
An Address given at Empire Picture House, Cleethorpes,
under the auspices of St. Peter's Christian Spiritualist
Church, on Sunday, I0th May, I936
"Saviour Christ into Thy hands I commend the spirit
of this Thy child".
"We are drawn together this day by love. I want
you to realise that it is the Love of Christ that makes
it possible for those who have passed out of the physical
body to come back and commune with those still fettered
to the flesh. When you are free from that which binds,
with what joy you too will see that the sunny path
lies open for you. There will be your dear ones on
the earth plane, some of them overcome with grief because
they think that you are no longer with them, some taking
their way careless of the life to come. But you will
see that the path laid down by Jesus Christ has made
it possible for you to come back into your earthly
home, give out the work of cheer, and perchance the
word of warning as well. In that far time, so you will
realise what joy it brings to a disembodied soul to
be used by the Master for the furtherance of His work.
"But I want you to consider that which you name
Spirit Control
(communing with spirits)
because there are so many at this same stage who remain,
as it were, upon the threshold of this great Truth,
fearing to advance, unwilling to retreat - and there
is no one around them to give them the guidance they
desire - for their instinct tells them that spirit
communion must be regarded as something sacred, something
associated with God Himself.
"So I have been sent by the Master to speak to
you upon that which I name 'Co-operating With Spiritual
Beings', and if there are some here who would say unto
some: 'I love communion, I have had many messages from
the Beyond', then I ask such as these: Of what character
were your messages?
Were you communing with disembodied souls who are chained
to earthly things, or were you co-operating with Spiritual
You see how great a void there can be between those
who speak to you in this same way?
"Now think of the world today, of all the sorrow
and suffering, of the warfare, of the ambition, of
the jealousy and the hatred and the betrayal. Think
to yourselves what this denotes. You may say: 'But
these things are done by those who do not believe in
spirit return'. And I answer: That is true; but what
is true as well is that those men and women are being
used as mediums by unseen forces out to wreck. There
is not one who has seized power unfairly, wherever
he may be - whether he be at the head of the state
or whether he be in control of his little warehouse
- there is not one who has snatched at power unfairly
who is not the medium of some unseen tempter, who owns
him for a time as his slave.
"So, beloved, as you take up your daily parchments
and read with sorrow of all the sin and the suffering
and the grief it causes, I want you to remember this:
That there are thousands and thousands of human souls
unknown by the world, living in obscure places and
many such as these are mediums in the God sense. They
are sending out into the physical conditions to counteract
that which is done against the Christ teaching and
the Christ way. And I want you to think further. What
are those you love - who have passed from you so far
as the earthly body is concerned - what are such as
these doing today? Sometimes the mother's aching heart
feels lonely indeed. She has prayed that her little
one may be in safe keeping. She has asked God for a
sign and perchance it seems to her that no sign has
come. What of the widows and the orphans, what of those
who are struggling with poverty and care; what of the
ones who are ground down by others, those who are helpless?
Do they not, in the silent watches of the night, cry
to God for succour? Yet sometimes the test goes on,
sometimes it seems that God is not listening.
"So, I come to you this day, sent by the One who
loves you best and I bring comfort and cheer, I bring
unto you that message of peace which only explanation
can make your own. You see the world with its turmoil
and hatred. What would be the future of any plane if
there were no sacrificial souls, no men and women enduring
much, no pain, no poverty? What would be the future
plight of this plane if only those bound to the dark
forces were here?
"So you are shown your part and I want to underline
the divine mercy which surrounds your lives. If God
the father answered your prayers to be saved from this
- to have that burden taken away from you, for the
pains of the body to disappear for evermore - how could
there be created upon the earth plane Spirit Power
to save and to redeem? This world of yours would be
caught up in the dark net of self and dragged to its
doom were it not for the patient humble souls, for
the tired mothers, for the tired fathers who refuse
to give way to despair; were it not for the young girls
and boys who realise that after all Christ is their
"I speak with all the force of my being to suffering
humanity wherever it may be, saying: 'Raise your cross,
for you are going to be the saviours of your world'.
"Over the generations the warfare has gone on.
Here the enemy has gained a little, but by the suffering
entailed so the victory has been torn from him and
the angels have poured their peace over the earth so
far as man allows. I look into the future and see that
this warfare will be intensified. I see the great armies
advancing, those who belong to Christ and those out
to wreck and I know that the clash must come.
"So I come to you this day, speaking of co-operation
with Spiritual Beings - not with astral forces, not
with those who come back through mediums to flatter
and deceive. I beg you, I plead with you, to co-operate
with the Holy Ones of the Most High, those whose robes
have been made snowy white by effort - the purity within
illumining the garments that they wear.
"The God of All Being gave unto man Free-Will
and what the Father gives He does not take away. So
we come back to Personal Responsibility. Personal Re-sponsibility
to those on earth around you and, forget not, to your
loved ones in God's fair land. Have you thought, when
you slip from the highest and the best, of the effect
of your failure on those dear ones who are in the light?
Have you ever thought of your little children when
they come back into your homes and see perchance that
there is a dark enemy between mother and father, between
sister and brother? These little ones cling around
you trying to attract your attention, trying to show
you that they are there. But sometimes the heart of
a man or a woman is full of pain, the one has struck
the other and they cannot hear as well as cannot see
the baby fingers pulling at their hands.
"If once you could picture the anguish of these
little children you would think again and again before
you allowed the angry word to pass your lips, before
you pandered to that weakness in your mind to strike
with the tongue.
"There are many men and women who shrink from
war. They look with horror upon the implements which
are to scatter asunder the flesh of man. They are fired
with indignation that those who are united by God as
His children should slay each other, and they are right,
for war is against the Law of Love. But again I remind
you that the Law of Love is all-embracing. You cannot
apply it to one principle of life and ignore it for
another. You cannot say that war with knife and cannon
is wrong and then stab the one in the home who has
been faithful unto you. I would wrestle with the man
and I would wrestle with the woman, for I know that
such as these will be anguished when they awaken and
see what has been done.
"So we come back to your mediumship and you are
mediums, everyone. But God understands that you cannot
rise to that height which you have in view. Jesus the
Christ knows the temptations of the flesh, of the mind
and of the soul. Do not think that the Father turns
from you when you fail the best within. But remember
that you cannot sow without the reaping in time to
come, and with so many it is as this: They do not come
to their real self until the one they struck lies still
and cold. Then they would give everything they possess
to take back those harsh words, those bitter thoughts,
but the shadows around whisper: 'Too late, Too late'.
"With love and sympathy over your trials and tests
I come amongst you, longing to give you comfort which
the Father has ordained, and the comfort can come when
you make spiritual explanation your own. Remember next
time when you turn on the one who has been faithful,
that you are a medium used by an enemy to strike -
not only that other, but to strike yourself in double
"Draw in this wonderful thought - that because
you are a medium, you can be used by God's Holy Angels,
you can give the word of peace, the word of understanding,
the word that shall bring joy to that other. Forget
not that as men and women grow in spiritual grace,
they become far more sensitive - not more sensitive
to the blows of the world, but to the blows of those
who should protect.
"The time comes when the darts of the material
can rain upon you and you can meet them with peace
within. But there is no one, not even the Master, who
can shut out pain when the ones they have cared for
forgot their duty. There is no one, not even God the
Father, who can shut out pain when love is falsified,
when the blow comes so unworthily and so undeserved.
When you criticise God, unwillingly though it may be,
you pain the Father's heart. You cause suffering to
the Suffering Christ, as well as anguish to those in
the Beyond whom you name your own.
"I speak thus, for I know that great things are
coming to pass. I know that this world is going to
be tested. I come to plead for mediums, mediums who
are in the homes, mediums who are out in the fields
and on the wide seas, mediums who God can use, mediums
who will be the Ministers of peace, the healers of
the broken hearts, and I pray God I may not plead in
vain. I would come amongst you, for I know that there
is much we have to do together and I want to draw in
all those who are at peace with God. Many have indeed
much to learn ere the time comes for them to pass into
the Great Beyond - much to learn - and in the processes
of learning maybe through them another fell from grace
as well.
"You who have suffered, you who have striven,
you who have gone without, cannot you see God's mercy
over your lives, over that which went amiss? In spirit
you have chosen to be amongst those who create and
attract Spirit Power upon the earth plane, and you
had to go through the processes of training, you had
to be willing to allow the things of the earth to be
torn from you so that there could be room for God's
most mighty gifts.
"As you think upon this, does not the pain die
down? Do not those doubts which have tortured the mind
of the body, do they not give? 'Was it the Divine purpose
that my employment should be taken from me?' I answer
you - it is God's Will that man should have what he
needs and we all need love, and while the earthly body
holds us, it must be fed. But may it not be that you
were exchanging a tarnished love for something pure
and beautiful, something that could not be betrayed,
something that would never fail you? Again, may it
not be that earthly food had to be lessened in its
quantity because placed before you was the Bread of
"So many forget, so many have not been taught
that the body has to be purified by self denial so
that it can vibrate to those finer conditions of Spirit.
When a man is gross, when his body is choked with food,
the bright ones may come close, but he cannot vibrate
to them and the astral guides take their place. Such as these are unprepared, they are not ready
for their higher forms of mediumship and God must wait.
But in the waiting, so it is that trouble falls upon
this plane, and although the Father would lift the
cloud, the Father has given Free-Will and the Father
goes not back on that which He has granted.
"Therefore, I speak to those who feel that they
have not had a fair chance and I ask them to use their
powers of reasoning, to forget not that life on this
plane is but for a short period. In the sweet by and
by they will have the chance of using their Divine
gifts, bought, pur-chased by suffering while the earthly
body held - and then so light will seem the price,
so great will be the reward. The old failures will
be shown as your hon-ours, the old troubles as your
stepping stones into better things.
"This is the message that those from the Realms
of Spirit are directed by Christ to bring, not the
messages that say that all is well. All is not well
upon the earth plane. But what is well is this, your
faith, your determination to endure, your capacity
to look beyond the dark clouds of the physical and
see the golden Cross of Jesus Christ calling you on.
"Be of good cheer, but analyse the messages that
come from the Spirit World. If there are those who
give unto you praise when praise is not due, then say
to yourselves: 'This is not a servant of the Christ,
this is some ignorant spirit and I know more than he
can teach me'. That is the way to treat and regard
spirit control. As you seek to hold fast to that which
you know is right, so you are linking up with God's
Holy angels and those loved ones who are thanking God
that at last you see and understand. The path is clear
- co-operation with spiritual beings by the grace of
God, co-operation with those who tell you to be strong
when trouble knocks on the door; those who tell you
to be brave when the pains of the body seem to sap
your endurance - co-operation with the Divine Forces
so that upon the earth plane there may be Spirit Power,
Spirit Power which angels can use for sending back
the enemies from the dark planes, Spirit Power so that
there may be peace in your time and not war.
"I bless you with understanding, bless you with
a clearer conception of life upon the earth plane -
with the realisation over those dark days, which seem
so long and so hard to bear - and I ask you out of
the strength of the Divinity within to thank God that
you have been the ones to tread the difficult path,
that you are not amongst those who have had their heart's
desire, but that the heart's desire has had to stand
back and the spirit's desire take it's place. Thank
God for these blessings, thank God for His mercy that
though you may have cried to Him for relief, still
the burden was yours for the sake of the sweet and
glorious by and by.
"You have been tested, you have been tried. Thank
God that the privilege has been yours to suffer so
that Divine Truth may find a place upon the earth plane.
"Peace be with you all, beloved, and in God's
good time we shall meet again. Farewell."

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