
Taken from an Address given by the Christ messenger
'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher
in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ),
at Croydon on Sunday, 8th Decmber, 1946.
…"So we turn to the Baby Christ and our thoughts are
lifted immediately from that which is base and horrible,
and we see there the Cleansed Vessel, the tiny Platter
holding within it everything that makes life in any
sphere worth while. And in little children you find
that beautiful story illustrated again and again; and
as you hold the tiny form in your hands and you see
a smile creep over the lovely face so dear to you,
you realise the Hand of God on creation, and the first
sign of recognition from your baby's eyes is a gift
far greater in value than all the jewels of this material
"As we watch the Child through His boyhood days, shall
we try to visualise the hardships in the home, the
foster-father fallen upon evil days through broken
health, the young wife burdened with other children
too - and I use the word 'burdened' simply because
she was the burden-bearer in the little home - and
the eldest son trying to help her, for even in His
earliest years He was taught to mould the wood, to
learn the trade which would keep the family when Joseph's
day was finished. To the young there came many temptations
- the desire to play, to do as other children can do,
to have the things which others possess. But it could
not be for the son of Mary. Responsibilities fell upon
those childish shoulders, and because it was part of
the training there was no mitigation of the weight
of the load.
"So we are brought to the three years of ministry,
when the others had grown up sufficiently to look after
the home and at last the eldest son was free to give
out the Word of God which was burning within Him for
expression. There you have the Cleansed Platter, the
body of flesh holding the Holiness within, not as an
enemy but as a friend!
"There is so much, my children, in the Christmas Story
for the world in every age - yes, and for every world
in every age - for before peace can come and remain
our own sweet possession there must be harmony between
the platter and the nourishment which is within. The
vessel must be cleansed, and life today offers gigantic
problems as to the cleansing of the vessel so that
humanity may have the Bread of Life and hunger no more!"...

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