
An address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac',
(the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the
Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at Farnham,
Surrey, on Sunday, I3th November, I949.
"SAVIOUR CHRIST, into Thy hands I commend the
spirit of this Thy child.
"MY CHILDREN, there are many things to discuss
which concern you vitally. I know that in these days
when there is so much trouble about, so many tasks
to be contended with, your minds are constantly asking
this or that, and it seems to many that there is no
one to give that plain and satisfying answer which
you crave.
"But those who come back from the World of Spirit
are sensitive to your conditions, to your reaching
out for greater knowledge, and it is my privilege,
amongst many others, to return and use the physical
body of another to answer questions. Sometimes it may
seem to some that you would like to ask a question
here and now, but I want to remind you that there are
many thoughts in your minds which I do answer, perhaps
not just the question of to-day, but questions which
have arisen in your mind and you have put them aside
because there seemed no sensible answer, or no one
to speak with authority.
"But to-night I have been asked to speak to you
upon an interesting subject; it is in regard to THE
AURAS OF GREAT SOULS. The majority of people are interested
in the subject of auras because they possess one themselves.
They do not know very much about it, but they would
like to see their own aura and to understand the colours
which show whether it is narrow or wide, whether it
is dull, or vital and pulsating with life. So they
gather to those who are mediums, and they are very
glad to have some description of the aura which they
themselves possess.
"But also there is a sense of disappointment because
some auras are so much more beautiful than others;
some people have so much more power, their personality
seems to make an impression upon others, while there
are those who strive to exercise an influence and fail
to achieve anything at all, or so it seems to them.
Yes, many of you would like to know a little more about
the aura, why it was gifted to you, its purpose and
its future. And the aura which you have to-day is indication
in part of the life you have lived in the past.
"Now, I turn to those who respond to COLOUR; but
colour alone, without 'life' within it, is but a travesty
of colour to us. For instance, in regard to the earthly
flowers. Many of them are beautiful, but if you compared
them with the flowers of the Spirit Planes you would
see that they have only a degree of 'life' and, therefore,
they lack colour. The colours that you look upon are
misty or half-expressed and sometimes they seem to
lack that purity which makes for perfect beauty.
"The flowers, you must remember, have their auras,
too, and the aura of a flower is often helped very
largely by the care bestowed upon it. It is not only
the hard work in the garden; but the love of humans
has a stimulating effect upon the flowers. And there
is this fact to remember as well: the Little People,
the Little People who are very good gardeners! They
are unseen by the majority but that does not mean they
are unseen by God. They work very hard indeed. It is
their joy, as you would say, to look after the flowers,
the plants and the trees; and all these different forms
of Nature have their different forms of Fairies - the
Little People, the Gnomes, the Goblins, call it what
you will, because it is a question of the law of attraction.
"There are fairies who seem to be part and parcel
of the sweet-smelling flowers, of those which have
a bell-like quality, of those which express purity
as well as fragrance; and the flowers associated with
these fairies possess in tiny measure, but only in
tiny measure, something of their personality. Why is
it that the Little People work so hard for more or
less ungrateful humans who scarcely ever think about
them, or if they do think about them, regard them almost
as some pet, someone to be noticed only when they feel
inclined, or to be given a pat of commendation when
they remember?
"But the Fairy World is a very real world, and
I ask you to think upon this subject because the Fairy
World has a definite influence upon human auras. They
are, as it were, the scavengers of the life built up
by those in a physical body, the ones who perchance
are suffering from some bodily complaint, the ones
who are caught up in the net of depression. You can
see that they have a tremendous work to do, and they
do things for you in love, out of a spirit of service,
because thereby they are expressing the life that is
within them. The Little People are a separate creation
from the flowers or from the humans, but they are a
life loved and recognised and fed by God.
"So I ask you to think of your own feelings, your
own emotions when you are in the centre of beautiful
scenery. Some people are uplifted by Nature at her
best; some people merely respond to beauty with the
lower emotions; some, in an entirely physical way,
are thankful for a walk because it gives them a good
appetite. You see, my children, how different people
on earth can be and how each one individually is responsible
for his own attitude of mind.
"But when there are those walking in the leafy
glades or looking upon the flower beds, who instinctively
thank God for the beauty granted unto them, well, you
would find if you had clear vision, that the Little
People were able to burnish up their auras, to help
them to get rid of some of the dross, or, to use a
homely phrase, it is, as it were, their washing day.
They can do so much for you when you are in a responsive
mood, by which I mean, when you are uplifted by anything
you see and instinctively think of God your Maker,
and, if not actually expressed in words, express from
your heart a sense of gratitude.
"I ask you to think on this because the time will
come when the sun will shine again and its warmth will
draw you out of your homes, and you will see the beginnings
of the miracle of Spring. Then you will soon forget
the winter time, the winter time of preparation, the
time when Nature has to have her well-earned rest.
You shrink, many of you, from this period of stagnation,
a sense of sadness comes over you because you have
to wait for the showing of the first tiny green shoots
which bring their message of hope and of future promise.
"I ask you then to think of your own temperament,
because your temperament is expressed very largely
in your aura. Now let us get a clear definition of
the functions of the aura. It is as though there was
a cone encircling you, and in this cone - which may
be clinging close to the flesh, or spreading out many
feet from the body - in this cone of the aura there
are shown a variety of rays. I have to be careful of
the earth words I use because it is very difficult
to find a parallel in physical language for those things
which are spiritual.
"Well, my children, in this cone, which is your
own little world - the world of the aura - there is
that which no one can take from you, and yet they can
co-operate with you to improve its strength - in this
cone of yours there are many rays of varying colours.
You think of the rainbow, but that is the elementary
stage of colour, yet those colours fill you with delight.
But try to expand your thoughts to take in a million
variations of colour; and when you are in the Spirit
World you will train yourselves by love and effort
and be able to vibrate to those other rays to the extent
that you can get a glimpse of them. And as you progress
through the spheres you will realise that all those
many rays which now bewilder the physical mind, they
express only the early stages of colour.
"Now what have we here? My children, with this
cone or aura there comes a definite sense of responsibility.
Are you a good custodian of what is your own most priceless
possessions? How are you helping; are you feeding it
or are you starving it? Has it dawned upon you that
the aura which you are now building day by day and
moment by moment by your life on earth, that that is
shaping or constituting a large part of the next body
that you will wear? As you think upon this you realise
its paramount importance. It is not something that
can be lightly considered, it must have its proper
place in your life now, and when I say its proper place
I mean first place, because it is shaping your future.
"Think then what you would like to see in your
aura if you had that clear vision which would enable
you to do so. You may say: 'I hope there is nothing
unpleasant in my aura?' And I answer that if by any
chance there should be, you can change it, nothing
is stationary in regard to your spiritual make-up,
or indeed in regard to your physical make-up, you yourselves
are the custodian of that which has been gifted unto
you by God. So try to visualise in your mind the kind
of colours you would like to see in that cone which
surrounds the physical body.
"Then you may ask me: 'How can I produce them?'
It is a very simple matter, it depends entirely upon
the exercise of your own free-will. Are you willing
to make a few sacrifices? Are you willing to try to
train the mind and the emotions? Are you trying to
grow in a spiritual sense? Are you learning those things
which will be useful when no longer you are in a material
"People are very concerned over material things
which will bring them benefit in this material state,
but they forget that this material state may not last
long. What are they going to do when they are in another
state, when things material no longer have any value?
It is a grave thought, it is a very serious thought,
and it has affected many a mentalist in a way that
has made him almost broken-hearted.
"So my little ones, if you want in your own aura
beautiful colours, then you must set to work to clear
the mind of the body of the rubbish it may hold, of
the selfish thoughts, of that reluctance to take trouble
when perhaps you are not forced to take trouble. You
see it depends entirely upon yourselves. The housewife
can make her home beautiful by effort. Every man or
woman can make his or her aura beautiful beyond words
by effort, and, according to the effort that is exercised
by the one concerned, so there is that semblance of
'life' in the aura.
"I want you to think on this as it may help you
in your understanding. For instance, as you look at
artificial lights, they may appear beautiful so far
as you understand beauty, but it is merely 'light'.
"Now in the aura there is reproduced the same
thing, various coloured lights, but unless the one
concerned is enthusiastic, has something of the making
of a pioneer in his or her heart, in fact, is a 'doer',
those lights are, as it were stationary, and not only
that, they lack the Light of the Holy Spirit.
"Flowers on earth at times seem to the discerning
soul to fail to portray colour in its highest form;
indeed, they lack during this material state the power
to express the Holy Spirit which was granted unto that
form of life in the far, far past, long before the
seed had any chance of making a showing in this plane
of matter (Gen. 2, 5). So when you think of certain
colours in your own aura, remember that they will not
please you if they are 'dead' colours, colours without
"Now Spirit rays, as it were, rotate or send out
flashes at a rate that the human mind cannot grasp,
their speed is so great. It is as though there was
something pulsating through them, charging them with
strength, and as those colours pulsate they are throwing
off minor rays which have to do God's work-rays of
healing, rays of comfort, rays that are cleansing the
earth plane of some of its dross. There are many more
rays than you can understand now. You conjure up, perhaps,
the thought of a firework, of the little stars being
sent out with great rapidity from the centre. It is
a poor simile, but it gives you a tiny idea of the
meaning I wish to convey; but those rays which are
of true Life cannot be compared with anything that
can be seen now, for much preparation must take place
after you enter the Spirit World to enable you to vibrate
to those rays, in the degree that you can witness the
work they have to do and are doing for the redemption
of mankind.
"So, dear children, if you have noble thoughts,
never forget that unless you can do something to translate
those thoughts into action, the light or lights in
your aura will remain dim and almost motionless; they
are waiting for the magician's hand, and you are the
magician. But, as I have said, in such simple ways,
by following the path of service, by loving God and
expressing your love of God by loving those who are
around you, you can transform that cone, which is your
own aura, into something far more beautiful than earthly
words can describe. Yes, this subject deserves your
closest attention.
"Then I would take you a little further on, and
that is in regard to the auras, for instance, of a
hall, of a home, of a church, of a school, of a town,
of a continent and a world. You see, my children, one
thing leads on to another, and always this is so in
regard to spiritual truth, you are on a voyage of discovery,
and as you discover one thing it gives you a clue to
another, and as you pursue the clue, you find that
there are, as it were, many gates opening to other
realms of thought; and at last, by the Grace of God,
you enter into something of revelation.
"The aura of your home is built up by those who
are within it; the aura of your office - you know only
too well how one here and there seem to mar the conditions.
You are glad when they are gone, you feel that there
is something curtailing your freedom. You say: 'What
a relief!' when that one has gone home. The aura of
the unpleasant one impinges upon the aura of those
who want to be pleasant, and that means something of
a loss of power.
"And this is true, because your aura, being stronger
and brighter, is undertaking in little measure missionary
work. You may resent it, so far as physical life is
concerned, but the physical stage is but one short
stage of Life, and when the other one passes into the
greater world, well, he will have the opportunity of
going back upon the record of his earthly life and
will see how the finer auras, the more beautiful auras
of others, tried to help to sweeten and cleanse his
own; and from that sight will come something of regret,
and, please God, the springing up of the instinct to
"I know that some people are easily depressed.
If you are sensitive it is hard not to be depressed
by unpleasant people, but will you remember next time
what I have said? Turn to the bright ones around you,
and they will soon replenish that which you have lost
in the way of strength or cheerfulness. Their auras
are always being used to supplement the auras of those
on earth and because they are emancipated souls, they
do not grudge their gift; indeed, it is their greatest
joy to be able to pass on a little of their beauty
and power to you in a body of flesh, because you need
that extra so badly. They, in touch with God, are fed
by the great Source of all life and being, and because
they have attained, by which I mean they have made
the full surrender in the way of service, there is
no force which can mar the beauty of the auric rays
they have won, in fact, by seeking to help others they
are strengthening them still more, and further touches
of loveliness are added to them.
"You see where I am leading your thoughts, because
one day you, too, will represent something of an angelic
being. Therefore is it not wise here and now to get
on with the work of preparation, to build up something
that is worth while around you so that when you pass
into the Spirit World you will have your little 'home',
the home of a spiritualised aura? Always remember that
although the aura you have now is contributing so largely
to the soul-body, the soul-body, again, is building
up its own finer aura, and as the body which houses
the Divinity within you changes in mould as you progress
through the Spheres, so also the aura surrounding those
moulds changes in beauty and in power.
"I must leave it to your imagination to try to
conjure up something of the wonder which awaits you;
but as you take your way through physical life and
you find good people, people you like to be with, remember
my words and try to visualise the kind of aura they
possess. You may say: 'I feel better after I had a
chat with so-and-so.' Why? Because the aura of that
one is charged with life and you are borrowing a little
of its vitality.
"You see how much the individual can do, how much
you can do, how great is your responsibility, and how
God depends upon you to do your part. He has given
the angelic ones, and also the Little People who help
Nature in her many guises, to cheer man and to understand
man. He has granted unto man mental knowledge, which
very often is not rightly used, but was meant to be
rightly used; He has given unto man all those good
things which you so prize, and all He asks from you
is this: that you should use them wisely and well,
that you should exercise those gifts, that you should
employ in a right way that which God has given unto
you to take care of. And is not the aura one of your
most precious gifts, and have you not unlimited opportunities
in regard to the aura?.
"Whatever your position in life, whatever your
health or strength or weakness or poverty, it makes
no difference at all. Many 'great souls' are ignored
by man, many 'great souls' are known only by those
in the Spirit World; but their auras are beautiful
to behold, and although they may take their earthly
way spurned by those better placed mentally, physically
and materially, yet they are companioned by the angelic
ones; and however humble their lot may be, they are
strengthened by spiritual rays fed by the Master Himself.
"Well, my children, what do you think now about
the subject of auras? Yet I must remind you that I
have only touched upon the very outer edge of this
fascinating subject, because the aura has a tremendous
lot to do for you, for the world, for the future, and
for those yet to be born upon the earth plane. If you
could perceive your aura you would realise that through
it you can receive Divine power, and through the Divinity
within you you can send out Divine power to others.
"If the aura is clogged by self, that is entirely
the fault of the one concerned; if the aura seems unresponsive,
that, again, is the result of the exercise of free-will.
It was meant to be as the opening and shutting of a
thousand doors, to use a crude illustration; the receiving
and expelling of the breath, again, is but a very elementary
example of the function of the aura.
"Through the aura you receive impressions, you
gain your inspiration, through the aura comes the power
to put into action that which you have received, through
the aura comes healing power, comes the exercise of
the gift of intuition; through the aura comes the ability
to paint, the flow of beautiful music, the words which
cheer or uplift; through the aura comes the power of
"Children, I have given only a minute outline
to guide your thoughts, but I beg you to think over
that which I have passed on, to use your reasoning
power; and, above all, to set to work to build up in
that cone which is your aura, those powers and beauties
which shall serve you well not only now but for all
time to be. You are a living epistle! What is written
there? The life of Christ or the life of the materialist?
We are meant to be living epistles of the Power of
the Holy Spirit. I pray the Father that you may go
your separate ways, pledging yourselves to be a good
custodian of the holiness that is granted unto you.
"Tonight, when sleep claims the body we can meet
again, and because you are free from the limitations
of the physical you can in tiny measure see illustrations
of that which I have sought to pass on in the crude
language of the earth plane. You may not remember it
when you come back into the physical, but the real
self is imbibing knowledge all the time, and you will
find that your attitude towards life is slowly changing;
you are becoming more tolerant, you take a deeper interest
in other people, you are able to like more people than
in the past. These are things which you imbibe through
the sleep state when the tabernacle of the flesh worries
you no more.
"So I say unto all who have gathered in, and to
the many unseen, that it is good to learn a little
more about the marvels prepared for us by God the Father,
Who holds so much in store, only waiting until we are
ready to receive, ready to safeguard, ready to employ,
and, in his way, to gain emancipation.
"Peace be with you all, my children. The aura
of this hall has been cleansed in little part because
of those, unseen, bright with the glory of God, who
have gathered here - and because many of you have tried
to understand and make your own the message entrusted
unto me to deliver.
"Peace be with you all and may the blessing of
the Christ be felt ever more closely around you as
the days go by. To the workers I say: be not disheartened
because of the ebb and flow, but see to it that by
prayer and effort there is that done which is humanly
possible so that the tide comes in and remains, for
many are seeking truth, and the Truth-Bringer desires
that they shall have that which they seek in all sincerity.
"Again I say peace be with you! Farewell, my little

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