
An address given by the Christ-messenger 'Zodiac',
(the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the
Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through
the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes in the first
half of the twentieth century
"LITTLE ones, I say with joy that this night has
been blessed by the Master, and I say again that I
have looked forward to this happy meeting time together,
for you in common with many others are my children.
You have been given to me by the great Father and Mother
God and I seek, with the aid of those you name your
guides, to draw you out of the sadness of the physical
conditions and so surround you with the power of the
Holy Spirit that indeed you can face the difficulties
of the day confident in the One Who calls you on.
"Let not my words be cast aside as coming from
one who does not understand what the earthly life can
hold, for after I was banished from the precincts of
the Temple so poverty was my lot, loneliness, weariness
and treachery of friends. I speak not of that which
is as theory; I say unto you that I understand the
deepest pangs of physical life, and I say again that
out of those pangs came my grand and glorious inheritance.
"To-night, under the direct ray of Truth, I would
speak to you on that which I name 'Comrades of the
Cross'. Little ones, before the earth life was thought
of by the Spirit within, so, out of that greater wisdom
which was your own, you made your choice, and the choice
was that you would be a comrade of the Cross.
"Now think you as to this: I would speak on that
which you name spirit-guidance. When you use this term
you are thinking of those who are around you at this
stage. When you talk of having received direction regarding
either the material or the spiritual events of your
life, you are at once limiting that direction, that
guidance, to what takes place at this stage. But I
say unto you that those you name the guides, the healers
and protectors, have sought for you over time unthinkable;
yet to-day men and women still turn to the lesser voice,
still hearken to the easier injunction, though the
bright ones, the servants of the Most High, have sought
for them, have fought for them and have endeavoured
to bind them to the highest and the best. There are
countless thousands upon the earth plane who, by will,
bar such as these from their close environment, choosing
in place those others who, in great or little measure,
are enemies in disguise.
"I say unto you, my little ones, and to all those
who seek to follow in the footsteps of the Christ,
that in time long past, lo, the great decision was
made and you bound yourselves to the Cross, and to-day,
as comrades, you seek to fetter others to the Cross.
And thus it is you wear upon your brow the Cross of
Christ; and those who have passed on a span, whether
freer than yourselves or more bound, these, immediately
they come into your environment, see the Cross and
the link is made; for even those who have strayed far
from the Cross recognise the power of the Cross, realise
that without the Cross they are as ones forsaken.
"Why do I emphasise the words 'comrades of the
Cross'? Because of what must come to pass! I look a
little span in front and I see the children of the
earth plane hard beset; I see that there are those
who will find they stand upon a shattering foundation
and their pride will lay them low. I see those who
have never sought to build, crying out for the strength
of others; yet those others are like placed and they
can give them not of help. I see the few who are strong
sharing their strength, literally comrades, bearing
one another's burdens, holding fast while the one under
temptation seems as if he or she will be swept away.
"Comrades of the Cross! Oh, cannot you grasp why
your life has run along the road of trial, of temptation?
Cannot you grasp why at times it has seemed as though
even those you trusted most have forsaken you? You
had to be tried, your foundation had to be tested because
of the great strain which lies in front. In that time
so those who are weak will be filled with dismay, and
in that time those with the strength will be drawn
upon in a way inconceivable to your minds. I speak
of conflict, I speak of battle, I speak of the trying
of courage, and I warn you that as you take the hard
road - which is the glad road in the end - so here
and there you must come to grips with the enemies of
the Spirit. You must be tested as to your conviction,
and woe be it unto the one who hesitates or falters,
for the enemy has no mercy; the faltering footstep
leads, alas, so swiftly to the fall.
"So then, gather in this thought - that you, being
comrades of the Cross, children of the one Christ,
the one God, must be tried and tested a thousandfold.
Yet I say in the name of the One Who loves you best,
that each test faced with the strength you can find,
each prayer for help, each persistent thought that
remains true and firm to the high and holy calling
which is yours, that such tests shall represent not
sorrow but a joy that cannot be portrayed.
"Comrades of the Cross! The first stages are simple
- the little things which go wrong, the misgivings,
the aching heart. Many during this stage forsake the
path, but in time to come they must return to the path
and the Cross lies awaiting their acceptance.
"The next stage represents attacks more subtle
in their nature. Lo, so bright the day, but ere the
day has passed the clouds have gathered and the sunshine
of God's love seems shaded by that which goes against
the desire of the physical heart and mind. Night falls
and many there are who fail to see the stars of promise;
but I say unto you that if the pilgrim faces the darkness
though the stars are hidden from his gaze, the dawn
shall come - the dawn, the beginning of a new era.
It is another milestone passed, but think not that
rest must have its place. As the dawn comes, so its
golden beauty opens out the road in front. The pilgrim
stands at times aghast; he looks back: 'So much have
I overcome, and yet this still awaits me!'
"In imagination so the hill of achievement soars
up into the sky, and between the hill and himself there
seems a rushing water and no bridge can he find. There
are those around who mock: 'Ah, what of the dawn?'
- and many there are who bury their faces in their
hands and as children weep over that which the dawn
has shown.
"Little ones, when you are free, how plain will
it all seem! You will know - because you are in conditions
of reality and things seeming hold you no longer -
you will know that the rushing water, that the sense
of loneliness, that the consciousness of treachery
of friends, all this represents but tests, tests as
to the foundation you have put in, tests as to your
will, as to your determination, tests as to whether
you will be a comrade of the Cross or only one who
draws strength from the other comrades and knows not
how to give in turn.
"Cannot you see, is it not plain? There in the
sacred record so the path is indicated by symbol and
by picture. The man of God, the woman of God, they
took the hard road; yet at this same time all the sorrow
is forgotten, the pangs are powers, the loneliness
represents a comfort, a companionship undreamt of by
them. They are joy personified, for they look back
and they see that through their willingness to endure,
so countless thousands have arisen out of the slough
of despond, have extricated themselves from the bog
of self, and their Divine Inheritance awaits them in
the sweet to-morrow.
"I have told you ever that those who bind themselves
together for this most sacred work for God are drawing
to them the enemies of the Spirit. It cannot be otherwise.
Those who name themselves soldiers of the King must
fight. Those who are as comrades of the Cross, they
must fight battle upon battle, conflict upon conflict,
aye, rising up again and again until at last the chains
of self hold no more. Then they look back and the truth
is revealed; they see that the conflict was within,
between the lesser man and the greater, between the
lesser woman and the greater; but only by that tangible,
by that associated with the physical journey, could
they be taught, could the lesson be learnt, could the
experience be made their own.
"Children, the campaign which lies before us is
long and dangerous and glorious. Oh, grasp this fact!
The campaign in regard to this sacred work for God
must be pursued with an intensity and determination
hitherto not drawn out from anyone, for those arraigned
against the Christ are massing, massing in their countless
numbers, and at this same stage war in the Spirit on
so gigantic a scale is going on that it is useless
to attempt to explain.
"So then, think of your lives - of yesterday,
of to-day and, again of that to-morrow from which you
shrink. Whether the difficulties concern the material
conditions of your life, whether they concern the spiritual
testing, whether they concern the reluctance of the
physical will and the hesitation over the great surrender,
oh children, grasp this truth that only in that wise,
only because of that which goes so hard, can you become
a comrade of the Cross.
"A comrade - that sweet word which means so much,
that sweet post held in perfection by One alone, the
great Comrade of us all, the One Who never failed His
fellow-beings, the One Who knew not weakness for He
fought until weakness was overcome. Christ, the Saviour
of the world, stands in perfection as example to all,
a Comrade - your Comrade, my Comrade - and if we would
be like the Beloved, so then we must build and rebuild
and still rebuild. But, oh children, the foundation
of the Spirit must be put together firmly to resist
the onslaught of the enemy, and that foundation can
only be built by the giving up, by the things that
go contrary to the heart and mind, by the sadness,
by the pangs of the body and by the helpful and prayerful
thoughts sent out by the individual to those who are
worse placed.
"And this is the message which I bring: Build
truly! In the measure that self in any form obtrudes,
so happiness disappears beyond the reach of the pilgrim
on the journey home to God. In the degree that God's
work comes second, so joy and peace cannot be held,
for in the degree that man seeks for those things which
pass away, so his hold is loosened on those which remain
for ever.
"I speak to you all, I gather you into my love;
and those whom you name your guides bid me emphasise
again and again that they have sought for you over
the long past, yet there are still some who take second
place, because the first place has been given to those
who point not to the steepest road but to that road
which is only steep in part.
"Children, around us all, gathered in in their
thousands, are the comrades of the Cross. How can they
name themselves by this holy symbol of the past? Because
in a measure they sought to hold fast to those things
which are pure, those things which are holy; in a measure
they banished from their surroundings the tempters,
those with the plausible tongues, the subtle enemies
who masqueraded as friends; in a measure they clasped
the Cross; in a measure they kept their eyes upon the
Saviour and forgot their pangs in the glory of His
smile. So at this same time in their thousands they
are gathered in as comrades to you, for again in time
to come you must be as comrades to others, and at this
same time so, in degree, you are comrades to the many
whom you know and the many more hidden from your consciousness.
"Thus it is I prepare your minds for the great,
the dangerous and the glorious campaign, and I urge
you all to look to your foundation. If it seems strong
then make it stronger still. If it seems weak, then
draw to you by will and determination, by work and
dedication that which is essential, so that that foundation
may hold fast in time of strain.
"Little ones, let not my words sound stern; let
not that which I pass on cast dismay upon your hearts
and minds. This is a wonderful opportunity for humanity,
and never before in this same measure was man so honoured,
so called to fight for Christ. To-morrow and to-morrow
build truly! Let the sorrows of yesterday be buried
beneath the rose-leaves of sacrifice and the sweet
green moss, which means that never more will you return
in thought on that which was sad, that which caused
the heart to ache. No, the sweet moss lies over all
the yesterdays, and above the moss are the rose-leaves,
indicating that something of self has been added as
well. And to-morrow, aye, and to-day, with courage,
with resource, using the powers of the physical mind,
the powers of the physical hand, the strength of the
physical body and binding these gifts to those more
precious still - the gifts of the Spirit, the patience,
the inspiration and the guidance - and going forward
as comrades of the Cross, bound together by the Cross,
fear scattered, apprehension killed, the valiant heart
attuned to the need which lies in front!
"I seek to teach and explain. If your life should
be free from care, think you of those burdened with
sorrow, almost overwhelmed by that which you name trouble.
Here is your chance, a priceless opportunity given
by God Himself. You can be as a comrade of the Cross,
and in sharing the burden of that which is the cross
of another, so the gladness shall be not only shared,
but intensified a thousandfold; and those you name
the guides and helpers, they in turn gather closer
and closer still, forcing upon your consciousness their
comradeship by the strength which they have won, and
thus another milestone not only is passed but is blessed
by God.
"So, little ones, I would take your gaze from
off the present and fix it upon the Christ. I say not
unto you: Think of the sorrows which must come upon
this earth. Nay, I urge you to think of the gladness
which the travail shall bring, the freedom which shall
emerge out of the bondage of the past. I entreat you,
little ones of my heart, to make ready, to give of
the knowledge which you have won and to hold not back
from others the light bestowed by God.
"The campaign in front is long and dangerous and
glorious. Upon each one is the cloak of service and
upon the brow of each one is the Cross of Christ. Hold
fast to that unity and the power which it brings; hold
fast, for great things must take place, and we as comrades
of the Cross must arise and do our part.
"But you must be tested, the warriors of the King
must be experienced, the pilgrims of the Most High
must be inured to tests and trials and the vicissitudes
of daily life. Only in this way can you pass out of
the valley, fearing not the rushing water, building
a bridge by the effort that you give forth and scaling
the mountain of achievement, holding fast sweet assurance
within and casting out upon the vibrations confidence
to others.
"You have your direction. Let not those with the
lesser sight, those with the lesser wisdom, pass on
to you that which is the second best. The highest point,
the roughest road, that is the path of the comrades
of the Cross. Sorrow is vanquished by strength, pain
is overcome by knowledge, and as the pilgrim goes forward,
the powers of the Spirit are demonstrated for all to
"Comrades of the Cross - the Cross of our Master
Christ, the road which He took, the wisdom which He
passed on, and the resurrection, that manifestation
of life held out for each and every one.
"So, my children, I draw in your thoughts and
I lift them above things seeming and I place them on
reality. Think like this: A little struggle to-day,
great strength to-morrow; a little pain to-day, the
gift of healing to-morrow; a withstanding of the enemy
to-day, and the looking back to-morrow and seeing that
through your determination and courage so others, harder
beset still, have overcome the enemy and are on their
way to the promised land.
"Comrades of the Spirit - oh, forget this not.
Share with each one that which you have, and bear with
each one that which is missing, that which must be
filled in in time to come. We are comrades of the Cross,
the Cross of Christ. The great crusade has commenced,
and war in the Spirit casts its reflection, its shadow
upon the earth plane; but we have no fear, courage
is ours, courage borrowed from the Christ, and with
His strength and the protection of work for God, so
undismayed we face the future and as happy warriors
we call to others to come too.
"Little ones, how can I portray what can be built
up by you at this stage? How can I portray the opportunity
which you have purchased by the past? Suffice it to
say that revelation of God's Love, in the measure that
you can bear it, shall be yours as the days go on,
revelation of the mighty Mind of Love.
"So I bless you with the comrade-spirit, I bless
you with the warrior-spirit. Hold fast to that which
has been bestowed, for the blessing of the Most High
is resting upon you and you have drawn to you the vibrations
of peace, the peace that cannot pass away. Let the
peace which is the Spirit's right be passed on to the
mind of the body, for its balm shall heal and strengthen,
and to-morrow is beautiful to behold.
"Peace, little ones. 'My peace I give unto you,'
thus spake the Master, but forget not that the peace
of the Spirit is grappling with the enemies of the
Most High. The Saviour blesses you, and into His most
loving care I commend you. Peace and joy, joy and peace.
God's Will has been done this night.
"Farewell, but my love shall companion you wherever
you may go. Farewell."

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