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A large section of people calling themselves Christians quote from the Israelite law of the Old Testament and tell us that this is "God's law", asking us to accept that pre-Christ Israelite law is applicable to this society.

If we are being asked to live by such a moral code, then we are also being asked to accept that it is suitable for people to own other people as property (being their "money"), and, moreover, for the owners to be allowed to legally beat those poor people with "a rod", and not have to face any consequences whatsoever if the "servant" or "maid" does not die within "a day or two". The only punishment for the owner will occur if the life is literally beaten out of the physical body of the maid or servant "under his hand" producing instant death (Exodus 21:20,21). I wonder how battered partners regard this notion.

For those (Gentiles, so-called) prepared to follow a new spiritual law - the law of the Spirit - Old Testament law was abrogated through Christ 2,000 years ago with a new covenant (Rom.13:8,9 & 3:21 & 7:6 & 13:8 & 13:10 - 2Cor.3:5,6 & 3:13,16 - Gal.2:12 & 3:2,3 & 3:5 & 3:10 & 3:11 & 3:19 & 3:23 & 3:24,25 & 4:31 & 5:2 - Eph.2:15 & 3:4,5 - Phil.3:8,9 - Col.2:14 & 2:16 & 2:20 - Heb.8:7,8 & 10:20).

Mosaic Law was there for those not able to follow the Christ Way - the Way laid down by Christ. And those not able to follow the Christ Way would have to submit totally to the written Law instead of a Law written into the "hearts and minds" of those that could follow the Christ Way.

The New Law of Christ abrogated the Old Law of Moses. Indeed, "whoever is justified by the (Israelite) law, Christ has become of no effect to you, and ye are fallen from grace" (Gal.5:3,4); "For all the (Israelite) law is fulfilled in one word, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" (Gal.5:14); "...In that He (Christ) saith a new covenant, He has made the first (Israelite law) old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old (Israelite law) is ready to vanish away" (Heb.8:13); "If righteousness comes by the (Israelite) law, then Christ is dead in vain" (Gal.2:21); "But if you be led by the Spirit, you are not under the (Israelite) law" (Gal.5:18).

The true Christ Spirit produces fruits "against which there is no law" (Gal.5:22,23).



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