
An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the
unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple
of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship
of Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier part of the twentieth
"MY children all, you have separated yourselves from
the sunshine of the earth to come here and listen for
a short time to that which indeed shall bring the light
of the spirit into earth conditions. I want you to
realise, in part, what you are attempting to do, for
forget not that those with the power, those with knowledge
of things eternal, they are for ever searching for
instruments, for those whom they can use to further
the purpose and the plan. And I say, instructed by
the Saviour of the world, that you by your willingness
to ignore a measure of physical discomfort, are bringing
to yourselves, your real selves, comfort from the great
Source. Aye, you have, as it were, made the link by
your holy desire, by your actions, by the laying aside
of the toils of the physical mind, and coming with
humbleness of heart to listen to that which I am instructed
to pass on by the One who loves us best.
"I have been directed to speak this evening on
God in the cities, God in the towns; and I want you
to come with me in thought while I try to portray to
you something of reality, some of those facts which
take place hour by hour and which, for the most part
are ignored by man. Oh children, think of that narrated
in the Holy Record, when God talked to man and His
children could hear the Divine voice, the voice of
Love. Cast not aside the parable which you name the
story of the Garden of Eden, but glean from that laid
out for the instruction of others, something of truth,
something which is and shall be for ever.
"In time long past so the children of God could
speak to their Father and could hear His voice, but
lo, self intervened and because - oh, forget not this
- because the voice of God went against the inclinations
of the lesser self, so the individual hearkened not
to the voice of God, but followed only the voice of
inclination; and thus it was that as time went on so
this most precious gift, this priceless protection
gradually faded away. Not God's will but man's desire.
Between the voice of God and man came the clamour of
self, and the clamour of self - and this is, as you
would say, scientific fact - the clamour of self has
the power to build up obstacles, densities in the conditions,
and, alas and alas! the time comes when the ears of
men are trained only to physical sound and spiritual
guidance is lost.
"Yes, but remember this: That what has been, though
it may pass away for a space of time, must return,
for that is the law of God. The children of the earth,
for a space they take their own way, they turn from
the light and the twilight swallows them up, but those
with the light, the missionaries of the Most High,
they follow them into the darkness, and with something
of the strength of God, at last draw them out of bondage
into a measure of freedom and peace once more.
"I want you to remember that the parable of the
Garden of Eden is indeed an indication of what happened
to you and what happened to me in time long past. Oh,
little ones, try to visualise yourselves as sons and
daughters of the Most High in the spiritual sense -
built, framed in the likeness of God Himself; and then
hold in your mind the coming of temptation, the resisting
of temptation and then the yielding to temptation.
And in the measure that the second best and the third
best were chosen in place of the highest and sweetest,
so we lost resemblance to the perfection which was
ours by gift of God. And as that which was our gift
was cast away by ourselves, so, my children, the gifts
of God - the wisdom, the powers, the creative force
- slowly this was lost as well, and the time came when,
bound in garments not only of the physical but less
evolved than that, you and I passed amongst our fellows
and we knew not God, or if we knew of God, then we
regarded that high and mighty One as a Being removed
from us, with no link, no love, between.
"So over the ages, even as concerns this little
planet, man out of his ignorance and bondage, out of
his pride and limitation, has cried to others: 'There
is no God! That intelligence - if there be an intelligence
behind earthly creation - that intelligence is not
concerned with you or with me.' And so the thought
of God in the cities and in the towns has been rejected
and only the few at this same date are conscious of
God in their daily life.
"There are those, many of them, who, when they
pass among the beauties of nature, when they feel around
them the sweetness and the fragrance of the flowers,
when they look into the heavens and the bright stars
shine down upon them, many who feel that God might
be there; yes, God might be there. But in the narrow
streets, in the crowded mart, among the hurrying throng,
many by their attitude of mind are ruling God out of
their daily life. Other gods there may be, there must
be, but a God of love - the tender, patient Father
- they want Him not, for they fear that one so perfect
might expect a little more from them.
"Ah, all around we find the careless, the bound
and the foolish. Many turn in their suffering to distractions;
others, out of that which their life holds - the many
uncongenial tasks - in their blindness and foolishness
they cry: 'Let me forget!' and that which is pleasure,
so called, saps their energies and binds them to a
wheel that for ever works, yet throws out no power
for the use of others or for the replenishment of themselves.
" - 'God in the cities, in the towns, where shall
I find God?' - and I answer: Oh, look not on the outside,
on that which is presented to you day by day, but probe
beneath as you go your way among the toilers, among
the travellers. Think you like this: One here, one
there has known the sting of sorrow; one here, one
there understands the agony which the physical garment
can contain. A brother, a sister, has lost the one
they loved so well; and, again, a father or a mother
spend anxious days and sleepless nights over the problems
of daily life, over, perchance, the weakness of one
of those under their care.
"Little ones, I want you to take these words in
their most serious sense, for one day each one will
come back into these conditions and then you will see
life as it is. No longer can you look upon the outward
and not the inward; and you will be aghast at the tales
of sorrow, of endurance, of hope and of fear, illustrated
in the lives of your brothers and sisters. One day
with sight and with something of release you will walk
the streets of this little city, you will travel over
other countries than your own, and by choice - oh,
forget it not, by choice - you will live with others
their days, enduring their burdens, carrying their
cross. For the only way to gain the gift of experience
- and experience we must have - is by understanding
what life in its wider sense represents, what the days
upon the earth plane can work in for God.
"Yes, my children, I feel as I speak that there
are some who comprehend and others who comprehend only
in part. For all my love goes forth, and I am drawing
in many beyond your comprehension now, those who in
the past went with the stream, took what life had to
give and forgot that the road to God is steep and difficult,
that the road which the Master trod must be taken by
all in time and in turn.
"Little ones, if the Master in His simple garment,
coming from His humble home, passed through the city
streets, bringing with Him nought but those same gifts
which in the past changed the whole trend of spiritual
history, oh think you, if the Master came to-day, who
would recognise Love Itself? Nay, there would be few,
alas, there would be few! Twelve - eleven, the Master
found with sufficient strength, sufficient endurance
to ally themselves to Him. Oh, face this fact: If the
Master came to-day in His poverty and from so humble
a home, would there be eleven willing to die for Him,
willing to renounce the world and all it holds?
"The voice of the prophet over the years has grown
fainter and fainter, the gifts of the Spirit have been
allowed to drift farther and farther away, and that
which is named civilisation has been used by the evil
forces to do that which is against the Father's will,
to build up around the individual a hedge of materialism
which almost completely blocks the passage of the sweet,
quiet voice of the Spirit.
"Yet the Voice goes on. Over the ages God has
spoken to man, and if man turns against his Maker,
still God calls to His children, for God has that infinite
patience and love which knows not defeat, which recognises
not failure or loss. The quiet, sweet voice of the
Spirit calls and calls, and only the few who will listen
can gain that wisdom which is not of the world, that
wisdom which instructs one here, one there, to arise
and lay aside the things which hold and grasp the Cross
and cling to the Cross. Oh, forget not, God still walks
the cities and the towns.
"Little ones, I find it impossible to portray
the urgency under my words, but have I not said that
time is fleeting, that there are great things planned
which must come to pass? Oh, think of it and your responsibility.
Ask yourselves if the Master came to you at your work
or your play, and in simple words addressed you thus:
'Leave all and follow me,' oh, ask yourselves what
would be your answer? Would you be sufficiently released,
would you be sufficiently awakened, to say: 'Lord,
I come'? Yet, over the past, so many years to you,
this took place. The Master, in poverty of attire,
with nothing of the world that was His own, He passed
among the simple people - those, forget it not, who
were sufficiently released to listen to the words of
John - and, as it were, He placed a hand upon them,
limited and bound as they were, and they, after a little
struggle, left all and followed Him. And over the years
those you name the saints, the martyrs, through the
choice of these simple men, have gloried in laying
down the things of the world for their God, aye, gloried
in the privilege of suffering for Christ.
"And you to-day, literally climbing on the stones
they placed on the pathway of life, have the opportunity,
the priceless opportunity, of taking your stand by
them and giving that which is your self for the raising
up of mankind. Oh, my little ones, think not that in
the beauties of nature, in the cool groves, in those
forests whose spaces and strength seemed to raise you
out of your littleness into something of greatness,
oh, think not that God walks only where beauty and
harmony abound. Nay, the Christ - the Christ who is
God - chose that which represented the harder, uglier
side of physical life, and Christ is the same for ever.
In the factories, in the workshops, aye, where all
the strife and the bitterness go on, in those great
places where man has forgotten the bond which holds
him to man, where the strong force the weak, and the
weak suffer under the strong, there the Saviour walks;
for through the pangs and through the anguish His children
are linked to Him. Christ - that most loveable aspect
of the great God, the Creator of all life - Christ
walks the city streets, and that which you name vice
or evil or the mire of human desires, nothing of this
is strong enough to banish the Christ. Where the enemies
abound, so the Saviour fights and rests not; where
weakness is, so Strength scatters His strength; where
vileness is, there Purity pours its sweet stream to
arouse and refresh His little ones caught in the ways
of self. Christ walks along the hardest road where
discomfort is most apparent: in and out of the little
houses where humanity, herded together, shames that
which you name the civilisation of the day; Christ
walks amongst those who sin against themselves and
against others; and one day Love shall triumph over
all and God's will on earth shall be done.
"But forget not that which I name responsibility,
forget not that even God Himself cannot interfere with
man's freewill, forget not that if the individual desires
not God, then, though the Mighty One seeks to protect,
by free-will man destroys that which will keep him
safe and sound. These things must be faced. There are
those with half wisdom, half sight, half hearing, and
they cry to the people: 'Repent!' but they know not
what the individual is building up; they give not explanation,
for, alas, fear holds them, and though the gates of
illumination and Divine revelation are open wide, that
which they call self-preservation chains them to the
earth, and their charges, when they question, receive
naught in reply. Responsibility too great, too awful
to be portrayed in words. Oh, I appeal to the teachers
and the preachers. I appeal to them in the Name of
Love to prepare the minds of those under their charge,
to forsake that built up by the world, to give up all
and follow Christ. And then, then the sweet voice of
the Spirit shall pierce the density in between and
those who come to them with their questions, with their
wonderings and their doubts, shall have explanation
- that for which the children of the earth have been
waiting over the centuries and still wait for to-day
- explanation of the consequence of what they are building
day by day, explanation of those spiritual laws which
control their lives and are building up that 'next
place' into which they pass, explanation of the mighty
protection which is all around, the unbounded, illimitable
love of God. And when explanation has been given the
children of the earth, aroused from coma - that spiritual
sleep which has held them throughout the past - will
become conscious that they are indeed sons and daughters
of the Most High, with gifts, with powers, glorious
yet dangerous; glorious when God is recognised, dangerous
when the valley is sought because the climb exacts
too much.
"Oh, listen and learn, little children, you who
have been called to higher, sweeter, nobler things.
What of the pangs, what of the strain, what of the
discomforts, what of the forbidding of the desires
of the physical mind? This earth life compared to the
gift of life which is your own, is as a second. Be
practical in the God sense and use this second so that
eternity may represent freedom, joy and peace and the
power which is of God. For you were created in God's
own image, and God waits and works until you turn to
Him and claim His as your Father and Mother God. Never
forget that where the battle is hardest, where the
suffering is greatest, there walks Christ.
"Again I bring you back: If Christ passed among
you in poverty of attire, coming from so humble a home,
would you recognise the Master, would God pass through
your home unbidden to rest awhile within that home?
Would you be one of eleven to work for Him, to share
His lot? Oh think you! Time may pass but these tests
go on hour by hour, day by day, for indeed Christ walks
the cities and the towns, seeking, ever seeking for
one here, one there, willing to give up all and follow
Him. Ah, you know, my little ones, you know so well!
How many in your own surroundings are willing to give
up all and follow the Master who blesses us as I speak?
Blesses us, for Perfect Love delights to gather where
there are those who desire to learn; Perfect Love showers
upon His children the priceless gifts of wisdom and
peace; but the individual must take, and the only way
to take that which is eternal, that which is of God
Himself, is by service to others, by the laying aside
of inclination and saying to God: 'Take me and use
me as Thou wilt.'
"Hidden from your sight, perchance, but nevertheless
there in reality, is the Christ seeking for helpers,
seeking for those who would take up their cross and
follow Him. If not to-day then to-morrow, if not to
morrow then in some time to come, the real self, the
Christ within must take up its cross and follow the
One who has gone to prepare for us a place where Love
reigns supreme. Aye, the Master took the hardest road
of all; not only when He lived upon the earth plane
but ever since life was commenced the hardest road
has been taken by God. He goes to prepare and protect,
and He calls to His children: 'Follow Me out of the
darkness into the twilight, out of the twilight into
the light which never fades' - ah, into the joy which
has no end, into the peace which remains for ever and
for ever.
"Oh, again I say: Probe beneath the surface; let
the real self dominate and control. Make your choice;
let the holy compact with yourself be this: If Christ
passes calling to me 'Follow!' then I leave all and
follow Him where'er He may lead and whate'er the future
may hold.
"Cannot you see what an honour this is? Cannot
you understand that amongst thousands and tens of thousands
the voice of the Spirit cannot be heard? But you in
a measure are free, free to listen and to learn, free
to choose the highest and the best, free to pass into
wisdom and to draw to you something of revelation.
Then, my children, commune within and make your choice
through the grace of God, for great things are held
in the balance and the call has come for volunteers
who will not shirk or shrink. So I bless you with courage;
in the name of the Beloved and through the power of
the Holy Spirit I bless you with the courage to do,
with the courage to come out of that which holds you
and announce yourselves to your little world not only
as followers of the Christ, but fighters in His great
army; for the spiritual warfare has commenced and must
go on until the will of God on earth is done by man.
"I bless you with courage in the name of Christ.

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