
Errors of Dogmatic Religion


It should be remembered that when we are firmly established on the Other Side, we shall find no difficulty in sinking our differences in service to others. The irony is that many think that they are the only ones who will find themselves on the Other Side, and indeed many are not even aware that they will be carrying out service in a far more effective way than they do here now on earth. It is these who think that they are the 'only ones' to pass into God's Realms, who also think that the majority shall not be with them in the Realms of Spirit but rather in their concept of Hell.
The 'key' which opens the door to peace and love between religion and religion, and spiritual pathway and spiritual pathway on this little earth - is Love and Service to others. The real enemies are those who have banded together to keep the light from penetrating into the hearts and minds of God's children. We should remember at all times where our real enemies lie and Who guides and directs us, and that His tools are Love and Service to others.
The difficulty in answering questions, criticisms and queries about Greater World philosophy, is that we should never try to destroy the work of another. We may not do this consciously, but we should never bring down what someone else has built up so carefully, even if there happens to appear many, many flaws in it. The reason for being careful in what one says about others is this: God loves creativity when it is motivated by spirituality - anything which has love in it, anything which brings His children closer to Him. Creativity is precious to God and should not be destroyed. Something may be flawed, but God takes it and turns it into something which is flawless in the Realms of Spirit.
And so essentially, answering questions and criticisms concerning the Greater World philosophy may involve talking about the way others see Truth as a point of reference and balance (because often that is part of the question and cannot truly be ignored and still satisfy the urgently questioning mind). However, the main thrust should always be to point out the similarities that we all have - which, with most religions, is generally a belief in a loving God. Then with the various 'sects' such as Evangelists, Jehovah Witnesses and Catholics for instance, there is an acceptance of a loving and beneficent Father, of the special and holy being Jesus, and of the workings of the Holy Spirit. That would then be the way forward, the way into the 'sinking' of differences in Love and Service to others and therefore to the One God Who we adore. We should, on the whole, seek the 'ties' which link us all together and not get involved in arguments about the differences between us with regards to way we perceive God's Truth.
It has been necessary to state all of this in this manner, because having collected together so many answers to queries concerning the differences and criticisms between Greater World philosophy and other ways of thinking, it may seem somewhat over-critical. But this is not the purpose at all; the purpose is to have a concentrated point of reference to which a person can come to gain an understanding of something which hinders their way forward into peace and into the understanding of God's Truth.
If it is the case that this thesis seems to be somewhat critical in the way in which spiritual philosophy is explained in relation to beliefs held by opposers of Christian Spiritualism, it is only because a comparison needs to be made in order to achieve a truer perspective of Literalist thought in the light of the Greater World philosophy (and therefore, occasionally, some shadows lurking in Literalist theological tenets are revealed for what they are). So much has been said (by those who are generally expected to know about spiritual matters) against what Greater World Christian Spiritualism considers to be wholly sacred, and thereby throws many an obstacle in the way of enlightenment; the difference is that Christian Spiritualism does not condemn the various "Literalist" Christians but indeed embraces them. We should be united against the shadows of evil. The interested reader, then, is asked to view these pages in a neutral, equitable and objective manner.

Some Errors of Pedantic and Dogmatic Religion 1

Various thoughts gathered together regarding theological concepts, comments and objections
(perspective by Tony Bisson)
Contents found on Page 1
Good News
Does it matter what others believe?
What are the differences between Fundamentalists and Universalists?
Christians can be the nicest people in the world
'If Satan rises against Satan his kingdom shall be divided and shall fall'
Spirits are here, and they are here to stay
Spiritual ministers to mankind

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Some Errors of Pedantic and Dogmatic Religion 2

Contents found on Page 2
Earthbound spirits
'Seducing' spirits
'Familiar spirits'
New Testament Christians are led by the Spirit not Mosaic Law
The uninitiated assume true mediumship is witchcraft
'Cursed' for 'adding to scripture?'
Do not ever fear the God who is Love but have faith and trust in Him
The progression of the soul

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Some Errors of Pedantic and Dogmatic Religion 3

Contents found on Page 3
Putting belief before spiritual development is erroneous
A tiny finite physical world in an immeasurable World of timeless Spirit
"You are a teacher of the Law and you do not understand"
The soul exists in the conditions which reflect its state of health
"Now is the time" and the "spiritual body"
The last days of the individual?
Sleeping and the Day of Judgement?
Looking at Christ's return with spiritual eyes
Born Again?
A hypothetical possibility which blasphemes Christ

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Some Errors of Pedantic and Dogmatic Religion 4

Contents found on Page 4
Dogma does not want humanity to know about Divine Law
Probably the saddest mistranslation in history
They have robbed humanity of the Aeon of aeons
What is meant by 'Repentance'?
freewill has a greater purpose than accepting one particular dogma
A selfish and unthinking attitude which denies the Mission of Christ
Perfection comes after aeons of evolution and not instantly
Nobody is denying God's sweetest Gift
"Even if a shining angel should preach a different gospel"?
They are preaching their own gospel

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Some Errors of Pedantic and Dogmatic Religion 5

Contents found on Page 5
Following the 'doctrines of devils'?
"I am the Way"
False prophets in sheeps clothing?
"God loves us so gives us everything of the world"?
Inspired does not necessarily mean perfect
"It's not what I want. If it's in the Bible then God said it"?
"Don't you think that God could get it right where the Bible is concerned?"
The Holy Spirit shall provide the answers to those who seek, ask and knock
Those with astigmatised views are blessed if they are sincere
Man is not simply a physical being going through spiritual experiences, but he is a spiritual being going through physical experiences

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Some Errors of Pedantic and Dogmatic Religion 6

Contents found on Page 6
A Redeemer from the beginning
Dogma does not want humanity to know who its God really is
What dogma wants us to think that the justice and holiness of God mean
That is called hope?
Dogma prevents people from knowing the universality of salvation in the Sacred Record
Universal salvation and warnings always go hand in hand
 "But some Spiritualists openly deny Christ?"
 The only real peace, hope and joy, is to know that God's Plan includes peace, hope and joy for everyone else too

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