The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes at the Zodiac Circle on Saturday, 14th May, 1927

  1. "SAVIOUR Christ, the Beloved of our hearts, draw close to us and give us Thy blessing direct. Teach us that we can come to Thee and can call to Thee, and that Thou art waiting to listen to our petitions. O grant that the physical mind with its limitations, with its many forbiddings, may be put aside and that we may contact in Spirit with Thy Love.

  2. "Father, we know so little and yet we sense so much. Teach us how to cross the threshold of things felt by the mind of the body and to penetrate into those things which remain for ever.

  3. "We re-dedicate ourselves to Thy holy work; we re-dedicate all that we are - our powers, our gifts, even our bodies to this sacred work, and we ask Thee out of Thy Love, to take, to use, to direct, and to open the future to us. Father, we thank Thee for Thy unfailing understanding of human needs. Amen.

  4. "MY children, I would speak to you on that which I name the 'Borders of Consciousness' and I deal in part, only in a small part, with that which one day you shall understand in great part. To understand it in its whole is impossible, for consciousness - Spirit consciousness - is centred in God, and though the Father holds out all that He has and all that He is to us, we are His children, and we must proceed with slowness; and even when that great link of unity and aim and purpose is fulfilled, still the Father is the Father and we are His children, His creation.

  5. "My little ones, Spirit consciousness opens not only a wide field of knowledge to those upon the earth plane, but it opens a wider field when the body is no more; and as you progress, throwing off your bondage, becoming a little more and a little more like the being which God created in the first instance, you will not find that you near the end, or the seeming end of this 'consciousness', but indeed that a broader continent, a greater area of wisdom still lies before you. This is the glorious truth. Man in the earth stage is oft wearied by the knowledge which is his own. He finds that in some respects he can absorb everything discovered, unfolded at that date, and once he has made that his possession it loses its value and, perforce, he seeks for something bigger, something beyond his reach.

  6. "This may relate to the knowledge of the world, but it is a physical manifestation of the great spiritual instinct to go on, to stretch out, never to be satisfied with what the mind knows but to strive always for the unknown.

  7. "But you, my little ones, have found this: Once the attention is focussed on the things of the Spirit, the things of the earth, although they may represent a certain amount of interest, yet that interest is pale and lifeless in comparison with the quest of the Divine within to know a little more about God, to know a little more about that unfoldment of the true self; and, again, to know - ah! with a longing that permeates your being - to know what the Master would have you do to further the great purpose and the plan.

  8. "That, dear children, indicates that you have crossed the border-line between the physical mind and the mind of the Spirit - the consciousness of the beauty and the thought and the higher vibrations of the physical world and have caught a glimpse of the beauty, the thought and the holiness which is of the Spirit.

  9. "Oh, never forget this: That man was meant to probe, meant to go on; that the individual was never meant by God to live or shape his life upon the efforts of others. This borderline into the greater consciousness must be crossed before you can be used as true instruments of your Father and Mother God. Instruments in part, ah! there are many; but when they are free their hearts will be anguished to see how by their prejudices, by their lack of charity, by their ignoring of the high ideals of others, how such as these hindered their own development and still more checked the development of those within their vibrations.

  10. "And so I take you back over the Sacred Record, aye, to those early prophets, the wise men of old. Their wisdom, from whence came this? From one Source alone. They turned to God as to a guide, a director and a protector; they asked and they received direct instruction as to the next step and the next...I appeal to all the teachers and the preachers to ponder on this. They recognise, they admit, that these holy ones talked with God; that angelic presences were seen by them and that they followed the guidance which was passed on in that way. Yes, all this they not only accept but they direct that others should believe as well. They go through the sacred history, they pick out examples of faith, and they say, in effect: 'see how great a one was this, mark his obedience to God! God spake and he obeyed; God said: Lay aside this or that, and the sacrifice was made!' All this is taught as part of that great combined teaching of Holy Scripture which is accepted without a murmur of doubt. And the appearances of holy ones, that is not questioned, nay! reprimand would fall from the lips of the teachers if doubt arose in the mind of those under their care.

  11. "Yes, dear children, you see this in the world at large; within that which you name the Press, in books, and by word of mouth these things are forced upon the consciousness, that blunt consciousness of the masses. Yet at the same time those who write and preach and teach, they deny the outward manifestation of the Holy Spirit in this age even amongst prepared instruments (Spirit Communion), amongst those who have God's work to do. An illustration in very truth of the dual working of the mind of the body, and, strangely enough, such as these see nothing illogical in their position! Whence came this severance, or when the withdrawal of that which was promised by the Master Himself?

  12. "My little ones, you will remember how the Master gathered to Himself those so different in character, in training and in understanding, how He blest them and sent them out on their first trial of missionary work, bidding them call upon the Name of God and that which He represented in their day. And the disciples, even as children, with trembling hearts yet obedient to the love within and to their confidence in the Master, they went into the villages and did great deeds. Why? Because they doubted not and because they used not that holy power to bring gain to themselves.

  13. "These two factors lie side by side. The power of the Holy Spirit can be drawn upon at will by the prepared instrument, yet there have been those, tempted by the destroyers, who have sought to use their (spiritual) gifts to bring gain to themselves, and the time has come when they have called upon that power and the power has been, so it seems, withheld. But it is as this: The channel has been clogged by self. That which is Holy must have free access, that which is Holy was given to be passed on to others and not to be held to bring gain to the individual concerned. Yes, my children, those unskilled in the knowledge of the world, those who had never attempted to preach or teach, they went forth, and in the measure that they could blot out themselves - their fears, their misgivings, aye, even their opinions - so the power of God poured through them, and many were amazed by the strength vouchsafed through so homely a channel.

  14. "Little ones, the teachers and the preachers to-day recognise that manifestation of the Holy Spirit at work, they claim it and they pass it on to others; but should you approach them and say: 'If you could detach yourself sufficiently from the mind of the body, from the desires, the hopes and the fears of the physical mind - you too could be used in like manner (being a channel for Spirit)', they would at once turn from you as though you had suggested the bringing into use of an evil force - so illogical is the mind of man!

  15. "Yea, the preachers and the teachers dwell upon the great change which came over simple folk, that which transformed the world, and they bid their listeners re-read those portions of the sacred narrative which show how the power of God was manifested in physical conditions upon this little earth; but challenge them as to the power of the Holy Spirit evinced yesterday and to-day amongst those (mediumistic instruments) prepared by the sufferings of the past - often amongst the obscure and those bereft of or lacking the possessions of the world - and they will shrink, if not in horror then in apprehension. They rule out God's Love and power on earth to-day even though they have no reason to doubt the honesty or the verity of the instrument so used.

  16. "Again I say to them: If in your following of the Most High you would indeed have an influence that will last, then be logical, be consistent; throw aside those intangible, unfounded suspicions which haunt the physical mind.

  17. "My little ones, I have told you before that the third epoch - that which is the domination of the Holy Spirit on earth - that that has already commenced, and there shall be nothing strong enough to stem the great awakening which even now can be seen on either side. And to those who call themselves Christians, whether they be the shepherds or whether they be the flock, to all I speak in tones of warning, that warning which indeed is concern on their behalf: I bid them in love go back on the Sacred Record and try to find within the mind they use any reason, any possible explanation, as to why the gift of the Holy Spirit in like form should have been withheld or withdrawn.

  18. "The true explanation should be obvious to all: Not only faith was missing but works! As time went on, many forgot to follow the direct instructions of the Holy One to take nought with them, but to go amongst the masses and share their hardships, to get inside their lives and to speak not that which came from the mind of the body but that which came through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  19. "Oh, I send out a call once more to all those who love their God, and I ask them to go back on the history of this little earth plane, and in all ages they will find there was one here, one there, whose voice was heard above the clamour of the throng. And why? Because he was an instrument who provided that which was essential for the Holy Spirit to be poured through him to those who listened.

  20. "Perfection, that is impossible during the earth stage. Yes, some perhaps failed on certain points, but for the period that they held themselves as clean vessels, so God spake through them; and so, in turn, that purification of others took place and left its mark for ever on time as an example for those who were to follow after.

  21. "Once more I say to all those who bar out manifestations of the Holy Spirit (Spirit Return) amongst the people of to-day, what proof have you that this is the will of God? Go back to the sacred words of the Master Himself as to the gift which was to come to lead men into all Truth. Did the Beloved say that this gift should come to His immediate followers alone? Nay, Christ demonstrated always and in a thousand ways the universal plan, the comprehensive purpose for the bringing in of every one.

  22. "Little ones, you cannot go back in thought. That in itself is not only a physical but a spiritual impossibility. You have crossed the threshold of Spirit consciousness and your outlook on life is not only widened but the boundaries which once were there are gone for ever. You must remember that this great gift of understanding something of the God-Mind - the great gift of having released in part that which is Divine within - that means a complete destruction of that which once held you. You may look for your chains but you will find them not. That is the glory of the climb, that is the joy of aspiration! Unconsciously to yourselves you have thrown off that coarser garment of thought and it has disappeared. It is not only beyond your grasp but it has been destroyed by the very pangs you endured to get and to hold that one pace further on.

  23. "So, my children, it is as this: Those who seek to place limitations upon their God and upon his Love and the bestowal of the Holy Spirit, they must free themselves and reach the point where you now stand. They must go through the same discipline, the same preparation. You call to them and you send back your power and your love, but they must come to you in thought, for never again can you don the chains which once held you and which still hold them. That is the law of the Spirit, the great merciful law of progress. The pioneers must go on; they cannot go back.

  24. "Oh, the responsibility of laying down boundaries and barriers for ourselves and others; and that greater, more awful responsibility of saying, if not in words then in implication: 'The gift of the Holy Spirit is not for you, it was reserved for those who were the followers of Christ during His sojourn on earth.' The awful responsibility of implying to those who have faith, to those with pure desire, to those who are willing to work for God: 'You cannot do this, God does not intend you to do that.' Thousands have stemmed the power which was within them; tens of thousands have remained only instruments in part because of those others, so bound by the earth view, who forbid or implored them to stifle those holy gifts (of Spirit Communion) given to them for their part in the redemption of humanity.

  25. "Again I draw in the preachers and the teachers, and I say that in the measure that they can banish the mind of the body, in that degree so the Holy Spirit can be demonstrated through them to win souls for God. I entreat them to put aside that so carefully compiled by the mind of the body, to trust not so implicitly to that which is limited in every respect; but to stand before their flock, asking God to teach them how to cross the border-line out of physical consciousness into the consciousness of the Divine within; to lay aside their theories and their opinions, and to allow God to speak through them direct. Until this is done so the sheep will stray, for the sheep answer only to the Voice of the One Great Shepherd of us all, and the One Great Shepherd has told the lesser shepherds that the gift of the Holy Spirit shall be bestowed upon them, and that that gift shall lead them and others into all Truth.

  26. "But in the majority the channel is clogged, not by evil, not even by self, but by intellectual pride, by that supreme confidence in that physical mind which is worn and borne for a little space and then no more is required; indeed, it represents something which has to be forgotten as soon as strength allows.

  27. "Oh! take God at His word. Preach to the masses not as the mind of the body directs, but hold yourselves as empty vessels; banish everything that you are, everything that has been built up over the past, and hold yourselves as willing instruments so that the Holy Spirit can pour through you and do God's work. Only in this wise can mankind be redeemed except over the aeons which lie in front. Precious time is slipping by, precious power is unused on all sides; the Holy Spirit beats upon us all, whether in the body or whether free from the body. But we are as blunt instruments, unresponsive, aye, acting even as repulse, until we have taken God's promises in their literal sense and crossed the border-line into that great, wide consciousness which is of the Divine within and the Great Divine without; gifted, ah, gifted to do the work of the Great Missionary of us all.

  28. "And every soul who has the strength and the will to look up and claim God as his Father, so in turn they are not only making a gift to themselves and those weaker, but they are giving to God the only gift which it is in their power or our power to bestow. The only thing that we can give to God is our free-will love. The only thing that God asks from us, and the one thing that can bring joy to the Father-Heart and Mother-Heart of our Creator is that free-will gift of love from us. And why? Because, my children, in loving God so God can give in treble measure to us; and the Selfless One, ah! the Selfless One lives but to give, but to bestow. The Selfless One finds His joy in us - amazing, staggering, as it may seem.

  29. "I bless you with the will to pursue the path, turning not from obstructions or from that which would impede. I bless you in the Name of Christ with the spirit of service; and in the Name of the Most High I promise that as you raise your hearts and minds to the Great Father, so the Holy Spirit shall be demonstrated in your midst..."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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