
An address given by the celestial messenger
'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher
in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ),
at Ripley, Derbyshire, on Sunday 7th January, 1934
"SAVIOUR CHRIST, into Thy hands I commend the
spirit of this Thy child.
"MY CHILDREN, there is joy in these conditions
because so many of you who have come here are willing
to learn, willing to give that which is your better
self unto the One Who loves you best. And I say unto
those who may have gathered in not with these motives,
that they too are welcome in the Name of Christ, and
if they will only stretch out their real self they
shall indeed feel the blessing of love and of illumination
resting upon them, for in these times there is much
that must be done.
"You take up your daily parchment and you see
there record of tragedy, of threatened war, of hatred,
of all those things which cast out peace of mind; and
the thoughtful ones are distressed, for they realise
that all is not well with the world, and they wonder
what lies before their little children when they, too,
have grown to manhood or womanhood estate.
"Therefore, I say to all who are inspired to seek
for better things, that it is all-important that you
should give your full attention for this short time
we are met together, for the day will come when you
too must be used to pass on explanation to others,
and it may be, my children, that when that time comes,
if you have not made good use of the opportunities
which have been granted unto you, your soul will be
anguished; for God makes full provision, and if man
casts aside that full provision, then retribution must
take place.
(Isa. 25, 7; Joel 2, 28)
"But this day, sent here by the Master Christ,
I would speak to you on that which I name THE DOOR
OF SPIRIT COMMUNION. You know that this great revelation
- this fulfilment of the Holy promise that the veil
shall be rent in twain - that this is going to be far-reaching
in its import, it is going to be spread all over this
world; but as this truth is spread, as the fact that
it is possible to commune with those in the World of
Spirit is passed on, I want you to dwell upon the responsibility
resting with the teachers and with the mediums, with
those who gather together and form churches and temples
and centres.
"For mark you this: In giving out the fact that
communing with the Spirit World is possible, you are
saying to those who perchance are ignorant: 'The door
is open and you can pass in.' But you must stipulate
regarding that door, you must have full confidence
yourselves whether it is the right door, or whether
it is the door that has been erected by the enemies
of Light and Love.
"Over the past there have been good mediums who
have been ruined from the spiritual point of view;
but in many cases they were not fully responsible,
for they did not realise that the gifts which they
possessed were sacred gifts, were a sign and seal of
their holy inheritance; they had not been told. There
were those around who said unto them: 'You can do this,
you can do that!' But such as these forgot to add:
'There is the safe way and there is the way that is
fraught with Danger.'
"Why is it that in the past, before this great
gift of Spirit Communion was widely understood and
quite divorced from that which you name Spiritualism,
why was it that so many people had to be put under
restraint in those institutions which you name Asylums?
"From the very beginning, long before there was life upon this little world, right back from the time of man's creation in the
far, far past, so within the human soul, or within
the soul that was not yet human in the physical sense,
there were those great gifts waiting for use, waiting
for release; and away back over the years as concerns
the earth plane, there were men and women who were
indeed instruments of God; yet freewill could not be
interfered with, and sometimes the instruments were
not used by the angels of the Most High but by those
who were bound in very truth.
"Think not that mediumship is something which
has been discovered during the last hundred years or
more; nay, it is age-old, it is the gift that was given
unto man for his advancement and for the comfort of
those around. In the Sacred Book there is chronicled
narrative of the holy prophets, and also narrative
of those who were meant to be holy, but who fell from
that high ideal, and in turn were used to thicken the
path for others, to bring destruction upon their own
earth life and upon those who were around.
"Therefore, I want you to consider this great
point - the
of Spirit Communion, and to realise that long before
so-called Spiritualism was understood by man, there
were men and women who lost control of their mental
faculties. Why was this? Because they hearkened to
the voice of self, because they refused to take the
path of sacrifice, and, although they did not know
it, they were mediums in every sense of the word -
not mediums for God's work, but mediums controlled
by the powers who were out to wreck.
"And today there are men and women who would repudiate
that there are mediums or that mediumship is possible;
yet those in their own conditions have had to be put
away under restraint because the gifts they possessed
were not rightly understood, were not safeguarded;
such as these had no tuition as to their holy calling,
and thus they suffered, and many others suffered as
"But today - thank God - there are many who do
realise that psychic gifts must be spiritual otherwise
they were better not in use at all; and there are others,
too, who realise that the gifts of the Spirit rightly
used have brought more comfort, more illumination,
more understanding than anything else the world has
"So our course is clear. Each one gathered here
this day is indeed a channel through which the power
of mediumship can be demonstrated. You say unto me:
'That must be wrong; I cannot see, I cannot hear, the
word of wisdom is not passed on through me; you must
have made a mistake.' But no, my little ones, I have
the long vision, I know there are some women gathered
here who do not realise that in the home they are mediums
in a glorious way, mediums through whom the river of
peace flows, mediums through whom the power of love
can be demonstrated to those around. What of the splendid
mothers, what of the faithful, long-suffering wives?
Are they not mediums? They are God's own mediums, and
the blessing that rests upon them cannot be portrayed
in earthly words.
"Then there are the boys and the girls, the brave
souls and weak souls, the ones who are a joy in the
home and the ones who are disturbing elements. What
are they? They are mediums for good or mediums for
that which man names evil. But that is only one stage.
Within is the Holy Spirit waiting for its release,
and by suffering, by the retribution which falls on
the young through wrongdoing, they will draw back unto
themselves something of their rightful inheritance,
and they shall make good in the days to come. If they
refuse to make good while the earth body holds them
then in the next stage they shall learn anew and they
shall work for God and wipe out the past.
"What think you of the little boy as he takes
of his toys or of the little maid as she takes of her
precious possessions and wishes to give them to another?
What is that little soul but a medium demonstrating
something of the love of Jesus Christ?
"My children, I speak in tones that seem perchance
stern to you, but you can understand that when there
is real love, truth must take the place of idle flattery.
The one who really loves gives the word of warning,
but he adds the word of cheer. The Door of Spirit Communication
is of first importance, and the character of the door
- its quality and its power to safeguard - rests so
much with each individual, rests so much with the soul
who is attempting to approach that door and to pass
"What then is your attitude? Do you go to meetings
or to mediums for the gratification of some part of
self, or do you regard this holy gift as a great opportunity
for self-development in the God-way, that you may learn
something more about yourselves? You are only body
for a space and for a span; and the time is coming
when your limitations will be no more, and then you
will ask for spiritual knowledge, and the celestial
gates will be thrown wide open and you shall enter
"What is your motive, what is your project, what
is the purpose and the plan of your desire to commune
with spirits? Forget not this: There are many in the
earth body who have erected barriers before the progression
of disembodied souls. Why is this? Because their attitude
of mind creates a condition whereby disembodied souls
still earth-bound can come back into their conditions
and at times seize the mediums and pass on a message
to the inquisitive one. And the inquisitive one in
good faith believes the message; changes, perchance,
his first intention, throws away that which God intended
to be his own; and then, as he stands betrayed, he
blasphemes his Maker. And because that disembodied
soul, through ignorance or selfishness, has been the
means for a wrong message to be given, there lies between
that soul and progression the barrier of suffering
imposed upon another; and that is one more thing which
must be worked out before peace can be his own.
"Oh, cannot you see, my children, that you can
do so much on
lines; that you can be used by God to set into being
something that shall hold your future safe and safeguard
the future of those around? Cannot you realise that
because you are the sons and daughters of God you have
a mighty opportunity; a most glorious privilege - you
can safeguard the door of communication for others,
can demand the very best from the spirits who address
(I Cor. I4: 32).
"If one comes with words of flattery, saying unto
you: 'You are doing well' - and fails to add: 'Because
you are doing well today you can do better tomorrow,'
then remember that because that enemy to you and to
God comes through and addresses you, so a part of the
responsibility is your own. Next time, my little ones,
when a spirit comes and gives out the soft word without
seeking to safeguard your soul, pray for that spirit,
pray that light may be given unto him, pray that the
thongs of the earth may be released and that he may
learn in the school of experience that the way that
Christ laid down is the only way for him and for you.
"You have many here unseen by the majority. There
are gathered with me, as it were, a long procession
of those who loved you so well in the little yesterday
of time - your mothers, your fathers, the boys who
fell in the war, and the little children. They - the
best of them - all say the same: that when they stand
face to face with real goodness in the Spheres of Spirit,
then their little goodness seems so paltry and they
are ashamed.
"Therefore, I speak with confidence to you, for
there are many brave souls here - men and women - struggling
against poverty and anxiety, struggling against their
doubts and despairs, and although I know that they
do their best, I want to impress upon them that when
they are free from that which holds and they look back
over the record of the past they will not be pleased
then, they will exclaim: 'Why did I not struggle more!'
But there will be those around them to say: 'God has
blessed you!' but it will not bring solace to their
heart; they will feel: 'Oh, why did I not earn the
blessing more!' That is what illumination brings to
the striving soul.
"So, my little ones, if so-called Spirit people
come back to you and say: 'I look back over the past
and I find I did not do so badly,' beware, take care!
That spirit is still bound by the selfishness of the
past. And if your noble-hearted mother comes back and
says to you through a medium: 'I wish I had been a
better mother!', do not cry: 'That is a wrong message
- she was the best mother in the world!', but remember
that she has looked into the Eyes of Christ and her
own goodness seems small to her now; she is an awakened
soul, she wants to rise, her spiritual ambitions have
been released, and she comes back to show you the safe
Door of Spirit Communion - and that is love and humility
"So much I could pass on of comfort. Wherever
I go there are men and women seeking for that which
they scarcely understand. They are conscious of a restlessness,
the old pleasures of the earth no longer hold them
as they did, and they wonder what has happened. The
transition stage has commenced; they are evolving out
of the things which are earthly and emerging into the
things which are heavenly. They are preparing themselves
for the next state of being, when no more will they
want the trivial toys of the earth, for their gaze
has rested upon the beauty and power and gifts of the
Better Land.
"So, my children, I speak to you regarding your
own lives and your own hardships. You may say unto
me: 'But what has this to do with the Door of Spirit
Communion?' And I answer that it has everything to
do with the building up of the safe door which can
be opened by your own effort, and through which you
will pass into revelation in time to come.
"What think you'? If a man goes through the earthly
life without much strain, with plenty in every sense
of the word, with no test of anxiety, no test of patience,
what has the earth life produced for him? Nothing of
worth! Then think of those spiritual resources which
are torn out of the pioneer soul, the good workman
whose toil is not wanted any more, who does not know
where to turn for that material help which he must
have; what think you? I know the days are hard, I know
it seems sometimes that God has forgotten the plight
of His earth children. But no! God is combining with
the strong spirit within you, for God knows that the
earth life is so short and the great life of Spirit
so long; God is helping you to be strong so that in
the sweet by-and-by you may have that which is your
Spirit's desire, so that you may come back as missionaries
into the earth plane and teach those who know so little
how to secure their own future, in turn.
"Thus my message this day is indeed of first importance.
Spiritual gifts are facts; spiritual communion is possible
by God's grace; communion with those disembodied souls
who are not spiritual, that also is possible by the
abuse of the free-will of man. What think you? You
will pass hence in time to come, but your children
will grow up on earth, and if you are not careful now,
if you do not guide them aright, maybe the one you
love so well may fall into the pit of self, and be
led astray.
"Therefore, the call has come to each and all
to do that which is for their own protection as well
as for the protection of those yet unborn into earthly
life - to demand the highest and the best, to see that
your churches are spiritual, to use this great gift
of Spirit Communion as God intends; to part the veil
and to look beyond the veil and to see those glories,
those beauties, those powers which a loving and generous
Father has prepared for those who love Him and who
seek to do His Will.
"Oh, I entreat you in regard to this great gift
of Spirit Communion not to keep your loved ones back!
If they are in the Spirit World, then when they come
to you let them find you striving to reach out to their
goodness, to their purity, to their conception of truth;
and when they say to you: 'Do not worry!' remember
this: They only mean: 'do not worry about your troubles,'
because they see that they are your gifts. They do
not mean: 'do not worry about striving still harder,'
for they know that every fragment of effort given forth
means joy for you in the sweet life into which you
will surely pass.
"This great mission has been started, and in that
mission much will be included, for my work lies not
only all over this little plane, but in many planes
of being; and when the instrument cannot be used any
longer on earth because the physical body is cast aside,
it is mapped out for us that in the next body that
she will don the work will be carried on in other spheres.
And what is true of her can be true with you, as well,
for each one is equal in God's sight, each instrument
is loved in the same sweet inclusive way.
"The call goes forth again and again and again
for more instruments, for instruments who will shut
the door to disembodied souls who come to squander
the divine power, instruments who indeed will pray
their way and will work their way through, seeing that
the road of self-sacrifice is the only road for them.
More instruments such as these are wanted, not only
for work upon the earth plane, but for other conditions
which have been marred by self.
"Thus the humble-hearted can be used, thus the
loving woman and the loving man and the obedient child
demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit that surges
through them; they are training themselves for the
greater, wider, sweeter life to come. Then the Door
of Spirit Communion will not only be open to you, and
you can come back into the earth plane, but many other
planes of being will be open to you; and perchance
an angelic visitor will come and take you by the hand
and show you something of the glory of God in those
realms which are charged with Spirit.
(St. John I0, 9)
"A message of hope, a message of warning, a message
of prophecy - this is the message that I bring. Forget
not the Master said: 'I am the Door!' Through that Door of holiness and purity and self-denial
those of the earth can pass and commune with their
loved ones in the Realms of Spirit, in those bright
conditions purified and spiritualised by suffering
over the past.
"Thus God blesses us and thus the truth is revealed
week by week, nay, day by day and moment by moment,
revealed to the man and the woman who have the will
to learn. When you are free from earthly restrictions,
this simple truth which I have passed on, and which
others have passed on, will be seen as the true science
of life; and the science of the earth, which calls
out admiration from the mentalists, that will be seen
as of the value of the dust of the earth itself; for
only those truths which appertain to all states of
being are true science; the facts which relate to one
short stage alone - the earth - they pass with the
things of the earth.
"So upon your hearts and minds allow the holy
guests who are gathered here to do their work for God.
Draw in by thought your loved ones who have passed
from you, and give a welcome too to the little children
of the Spirit planes, perchance not your children,
yet your children, for we are one great family under
God, and the links cannot be broken.
"We are brothers and sisters, pilgrims set upon
a long, long journey home to God, giving out of our
gifts to those who will take, planting our feet upon
the stairway of effort, going forward even though the
climbing may threaten and be dangerous to circumvent;
for while we toil for Christ, the staff of faith is
lent unto us, and with Christ we know that the door
of Spirit Communion can be thrown wide open and there
shall be none to say to us 'nay'.
"We know also that through that door of Spirit
Communion the disciples, the saints of old, the humble
men and women who sought to do their best, they shall
come back and in time find instruments, instruments
keyed to their own vibrations of spirituality; and
then we shall see something of the world's redemption.
"So I appeal to you to do your part, to pray your
way through the days, to ask that you may be as a cleansed
vessel, to be stern with those who desecrate this most
glorious gift of Spirit Communion, pointing out that
it must take the way that God has ordained for the
comfort, for the pure happiness of His creation.
"I bless the workers. I say unto them that their
strivings have been noted by the Master of all Life.
When there is sincerity of purpose, failure is impossible,
for God shall give although the forces arraigned against
Purity and Goodness may advance in volume. But you
cannot fail, my children, if you keep the highest and
the best as your ideal and seek to make it your own.
"I bless you, my children, with illumination and
I say unto you that indeed you are blessed this day.
If your eyes could be opened you would see a mighty
manifestation and demonstration of the blessing which
has been granted unto us; you would see and you would
rejoice, and you would have the strength to thank God
for your pain, to thank God that you have been found
worthy to bear a burden now for the sake of the Life
to come.
"I bless you as I take my leave and I say that
many of us will meet again; many of us shall indeed
meet again.
"Farewell! Farewell!"

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