
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), at Deal, on Sunday,
4th June, 1939
"SAVIOUR CHRIST, into Thy hands I commend the spirit
of this Thy child.
"MY CHILDREN, surely the peace of God rests upon
us all as we are gathered together to think of His
Holy Word and Will as laid down by Jesus Christ, and
I would say at the outset that there are many drawn
in this day - your loved ones who have passed through
the change called death.
"They have been waiting for this gathering, they
have been praying for it, they have done their utmost
to guide you here: and when you are free and you undertake
a similar task for those on earth, you will then understand
the wonderful joy that can come when your guidance
has been responded to, and when there are those who
have met together in God's Name for God's work, co-operating
with spiritual beings.
"But this day my children, I have been instructed
to speak to you upon THE ANCIENT POWER OF HEALING,
and I want you to take the widest view you can of the
power of healing. Sometimes those in the body associate
healing only with the despatch of the physical ills
from which they suffer. But when you are free, when
the greater sight has been made your own, you will
know that there are various kinds of healing power,
because there are various ills of the body, the mind
and the soul, and it would not be practical to apply
one power for all these ailments, for their cause is
different and their cures enlist many vibrations, all
provided by God's Divine Love.
"So shall we think for a little while how those
on earth come in, as you would name it, in the great
scheme of healing, the healing of the nations the healing
of those in worlds beyond your comprehension now, as
well as the healing of the individual in the tiny home,
in the rich palace, or out in those far countries where
there seems naught to stem the pain.
"What is the disease that is scourging man to-day?
You cannot say children, that it is entirely an illness
of the body. Surely recent events have shown you that
the illness of the soul is far more serious and has
far greater effects on the world at large. Who is it
that calls for war? Who are they who engineer the war-makers
and their intriguing? You know that there are those
in the body being used as tools; but you have got to
dig back a little further than that and try to find
out who is influencing them, for remember this: what
you see of war is but one branch of the great tree
of war, whose roots have been fed by man's hatred over
the past, not only the past of this little planet,
but during those many lives which the children of God
have lived in other states and in other worlds.
"I mention this fact because I want you to have
a knowledge of proportion to enable you to do your
work as disciples of Christ, as missionaries working
under the Power of the Holy Spirit. War then on earth
is but one aspect of war. Illness, too, as shown to
those who watch and pray illness has many phases, and
physical illness is not necessarily the worst disease
that can overtake man. You have turned to your Holy
Book and have read that the sins of the fathers are
visited upon the children to the third and fourth generation,
and you know that those who are drunkards, those who
abuse the body, are responsible for bringing into physical
life many of the blind, many of the dumb, many of those
who are crippled and defenceless throughout the earthly
"There is no one who can go to any institution
for these poor souls who is not driven back to the
folly and the weakness that have held those who could
have known better.
"Perchance they had strong bodies themselves,
but physical health does not indicate spiritual health,
although indeed these two gifts were meant to run in
double harness. It is well known that there are some
with physical strength who abuse the body and sin against
the laws of God; and it is shown on either side that
many who know much of suffering, who spend long nights
in pain, they are wonderfully strong souls, and they
contact with grace in such a tangible form that even
all they endure has not the power to embitter or to
shut them off from the sunshine of God's Love.
"Keep your vision clear. Disease is man's will
and the result of man's way, and again and again the
innocent suffer for the guilty. But God is a God of
justice, and I want to try to indicate to you some
of the miracles which are going on in a sick room when
the patient has a knowledge of God and a belief in
His unutterable Love.
"Surely those who minister are ministered to in
turn by the spirit of patience that is shown? Many
a nurse and doctor would be the first to admit that
they have learned much from one under their care, that
they have been ashamed at the complaints they have
made in their minds over their own lot. As it were,
they have taken off their shoes when they have approached
one so sweet, one so kind.
"That is but the outward. I want you to try to
visualise how God compensates those who suffer. In
those sick rooms there is a mighty work going on unseen
by mortal eye. Many spirits, who when they had a body
of flesh, fell from that which was good and wise, still
wander in darkness, for the prison-house they have
built for themselves can only be destroyed by themselves.
Yet God's way of mercy is opened unto them again and
again, and such as these are allowed to enter those
chambers of suffering, and the one lying on the bed
of pain, praying to God just for the power to endure
is a miracle-worker by the Grace of God, for those
unseen by him have witnessed the struggles of a strong
soul, have become aware of their own weakness, have
gained the courage to take up the fight and at last
win through.
"What a wonderful awakening comes to the pilgrim
when the river of death has been crossed! Who are these
with gratitude in their eyes? They were once as beggars,
but they received alms from the one who prayed, and
they were restored. There was manna to comfort their
soul, the Water of Everlasting Life has been held to
their lips, and there they are, seeking to show to
the one who feels as a stranger to them, that through
that which was endured redemption has come for many
straying souls.
"I want you to ponder upon this simple point.
I come back in this same way entirely to indicate the
truth. It is not mine to treat you as children. I give
you a principle, and I remind you that all truth is
within you, and it is your part, your privilege, to
apply the principles that are given to you through
spirit agency, and to see exactly how you stand to-day
in your own home surrounded perchance by cares, hemmed
in by many restrictions.
"Then I take you to another point, and I want
you to think of what is going on in those places where
the insane are gathered. Much missionary work! - yet
the missionary work is stemmed by the ignorance of
those in the physical body. Only now are the facts
becoming known - that that narrated in the Holy Book
is true. There are many no longer captain of their
own soul; they are held captive by another drawn into
their condition by lack of resistance, by refusing
to accept the way of faith, or to face trouble in a
prayerful spirit.
"My children, I must emphasise this point, for
there are so many in the body drifting nearer and nearer
to that dark abyss where they will be numbered amongst
those no longer able to control themselves. When you
find a man or a woman worrying over trivial details,
pass on the word of warning. When you find another
analysing the ills of the body, indulging in the habit
of introspection, pass on the word of warning! Man
was meant to have a wider mind than that. You have
many troubles, you have much to contend with. Why is
this? The spirit within you, knowing what is held out
in the by and by, deliberately chose the hard road
because it means emancipation for the traveller upon
"Cannot you see how wrongly man has been taught?
There are those who say that a fortunate life upon
the earth plane indicates an advanced character, yet
if you analyse those who have an easy time, so oft
you find they are selfish and self-centred. You must
be kept to facts; you are meant to use your reasoning
power; God has given it to you for a holy purpose.
So I want you to analyse with courage the lot of those
you know, those whom you love the most, the ones whose
character you admire, the ones whose example you wish
to follow, and in every case you will find that these
men and women have been sorely tried, but they have
withstood the fires of adversity and have emerged as
pure and cleansed vessels, ready for the Master's use.
"So then I speak to you who have had trouble or
who are grappling with trouble now. What is that trouble?
Does it represent material loss? Maybe certain things
have to be removed from you to make room for the spiritual
treasure that God intends shall be your own. Is it
that your heart is broken because the one you love
has gone on before?
"Remember, my little ones, this oft is a most
merciful law for the one who remains behind. Sometimes
you on earth imagine you are the only ones who are
lonely, the only ones who feel the separation. This
is not so. But the difference is this: that when a
soul who has passed on has been a faithful servant
of the Christ, he or she is allowed to see what the
separation is working in on both sides of the Veil.
"My children, in the World of Reality there is
one thing which divides, and that is
What do I mean by conditions? That wonderful gift -
the aura - which surrounds every soul, every flower,
every animal, that little world which is all our own.
When souls pass into the Better Land, attraction is
in a stronger form, but then it is spiritual attraction
and not that physical attraction which so oft represents
temptation in a hidden form.
"Think then of this: seldom are two souls equally
advanced in character, and it is wise for one to go
and for the other to remain, because the little earth
life is so short and Eternity lies ahead. The tiny
span of separation now is as naught in comparison with
the inevitable separation that must come to souls who
are not equally released, equally far on the road to
God. Many a man and woman, when they have passed into
the Light and have met their loved ones, have thanked
God from the very depth of their being that the separation
was allowed, so that there should be no cloud between,
so that they might be united for evermore.
"So I bring you back to the thought of
Some on earth regard suffering as an enemy, something
to be evaded at all costs, something which causes fear
and loss; but again and again I remind you that very
often suffering is man's greatest friend. It is a mighty
constructor, it is the builder after the wreckers have
come along.
"Thus we think of the Ancient Power of Healing,
and we know that humanity at large needs healing most
of all - the healing of the soul, the readjustment
of the thoughts. Would there ever have been war if
the Christ commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves
were put into practice? Would there ever be disease
if man had followed the Christ law and the Christ way?
You know, my children, that this world, with its sorrow
and its woe, with its seeming injustice - this is not
God's work; it is the work of man through the abuse
of that wonderful gift of free-will.
"I come back to-day, because I want you to take
a sane view of your troubles and your trials. I want
you to realise that without that experience of strain,
of anxiety, of an aching heart, the earth life for
you would represent a period of utter waste. You have
come into a physical body in order to acquire experiences.
How can you comfort the mourners if you have never
mourned yourselves? How can you heal the broken-hearted
if those pangs are foreign to you? How can you understand
the weariness of the sick if your own body has always
been full of vitality? It is all so clear, so plain,
so intensely like the Love of God. Nothing has gone
wrong, nothing can go wrong if only you think of the
life of Christ and remember His experiences and the
power they brought to a darkened world.
"Many of you are tempted at times to throw away
your cross; and if you are not tempted to do that yourselves,
there are others who would separate you from your cross.
They do not understand that they are betraying the
law of friendship. Friendship dictates that they shall
go to the heavy-burdened and share the weight of the
cross, when the weight is lightened.
"Cannot you see that Spirit Communion was meant
for a mighty purpose? It was to revive the ancient
power of healing, it was to make possible that there
should be no hungry or thirsty souls, no men or women
seeking for spiritual food and receiving stones. Spirit
Communion is intended to force upon the mind of man
that there is a living God working upon earth to restore
what has been shattered.
"And so you see that those who have been in despair
gain fresh hope, those who have been so sick find their
strength is returning, those who made a god of earthly
ambition have awakened from their material slumber
and have changed it into spiritual ambition, working
and fighting and struggling for their brother man.
"I would come amongst you, my children, for I
feel - I know - there are many gathered in who have
been tested and tried, and are holding on to faith
in God only, as it were, by the fringe instead of by
the firm tapestry of knowledge and understanding. I
want to strengthen such as these. I want to clear the
clouds from their earthly minds, I want to open their
eyes to the vision glorious - the Cross upon the lonely
hill that had to be to enable the resurrection to come
to pass. And in that wonderful incident of the long
ago there is a direct message for each and everyone.
"Thus I come amongst you, seeking to hold the
links, and promising in the Name of God that to all
who seek, the door shall be opened and they shall find.
But again and again I have to ask those in the body
what are they seeking? Are they seeking for spiritual
freedom or are they seeking for escape from that which
frets? So clear is it when once the response is made
with the discerning mind. We find emerging from the
sacred pages of God's Eternal Truth - that those who
left their marks upon time were not those who evaded
their responsibilities, not those who were lauded by
the masses, but those who had the courage to sacrifice
and to be faithful unto the end.
"I turn to you as practical men and women, and
I ask you to face the future with a brave heart and
a searching mind. You cannot say when the call will
come for you to go hence. Sometimes the young are taken
before the old. Sometimes the old, in weariness of
heart, long to reach the Better Land, but it seems
that the Gates are closed. It is all part of the Almighty
pattern; but it is wise for you in a physical body,
remembering the precarious character of earthly life,
to prepare for to-morrow in another world, in another
state. Death is not anything to be feared. It means
for the vast majority the wonderful gift of freedom
- freedom from pain, freedom from doubt, freedom from
old age, freedom from limited thinking.
"If your eyes could be opened you would see gathered
here thousands of radiant beings - almost angelic they
would appear to your dim sight; but they are the ones
who faithfully did their duty upon the earth plane.
Those in the home, those in the narrow field of toil,
they did their little best, praying that God would
understand the mistakes they made because they were
not intended. Who are these in robes of white (Rev.
7,13)? May they not be your own parents, your forebears?
What is their message to you? To
not to be deceived by earthly thinking, but to see
that you are amongst the healers, and through the Holy
Spirit within you there is that wonderful gift waiting
to be released.
"Are there no sorrowful, are there no doubtful,
are there none who are ashamed to meet you? Yes, there
are many waiting for healers. The ancient power of
healing is yours by the Power of Christ. Use it before
it is too late. Demonstrate the Divinity that is within
you. You are flesh but for the short earth life. Before
you were born into the physical state, you had life
away back into that which you name the far far past,
even as one Paul reminded his hearers. And in the to-morrow
of time there are many changes of state for each and
everyone, and each change depends upon the individual
concerned - whether it is for greater freedom, greater
power, or whether it is for further imprisonment and
the dying down of even the power he once possessed.
"Therefore, as you take your homeward way with
the blessing of the Christ resting upon you, with cheerful
hearts go through the house of your own mind, throw
out the useless toys and the encumbrances, make room
for revelation, for revelation can be your own by the
Grace of God. And when you think of disembodied souls
coming back to minister to those upon the earth plane,
recall that they should be healers, healers first of
the soul, then of the mind, then of the body; and as
you clear your vision of earthly thinking a new life
will be shown unto you, an unending vista of opportunity
and privilege.
"It was not merely for the material you were born
into the physical state: it was for God's purpose.
You are a son or a daughter of the Most High, you are
preparing to take your place in the Kingdom which shall
never perish.
"So I bless you as I take my leave, and I pray
the Father that the strength will come to each and
everyone to hearken for the true message from Spirit,
the message that urges you ever to strive and not to
be disheartened, the message that encourages you to
fight on, not only for your own emancipation but for
the emancipation of others, so that they may be healed
of their infirmities and made whole.
"Peace comes to those who seek to understand.
Despair flies from those who seek to do their duty,
for the darkness of one day but heralds the brightness
of another. So then, my children, come to grips with
your real self, make your vows anew, join the great
company of those seeking to apply the Ancient Power
of Healing, and remember ever that the Great Healer
of all souls shall supplement the power as you strive.
There shall be no failures, for what does not take
place upon the body shall be used for the soul, and
as the soul is strengthened so indeed the Spirit rejoices,
and as the Spirit rejoices, so again the joy is passed
on to heaven; and the guides and the helpers who have
striven so hard over the generations, at last they
see that their prayers are answered, and all the little
things gathered together make a mighty whole.
"So I bless the workers, those who have striven
and hoped, those who have ventured, and I say unto
them that in the degree that they are prepared to sacrifice
there shall be nothing held from them, for God is the
Giver of all good things, and He shall guide them up
the narrow way to spiritual achievement. With the Cross
of Jesus Christ athwart this hall, bringing protection
to all who enter in, I take my leave.
"Farewell, my children, but in the sleep state
many of us will meet again, and you shall come back
from it strengthened to carry on God's work of healing,
and joy shall fill your being. Farewell, farewell!"

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