater self that you will not shrink from the
test, that temptation shall not affright you, that
you will work for God, not only as you have worked
in the past, but you will treble your efforts for the
sake of that which lies in front.
"Little ones, when I speak of revelation I seek
to bring my mind, my thoughts, down to that conception
which only is possible to you. After the winter time,
lo, upon tree and hedge the tiny bud appears promising
beauty and expansion in time to come; so I say that
at this same time revelation is as the tiny bud, waiting
for the gardeners, waiting for the toilers, waiting
for those who will count not the weariness, but watch
and wait, ever anticipating that which must come to
pass. Aye, and when I look beyond this little room
out upon the multitude, there I see anticipation and
expectation. For what do they wait? They wait for the
children of the earth plane to arise out of their lethargy,
to put aside the desire for this and the longing for
that, and even, as the volunteer and the pioneer, to
leave the shelter - that which appears as protection
- and cross the borderline to gain the news, the facts
of what is coming to pass.
"Why do I speak to you thus? Oh, little ones,
serious must be my tones, for I come into your presence
with sight and vision, and that takes me back over
your little past as concerns the earth plane and over
the long past when you functioned in other garments
and sought to learn some of the lessons of Life in
its greater sense. And that gift of vision allows me
to look into the future, and the future, as it were,
throws back a bright strong beam and under its light
so that word 'responsibility' stands out and cannot
be ignored. And this is your part and my part and the
part of the representatives of the Most High, the part
of the worker, the toiler and the child. Oh, little
ones, some great machine waiting for essential parts
so I would show you, for until that which the individual
has to give is bestowed so the great wheel cannot turn
with that harmony, that precision which God intends.
The wheel of revelation, the wheel of understanding,
the wheel of the wisdom which is of God, it waits and
waits, for man lingers, he halts upon the way, he climbs
today and rests to-morrow, and yesterday he rested
"But revelation in the God-sense cannot be hindered
overlong, and so the warfare between the so-called
forces of good and evil is being waged with an intensity
impossible to be portrayed in words, and suffering
must come. The careless ones who seek ever for pleasure
and distraction, oh, pray for such as these; the selfish
ones who think only of their own salvation, of preserving
their own purity, oh, pray for such as these! The child-souls,
the ones who shrink from the cross, pray for them,
oh, pray for them; for time is fleeting and great things
must be worked in to give that extra measure of spiritual
power upon the earth plane to turn defeat into victory
for Christ our God.
"Children, over the ages there have been those
with the half knowledge who have said to themselves
and to those in their surroundings: 'The middle course
for me and you; the way of caution, the way of self-preservation.'
They place their feet upon the steps carved by the
suffering of others, and when those steps have been
scaled they rest and look back on that which they have
overcome, so they think. Such as these, under the influence
of the enemies of the Spirit, have cut not one step
up the steep mountainside themselves. In the footsteps
of Peter, climbing over the anguish of Paul, taking
of the efforts of the saints and martyrs of old and
thinking in their blindness, that this is pleasing
to God.
"Oh, what an awakening, what an awakening must
come to such as these, for they could have known. Christ
showed the way, the Master left explicit directions,
but they, in their cloak of self-complacency, they
chose the middle course, the way of caution, the path
of so-called self-preservation.
"Aye, my children, there are many naming themselves
the teachers and the preachers who one day will have
to face this fact in all the tragedy it represents.
No anguish did they contribute; when weariness came,
they rested; when the hill seemed too steep, they said:
'It is not God's will that I should climb.' And because
of that, because of that thousands of young ones -
the child souls - have wandered far from the hill of
attainment and, for the time being, the shadows of
the valley have swallowed them up. Aye, responsibility,
responsibility in a way that one day self-realisation
will unfold.
"So, children, I come to you with a message of
joy, a message of hope, but a message of warning. I
say to you that the era of revelation is as the opening
bud. Oh, prepare, take care, let it not be said that
when great things were prophesied you were occupied
with other things; let it never be said that when the
Master called from you the highest and the best, you
hesitated, you listened to the voice that bid you to
consider and consider again.
"In front I see that which it is
the Father's will I should pass on. There are those
who come back in this way (spirit-communication), and give out of incident and event. Had they learned
at the feet of Christ, they would have passed over
that which man names tribulation, and
have come to the children of the earth plane giving
them warning as to the preparation that must be put
in. Oh, have I not said that when sorrow comes then
the fact that the sorrow was prophesied in half truth,
half fact, that this will avail nothing, nothing, if
those who knew have not passed among their fellows
seeking to put in a spiritual foundation of faith and
trust and confidence, so that when the storm breaks
the child of God can look up to his Father and say
and mean: 'With Thee my happiness, my safety, my peace
is complete.'
"So, my children, I speak to you individually,
in the Name of Christ, and I ask you to go over that
which represents your tools - the tools of the mind,
the tools of the hands, your earthly and spiritual
possessions - and, like one who has gleaned wisdom,
to consider what you are prepared to do for God. What
you have done in the past, oh, that is good, but cannot
you see that the past of necessity was preparation
for the present, and again, that the present, of necessity
is preparation for what must come to pass. For when
you are free from the body but - forget it not - unchanged
so far as your resources are concerned, you will be
wanted for God's work, to fight, to be unafraid, to
dare all for His sake and for the sake of humanity
at large.
"And so I say the blessing is upon you. You have
a measure of sight, a measure of understanding, a measure
of revelation. Then pause not but claim the privilege,
the honour of suffering for the Christ - for the One
Who has borne so much for you - suffering for the Christ
so that the brightness and the sunshine of His presence
may penetrate the density of the earth conditions and
light up this little earth and bring joy to the weary,
sight to the blind, bring strength to the weak, bring
the power to do great things to those who try to be
strong. Oh, think you, dear children, that within your
power it lies to help your God to further the divine
purpose, to scatter the enemies of the darkness, to
open channels here and channels there so that the messengers
of the Light, charged with the grace of God, can bring
their gifts and shower their gifts upon those who once
walked in loneliness, in desolation, bereft, so it
seemed to them, of all that made life worth while.
"Again, I bring you back to such as these, the
sufferers, those with the will to endure. They are
the bringers of revelation in whatever condition they
may be; and, more than that, through their patience,
through their love for God, unconscious though it may
be, so life-lines, thousands of life-lines, again through
the grace of God, are thrown by them into regions dark
and terrible to behold; and one here, one there, is
drawn out of the pit of self, and there is rejoicing
in heaven. So I speak to you all, and I implore you
out of the love I have for every one to turn not from
the steepness, the hardness and the anguish of the
road which leads to God.
"Perchance I seem over-stern, but think you as
to this: The mind of the body erects many barriers.
It is as a firm door shutting off the glories of the
mind of the Spirit. If I come to you and speak in tones
endearing, passing on commendation and cheer of that
kind, lo, the door becomes thicker, harder still. So
I come and, as it were, I use words as a pick and I
strike and strike, and the children of the earth plane
they pass from these conditions a little nearer to
things as they are, a little closer to God, a little
more conscious of the glorious power of the Holy Spirit,
aye, and able to grasp a little more of the wonderful
love of the Christ, Who gives and gives again. So bear
with me and believe me that out of the deep regard
for your future which holds me and constrains me, so
I speak to you in these same urgent terms, and I implore
you, out of the tender love within, to make ready,
to be on your guard and, above all, to stand out fearless
as soldiers, ready, longing to respond to Christ.
"Children, could you see things as they are, this
night indeed is as the turning of the page, and I want
you every one to make a solemn vow within yourselves
that upon that page, God - and only God - shall be
written. Oh, think you as to this. You have been called
here by a mighty spiritual provision. As you have met
together, so hundreds, unseen, many unknown by your
physical mind, they have gathered close, they have
blessed, they have recharged; aye, and have sought
to tear from the mind of the body the veil which hides
that which is of God. Thank the Father and let it be
even as a day of days - a Christ-day, a God-day, a
day when you look around you and you see that which
is your own and you gather together your possessions,
small or great; and in love, out of the holy desire
within, you take them and place them before the Master,
and in the gift include yourself.
"Ah, here we come back to temptation in its fiercest
form. ' I will give this, I will give that, but one
thing I hold unto myself.' Little ones, the Saviour
has given to you Himself. 'All that I have is thine'
- His peace, His Love; but you cannot take, or you
can only take in part until complete surrender has
been made. So, then, turn to the Father, ask that He
may blend your will so in with His that you cannot
tell where one ends and the other begins; for only
in this wise can happiness dwell within, only in this
wise can you give out joy and release to others. The
will half held, the sacrifice still incomplete, oh,
these are crosses which God never meant that His children
should bear. The Cross of the Christ is support and
strength; without the Cross the pilgrim pants and faints:
with the Cross you can vanquish all things and your
courage will never fail. The open channel between you
and God allows the Holy Spirit to be poured down upon
you, to refresh and calm; and, again, to raise and
inspire; and thus God's will is done.
"I bless you with understanding, with comprehension
concerning your great and mighty gifts; and, above
all, as to the opportunity placed within your hands:
I bless you in the name of God with that measure of
revelation which you, at this same time, can make your
own. Farewell!"
"In the Name of the Loving Christ I bless you
all, workers in the vineyard, tillers of the soil of
human hearts and minds."

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