
An Address given through Miss Moyes by 'Zodiac' at
Redhill, Surrey, on Sunday 13th December, 1942
"...I am instructed to speak on that which I name:
'Bethlehem And Spirit Communion', because I want you
to know that that scene in Bethlehem so many centuries
ago has not only a vital message for you, but is an
example of what can be possible in your own individual
lives once Spirit consciousness is made your own.
"Those who understand the gift of Spirit Communion
realise that Bethlehem and all it has meant for mankind
and will mean for man, could never have taken place
without the gift of Spirit Communion.
"If there are those who feel that in their form
of religion Spirit Communion is not welcomed, then
I send them back to the Holy Book, and they will find
there that the light man enjoys to-day - his freedom,
his health, the facilities of so-called civilisation
- all these things rest upon the gift of Spirit Communion,
upon disembodied souls coming to those in the flesh
and those in the flesh having sufficient humanity not
only to listen, but to follow their loving instructions.
"But let us come back to Bethlehem. As you know,
the young mother-to-be received a message that might
have filled the heart of any maiden with apprehension,
and she was but a child in years. I have said before
that in my time women were considered the chattels
of man, but there were those women who desired to be
pure and to follow the higher dictates of their nature,
and the child-mother was one of these.
"Imagine then her agony of mind when she was told
she was to bring forth a child; but seeing the Bright
One and hearing the voices, her courage rose and she
made that great decision which has changed the whole
trend of life for all in that time and for those who
followed after and also for those in other worlds.
Remember this: in her despair she might have destroyed
herself; life was cheap (as you would name it) in those
days. But she was obedient to the Will of God.
"Then there was the test for the man chosen to
be her protector. But he, too, heard the voice, and
although it represented a test greater than perhaps
you in these humane times can understand, he accepted
the responsibility thrust upon him and cared for the
child-mother until the miracle of grace was performed.
"We will pass on to another stage - the wise men
who came from the East. They, too, had the gift of
sight and of hearing and so they arose and went forth
on what the average person would have named a ridiculous
journey. They had so little guidance and so few clues,
but they understood Divine Law. They had 'heard' and
they had 'seen', and they went forth following a star. And later, by spirit-intervention, the foster-father
and the young mother were warned of approaching danger,
and they fled only just in time to prevent the massacre
of the Truth Bringer, so far as the flesh was concerned.
"Once more we have a demonstration of Spirit power
showing that the gift can come to all, not only to
the wise and the studious, not only to those with the
disciple-spirit, but to those in loneliness out on
the hillside who come under the heading of 'working
"There alone, minding their sheep, one of the
greatest manifestations that has ever taken place was
enacted to raise man's faith and to give him some comprehension
of the wide Love of God the Father, the Creator of
all things; and so the shepherds, full of thankfulness,
gathered up their crooks and hastened to find something
- they knew not what - but something that they realised
came from God.
"I ask you to try to visualise the scene in the
humble stable, and how the child-mother, filled with
gratitude to God - a gratitude that beat down the pains
of the body - in wonderment caressed the little Child
and saw the look in the eyes of those who had come
from afar to pay deference, to give what they had,
and to make a vow that they would be still more faithful
to the Light that was within them.
"What were the gifts bestowed upon the Child,
apart from love and wonderment and gratitude? There
were the things of the earth - the gold, the frankincense
and myrrh - symbols to them of the road which must
be followed by everyone who would become a saviour
of others.
"The base metal to be purified by experience and
by the varying processes through which it must go.
The frankincense - the taking up of the tools not only
of discipline but of pain, misunderstanding, and the
betrayal by so-called friends, to find at last the
Truth: that above all the things of the earth the Power
of God operates, and over all the things of the earth
Divine Law has full control.
"Then we come to myrrh - the Cross, the drinking
of the cup! But we dare not pause there, for the Cross
was but an incident that led to the resurrection -
the arising in new Life, the conquering of death itself.
"So, beloved, I want you to think of your own
lives. You are all born under a star, but many of you
feel that long since the star has lengthened into a
cross, and the thought of the cross fills your heart
with apprehension.
"The 'garden' must be entered, there are enemies
all around, there are those you depended upon who so
easily and without due provocation have failed you.
Your enemies throw you your cross, and you ask yourselves
whether there is the strength within to raise it. But
as the willingness is found, so from another comes
help and this is a promise to one and all.
"You see what man owes to Spirit Communion? But
I want to underline that Spirit Communion is not enough.
There are mediums and seers, who do not understand
how to preserve their gifts, they do not realise that
they are holy in every sense of the word, and that
holiness should meet with holiness from within. In
a second of time those gifts, by wrong handling, can
be destroyed, and the heart can be broken not only
during the physical stage, but still deeper will the
knife go when, free from the flesh, the true responsibility
is brought home to the one concerned.
"I come back to you in this same way by the power
of God alone, and I ask you to think over my words,
for they concern each and everyone. You cannot say
to me: 'I am not a medium!' You are all mediums for
good or for ill.
"When you respond to inspiration, then you know
you are linked to a holy one; when you are swayed by
selfish influences, then you are listening unto an
enemy in disguise, one who comes to praise when he
should blame, in the sense that warning should be passed
"Would that I could open your eyes and your minds
to reality! Then, you would go back upon the Holy Book
and find there just the message to fill your longing,
aching heart and satisfy you for evermore.
"And the message I would turn you to first of
all is Bethlehem - that wonderful manifestation of
Divine Power brought to pass only because men and women,
like you in the flesh, were not too proud to seek humbly
for the Light and were willing to undertake much travail
of soul, much weariness of body, much danger in order
to find the Light.
"This is my message to you today. When there are
those who come back using the gift of Spirit Communion
to gain their own ends, to gain praise for themselves,
anything which seems to you as a degradation of the
gift, then I ask you, in remembering the days of old,
to seek other instruments.
"And those instruments shall be found; and the
instruments who do not understand the holiness of their
gift - by discipline - the base metal shall be turned
into gold.
"As the courage comes to tread the disciple-path
- forgetting self in its many deceptive forms - so
the frankincense and the myrrh shall be their own possession,
not for their sorrow but for their joy, for the releasing
of the bonds of the past. And as they step out of their
prison-house - the sweet breezes of the Spirit shall
blow upon them - and the past with its sorrow, its
discipline and its disappointment shall seem as nothing.
Loaded with the gifts of the Spirit, the things of
the earth can lie in the dust to which they rightly
belong, for all things that are material go back to
the material, but the things that are spiritual live
for evermore.
"And now, my brothers and sisters, I bless you,
bless you with a deeper comprehension of the wonderful
privilege of Life; and life upon the earth plane is
but one of countless numbers of lives you have lived,
and you will live, in other states and conditions.
"So I bless you with the deeper comprehension
of the gift of Life given to you by God the Father,
the One Who loves you best, and never forget that the
Christ is that aspect of the Father shown to man so
that man might not feel too far off from the Great
Source of Power. Christ is God in the sense that only
through the Christ can man understand the Father.
"So I bless you with courage to face the future,
with the desire to seek, when you shall find - reminding
you once again that that which you seek you shall find,
so beware what you seek! And I pray that this time
of holy communion, made possible by the efforts of
the few, may not only be remembered by you but be used
by you so that you become better mediums, medium's
for God's use, casting out hope and faith and courage
into the earth conditions, mediums with sufficient
will power to take up their cross and go forward, if
need be, to Calvary, knowing that only by accepting
Calvary can the resurrection be made their own.
"By the Christ-Power I bless you, by the Christ-Love
I bind you, by the God within I ask you to keep nearer
to the Truth - to allow Bethlehem and all it represents
to be enacted in your own lives for the benefit of
mankind. Peace be with you all!

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